Release Date: TBA
Version 8.6
This document outlines the database tables of Report Desk and how they get updated. All Report Desk tables reside in the <Root> directory, where Elliott is installed (e.g. M:\Elliott7). All Report Desk database files are named starting with SYRD. The first two digits represent the module (SY for System module) and the next two are RD (for Report Desk). Upon the first installation of Elliott 8.6 & up, all these database files will be copied by the installation automatically. During an update/upgrade installation (when the installed root folder already exists), some of them will be overridden, and some of them will be skipped if they already exist.
During an Elliott 8.6 update, live installation will not be a problem as long as the users run Elliott in Local mode (from their local directory). If the users do not run in Local mode (Shared or Hybrid mode), you should install Elliott 8.6 when no one is running Elliott -- a Report Desk file may need to be updated but cannot because it is in use by an Elliott user.
Updating Report Desk Database Files
The Database files can be classified as Base (maintained by Netcellent), Enhanced (maintained by other Elliott developers) or Custom (maintained by Elliott users)
Tables That Will Always Be Overridden During Installation or Update
- SYRDCOLB: Specifies special Types (like CustNo for ARCUSFIL.CUS_NO) for table/columns (Base).
- SYRDDOCB: Documentation for base reports.
- SYRDRLGB: Log of changes to base report definitions (Base)
- SYRDTASK: Automatically updated internal security files (Base) -- No longer used
- SYRDTLGB: Log of changes to base template definitions (Base)
- SYRDTTLB: Most popular titles for columns -- suggested first when a column is being added to a report (Base)
- SYRDTYPB: Version-specific column type info for sizing and formatting. They must be added by Netcellent (other Netcellent developers must ask Netcellent to maintain theirs) .
- SYRDUDRB: Master report definitions (Base)
- SYRDUDTB: Master report templates (Base).
Tables That Will Only Be Installed If They Do Not Exist
- SYRDCOLE: Assigned special Types to table/columns (Enhanced).
The maintenance of this table should come from the developer.
- SYRDDOCC: Documentation for Custom reports.
- SYRDDOCE: Documentation for Enhancement reports.
The update of this table should come from the developer.
- SYRDPLOG: Report Desk Performance Log (data automatically supplied when running reports)
- SYRDPRTO: Print output options information saved for the convenience of users (Custom)
- SYRDRLGC: Log of changes to customized report definitions (Custom)
- SYRDRLGE: Log of changes to enhanced report definitions (Enhanced)
- SYRDTCHG: Tracks which template changes are accepted or rejected by the users (Custom)
- SYRDTLGE: Log of changes to enhanced template definitions (Enhanced)
- SYRDUDRC: User report definitions. User's changes to reports are stored in this table (Custom)
- SYRDUDRE: Enhanced report definitions (Enhanced).
The update of this table should come from the developer.
- SYRDUDRS: Used for restricting use of a report for specific users (Custom).
- SYRDUDTC: Report templates for user-customized reports (Custom). When a user customizes a base report, its template is copied from the base template table and stored in this table.
- SYRDUDTE: Report templates for user-customized reports (Enhanced). When a user customizes an enhanced report, its template is copied from the enhanced template table and stored in this table.
Prior to Creating a New Update
At Netcellent, Report Desk reports are developed in the production directories (M:\Elliott7). So, when it is time to create a new update, it is necessary to copy some files from the production directories to the staging directories (M:\ELI86 and M:\ELI86\Bin86).
- Copy M:\Elliott7\SYRD???B.BTR to M:\ELI86.
- Copy M:\Elliott7\Bin86\EL860S.CFG to M:\ELI86\Bin86.
Then you can build and deliver a new update.
Manual Update
To manually update a customer's Report Desk Reports, create a .Zip file of the files (SYRD???B.BTR and EL860S.CFG) and use that to install at the customer site. It is suggested that you create a temp folder somewhere and use the following command from a command prompt while in the temp folder to copy these files to the temp folder:
- COPY M:\ELI86\SYRD???B.BTR (currently there are 7 files that match this pattern)
If there are Netcellent-created enhanced reports, copy SYRD???E.BTR files
(2 files match this pattern)
to this folder as well. Then zip the files in this folder and deliver the update. The BTR files are to be copied to <ElliottRoot> folder and EL860S.CFG to <ElliottRoot>\Bin86. Use PSQL Monitor to make sure that there's no user with these files open before overriding them.