Q - In Elliott, I receive the following error from time to time:
0000 Pf-Map-Coordinate-Space
00000 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
If you click on the OK button, you can continue to do what you need to do. This is somewhat annoying. What causes this to happen?
A - From what we have seen in the past, the type of font you choose may cause this to happen. With the past three incidents, one user was using the following font in Elliott V7.5:
15x30 MS Gothic
the second user was using the following font in Elliott V7.5:
17x33 MS Gothic-Bold
In the other incident, the user was using the following font in Elliott V7.5:
16x25 Lucida Console - Bold
After the users changed to a different font, the problem went away. The exact reason for this error is still unknown.