PRTIMMNU Payroll Time Transaction Processing 2

PRTIMMNU Payroll Time Transaction Processing 2

Entry Field Descriptions

Preliminary Screen of Add Mode




Pay Period Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.

If the pay period starting date is currently on file and transactions have already been entered, then that date will be displayed. Otherwise, the date defaults to the system date.

Pay Period Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.

If the pay period ending date is currently on file and transactions are already on file then that date will be displayed. Otherwise, the date defaults to the system date.

Paying Employees With Pay Frequencies

Up to 6 entries of one alphabetic character each.

Valid entries are:

D = Daily

W = Weekly

B = Bi‑Weekly

S = Semi‑Monthly

M = Monthly

Q = Quarterly

These are the frequencies you wish to allow for this particular data entry run.

The entry defaults to All frequencies if the RETURN key is pressed while positioned for entry of the first frequency. Pressing the RETURNkey in subsequent fields terminates the entry of frequencies. If an error is made you may blank out the line by pressing the ESC key and then re‑enter the data.

Holiday Hours This Period

5 numeric digits, with two decimal places (999.99).

If the pay period includes a holiday, you may enter the number of holiday hours to automatically apply to each employee's time transaction during this entry session. This will be the default value for each employee, and may be manually overridden if desired.

First Screen




1.  Employee No

4 numeric digits (9999).

The Employee Number entered must be that of a valid employee.  (Non‑employees must be paid through Manual Trx Processing or from Accounts Payable.)  Terminated employees, employees with "I" or "H" types, and employees with a pay frequency different from those entered may be selected but you will first be warned of their status.


Pressing the F1 key while positioned for entry of the employee number in add mode will cause the program to automatically select the next eligible employee.  By utilizing this feature you can very quickly locate every non‑terminated employee whose pay frequency matches one of those entered.

Employee No  (continued)


Pressing the F1 key while positioned for entry of the employee number in change or delete mode will cause the program to bring up the next transaction on file.  The transactions are in order by employee number within department number and will be displayed in this manner.


Press the F7 key for employee search by name or press the F8 key for employee search by number.

Pay Salary ?

1 alphabetic character or 5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).


Y or N, F1, F2

Salaried employees may be paid their standard salary (the default) or, by answering N to the Pay Salary? question, paid for hours worked. For hourly employees you need only enter the hours worked.


By pressing the F1 key while positioned for entry of the answer to the Pay Salary? question, the answer will default to Y and the employee's number of weeks worked will default to the number of weeks in the period of his pay frequency.

Pay Salary ?  (continued)


By pressing the F1 key for entry of regular hours, the employee's regular hours are used as the default and the number of weeks worked defaults to the number of weeks in the employee's pay frequency. The remaining fields are cleared in either of the two cases.


If a number of holiday hours was entered on the preliminary screen, these hours will also be automatically inserted, and the adjust salary flag (see next page) will be set to Y for a salaried employee.  For an hourly employee, the holiday hours will automatically be subtracted from his regular hours.


Pressing the F2 key for entry to either the Pay Salary? question of Regular Hours will clear the transaction fields and the cursor will be positioned for entry of supplemental earnings, eliminating the need to step through each of the intermediate entries.

2. Pay Salary  (continued)


By pressing the RETURN key in response to the Pay Salary? question, the answer defaults to Y.


The F1 or F2 key default is not used to pay an employee's salary, the question Adjust For Vac, Sick and Hol? will be asked (for sala­ried employees only).  If the employee has vacation, sick or holiday hours for this pay period (as entered later on the screen), his salary will be automatically adjusted for these hours, based on his regular rate of pay.  When his pay is distributed (either automa­tically or manually on the next screen), the amount of salary to be distributed will be reduced by the amount of vacation; sick and/or holiday pay to be paid to him.


This allows distribution to be done simply, without the user having to calculate manually what the regular portion of the employee's salary is for his pay period.


If this question is answer N, then any vacation, sick or holiday pay will be added to the salary entered.


The default is Y for this question.  

3.  Overtime Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

If paid separately and the Tax OT/SPEC Wage As Suppl Earn? question is answered Y, this will be taxed at the flat percentage rate entered for supplemental earnings in the State/City Tax Code File.

4.  Special Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

See comments for field three above.

5.  Holiday Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

This will automatically default to any value that was entered on the preliminary screen to ADD mode.

6.  Sick Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

If the sick hours entered here are greater than the sick hours due as recorded on the employee record, a warning message will be displayed.

7.  Vacation Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

If the hours entered here are greater than the vacation hours due as recorded on the employee record, a warning message will be displayed.

8.  Suppl Earn

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (99,999.99).

Supplemental Earnings are any non‑periodic earnings such as bonuses or unusual commissions.  Refer to government literature for more information about what distin­guishes supplemental earnings from standard earnings. 

8.  Suppl Earn  (continued)


Supplemental earnings may be paid separately or on the same check with the employee's regular earnings.  If paid separately, they will be taxed at the flat percentage rate entered for supplemental earnings in Payroll Setup, and the State/City Tax Code File.


Fields 9, 10 and 11


These are one‑time deductions and earnings.  An employee's reported tips, and meals given the employee would customarily be entered here because the amount of tips or meals would vary from week to week.  Any other deduction or earning that occurs non‑periodically or for varying amounts would qualify as a temporary deduction/earning.


The code entered must be defined in the Deduction/Earning Code file application.  The code's description will display beside the code to allow operator verification of the entry.  Pressing the ESC key while positioned for entry of the amount will clear the line and allow re‑entry of the code.





9, 10, 11. Temp D/E 1, 2 and 3

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the deduction/earning code, which must already be defined on the Deduction/Earning Code file.


Press the F7 key to search for code.


6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (9,999.99). This is the amount of temporary deduction or earning.


Before tax deductions or allowances may not be used as a temporary deduction or earning.  These codes must be used as permanent employee deductions or earnings.

12.  No Wk Adv Vac

1 numeric digit (9).

This is the number of full weeks of advanced vacation pay to give   to the employee, in addition to his regular pay.


The number of hours in a week is taken from the value in

Pay­roll Setup.  Each full vacation week paid to the employee will appear on a separate check.


If the advance vacation weeks plus the vacation hours, on this time transaction, exceed the vacation hours due to this employee, a warning message is displayed.

13.  No Wk Worked 

4 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (99.99).

Enter the number of weeks for which the employee is being paid.  For example, if the employee is paid weekly, the correct entry would be 1; if paid monthly the correct entry would be 4.33.  This field is calculated automatically when the F1 key default is taken for entry #2 or when the RETURN key is pressed when the cursor is positioned for entry of this field.  Data entered here is for reporting purposes only.

14.  Accrual Pct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).

Enter the percent of the employee's pay to be accrued for the current financial period.  The remainder will be accrued for the following period.  For example, if the pay period runs Monday through Friday and the month ends on Tuesday, 40% would be accrued to the current month and 60% would be accrued to next month. 


Defaults to 100% if no previous transactions have been entered.  Otherwise, defaults to the previously entered percent.

Distribution Screen






1 alphabetic character.

The types defined in a menu on the screen are:


R  = Regular Hours

S  = Salary

O  = Overtime Hours

X  = Special Hours

V  = Vacation Hours

H  = Holiday Hours

K  = Sick Hours

P  = Supplemental Pay


An account number in the standard account number format.

The account entered here must be a valid account as via G/L Account File Maintenance.  The default value for this account is the employee's wage account, for regular, overtime and special hours, and salary and supplemental pay.  For vacation, holiday and sick hours, the account number is obtained by combining the main account number specified in Payroll Setup, with the subaccount of the employee's wage account.  The default account is always dis­played automatically and may be overridden manually.


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for an account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.


6 alphanumeric characters.

Any job number entered must be on the Job file.  Job numbers can only be entered if the use of job numbers has been selected in Payroll Setup.  The job number will not be requested if job numbers are not being used in this Payroll package.


Press the F7 key to search for Job.


6 alphanumeric characters.

This field and the next one will only appear if PR Setup is set to use job numbers and the Job Costingpackage is in use. 


If the distribution is assigned a job number, the user has the option to enter a shop order number to associate the distribution with a specific shop order.  This allows for more accurate tracking of payroll expenses.  The shop order number entered must be on file in Job Costing under the job number entered in the previous field.


4 numeric digits.

If a job number and a shop order number have been entered, the user must enter an operation number that is on file in Job Costing under the previously entered job and shop order numbers.  If these conditions are not met, a message will display and the cursor will return to the Shop-# field.


5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).

This will be a percent for a salary type or supplemental pay type distribution.  Otherwise, it will be hours.  Pressing the F1 key will default the amount to the total amount remaining to be distributed for that distribution type.  Enter a zero amount in Change mode to delete the particular distribution.

Shift Differential

3 alphanumeric characters.

This field will appear on a pop-up window only if the employee is flagged for shift differential distributions in the Employee File. 


Enter a valid shift code to calculate a shift differential for the employee.  If no shift differential needs to be calculated, leave the field blank. 


Press the F7 key to search for shift codes.


6 digits, with 3 decimal places (999.999).

This entry is only requested for hour type distributions (not for salary or supplemental pay).


Pressing the F1 key defaults to the employee's regular rate, for regular, holiday, vacation and sick hours; to the employee's overtime rate, for overtime hours; and to the employee's special rate, for special hours.

L And I Code

6 alphanumeric characters.

If the employee is flagged as distributed in the Employee File, andthe employee's home state has a L and I code on file, you will be prompted to enter an L and I code.


Enter a valid labor and industry code to calculate employee and employer premiums for this distribution.  If no L and I premium needs to be calculated, leave the field blank. 


L and I codes are not supported for any secondary states the employee has in the Employee Tax Code File.


Press the F7 key to search for L and I codes.







Print Employees With Pay Frequencies

Up to 6 entries of 1 alphabetic character each.

Valid entries are:


D  = Daily

W  = Weekly

B  = Bi‑Weekly

S  = Semi‑Monthly

M  = Monthly

Q  = Quarterly


The entry defaults to All frequencies if the RETURN key is pressed while positioned for entry of the first frequency.  Pressing the RETURNkey in subsequent fields terminates the entry of frequencies.  If an error is made you may blank out the line by pressing the ESC key then re‑enter the data.

Number Of Distribution Lines To Print

1 numeric digit.

If Payroll Setup allows account distribution you will be asked to enter the number of distribution lines to print.  This refers to the number of blank lines you wish printed on the worksheet to allow for entry of distribution data.  See the Time Entry Worksheet Report Format for an example at the end of this section.

Print Pay Rates For Employee Types ?

1 alphabetic character.

Valid entries are:


H   =  Hourly/Non

S   =  Salary

B   =  Both Hourly/Non &         Salary

N   =  None  


Defaults to N.







Pay Period Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.

If the pay period ending date is currently on file then the date will be displayed.

Paying Employees With Pay Frequencies

Up to 6 entries of 1 alphabetic character.

These are the frequencies you wish to allow for this particular run.  When generating a standard payroll, only employees with frequencies that match those entered will have payroll transactions created.


The entry defaults to All frequencies if the RETURN key is pressed while positioned for entry of the first frequency.  Pressing the RETURNkey in subsequent fields terminates the entry of frequencies.  If an error is made you may blank out the line by pressing the ESC key then re‑entering the data.

Holiday Hours this Period      

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places (999.99).

This is the number of holiday hours (if any) to record on each generated time transaction.


If this is non‑zero, then any salaried employee who has a time transaction generated during this run will automatically have the Adjust Salary flag set to Y.






1. Starting Employee No

4 numeric digits (9999).

Defaults to all employees by pressing the RETURN key.

2. Ending Employee No

4 numeric digits (9999).

Defaults to the starting employee number by pressing RETURN.

3. Pay Period Ending

A date in the standard date format.

Defaults to the current pay period end date.





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