PRTAXMNT Payroll State/City Tax Code File Maintenance 3

PRTAXMNT Payroll State/City Tax Code File Maintenance 3

Third Screen

This is one of the two screens required to fully define one tax calcu­lation method (or table) for a city or for a state. Withholding taxes are calculated on annual wages, so all amounts entered here should be the annual amounts allowed.


Type and Description

1. Table Id

1 alphanumeric character.

This defines the particular table within the state or city. The appropriate Table ID is entered into each employee's record so that the Calculate Payroll application knows which table it must use for each employee.

2. Description

30 alphanumeric characters.

This is simply a description of the table or method, such as: Ohio‑Head‑Of‑


3. Calculation Method

1 alphabetic character.

Valid values are:

D = Directly on Earnings

P = Percentage of FWT

S = Percentage of SWT (applies only to city codes)

O = Other (applies to Oklahoma state only

Directly on earnings means that the employee's taxable gross pay is used in conjunction with the state or city tables and percents to calcu­late the state withholding tax amount. The Percentage of Federal Withholding means the state or city withholding tax amount is a percentage of the federal withholding tax amount, and likewise for Percentage of State Withholding.

If you have selected O (other) for calculation method (see State Tax Code: Ok Oklahoma State Tax Table) to load screen 3 and 4 information and ignore the following instructions for screens 3 and 4.

When you enter the state or city withholding table on the next screen, the percents will be taken on either taxable earnings or on federal withholding tax or on state withholding tax, depending on your response here.

4. % of Fwt to Deduct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).

If the state or city allows you to adjust an employee's gross pay by a percent of the employee's federal withholding tax, enter the percent here. It may be 100.00%.

5. Ded for Fica W/H ?

Y or N.

If the state or city allows you to adjust an employee's gross pay by the amount of FICA withheld, answer Y. Otherwise, answer N.

6. Std Ded % Grs Pay

6 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (999.999).

If the state or city allows a standard adjustment to taxable gross pay prior to the calculation of the tax amount, and if this adjustment is computed as a percent of taxable gross pay, enter this percentage here. Note that this field has three decimal places.

7. Adjustment to Std Ded

6 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (9,999.99).

After the percent in field 6 above is applied to the gross pay, this is the annual amount (if any) to subtract from this calculated amount to get the final standard (annual) deduction.

8. Min Std Ded Amt

6 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (9,999.99).

If you entered a standard adjustment percent in field 6, and if the state or city furthermore specifies a minimum adjustment amount, enter that amount here. This must be the annualized amount in cases where there is a choice of amounts, depending on the length of the pay period.

If, during the calculation of the employee's taxable gross pay, the program determines that the adjustment to gross pay resulting from the standard percent is less than this minimum amount, then this minimum standard deduction amount will be used instead.

9. Max Std Ded Amt

6 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (9,999.99).

Same as for field 8 above, except this is the maximum adjustment amount the state or city will allow. Again, it must be the annual value.

9. Max Std Ded Amt (continued)

NOTE: If your state or city uses a fixed adjustment amount, then enter this amount for both the minimum and the maximum.

10. Yearly W/H Allowance

6 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (9,999.99).

This is the value of a single withholding exemption. If the employee record has a dollar amount for the Exemptions for SWT or CWT (rather than a number), it is this dollar amount that is used for the allowance, as is, and the number in the current field of this state or city table is ignored.

11. Credit Per Exemption

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).

After the annual SWT or CWT has been calculated using the above field, and the table in the next screen, this field is multiplied by the number of exemptions for SWT or CWT as specified on the employee record, and the result is subtracted from the annual tax to arrive at the final annual withholding tax value. If a dollar amount rather than a number was entered for the SWT or CWT exemptions on the employee record, or a non‑zero tax credit amount was entered there, then this field is ignored.

12. Max Wages For Std


4 numeric digits (9,999).

*This applies to Oklahoma state only.

13. Max Fwt To Deduct

7 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (99,999.99).

If your state permits deduction of Federal Taxes from annual wages, the amount entered here will be the maximum amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from your employees annual wages prior to state withholding tax calculations. For example, if a given employee has annual wages of $15,000.00 and the Federal Withholding Tax is $1500.00, then his annual base pay would be $13,500.00.. (ie 15,000.00-1500=13,500.00).

Fourth Screen


This is the actual table used to calculate the withholding tax, after the employee's annual taxable wages have been calculated.  It is in the same format as the tables used to calculate federal withholding tax on the Payroll Setup, but has 16 lines instead of 7 lines. The significance of each value entered is the same as that for the corre­sponding values on the federal tables.


The first field of the first line should always be zero.  If the table uses less than 16 lines, enter zero for all values on all unused lines.










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 1.  State or City       _   S = State   C = City


 2.  Tax Code            _ _


 3.  Description        

            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 4.  Tax ID Number       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 5.  Tax Liability Acct  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 6.  Supplemental Earn

     W/H %               _ _ . _ _ _


 7.  Tax Ot/Spec Wage

     As Suppl Earn ?     _


 8.  SUI Percent         _ _ . _ _ _


 9.  SUI Max Dollars     _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _


10.  SUI Expense Acct    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


11.  SUI Liability Acct  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


12.  Other State Tax %   _ _ . _ _ _


13.  Other State Tax

     Max Dollars         _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _


14.  Other State Tax

     Liability Acct      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


15.  OST Maximum Per Pay _ _ _._ _ _


16.  Minimum Wage        _ _ . _ _ _


17.  L and I Code        _ _ _ _ _ _






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                            TABLE SCREEN II



        OVER                    TAX AMOUNT            PERCENT OF EXCESS


 1.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 2.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 3.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 4.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 5.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 6.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 7.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 8.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 9.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


10.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


11.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


12.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


13.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


14.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


15.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


16.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _







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                            TABLE SCREEN I




 1.  Table ID              _


 2.  Description          

           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 3.  Calculation Method    _   D = Directly on Earnings 

                               P = Percent of FWT   S = Percent of SWT


 4.  % of FWT to Deduct    _ _ _ . _ _


 5.  Deduction for FICA   

     W/H?                  _   Y or N


 6.  Standard Deduction

     % of Gross Pay        _ _ _ . _ _ _


 7.  Adjustment to

     Standard Deduction    _ _ _ _ . _ _


 8.  Minimum Standard

     Deduction Amount      _ _ _ _ . _ _


 9.  Maximum Standard

     Deduction Amount      _ _ _ _ . _ _


10.  Yearly W/H

     Allowance             _ _ _ _ . _ _


11.  Credit Per

     Exemption             _ _ _ . _ _


12.  Maximum Wages for

     STD Deduction         _ _ _ _


13.  Maximum FWT to

     Deduction             _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _





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                            TABLE SCREEN II



        OVER                    TAX AMOUNT            PERCENT OF EXCESS


 1.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 2.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 3.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 4.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 5.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 6.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 7.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 8.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


 9.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


10.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


11.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


12.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


13.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


14.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


15.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _


16.  _ _ _ , _ _ _          _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _            _ _ . _ _ _







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