Release Date: 12/3/2020
Version: 8.5 & Higher
Q - Is the complete path to a local V8.5 installation stored anywhere where it can be programmatically retrieved (i.e., environment variable, registry key, etc.)?
A - There is no registry key for this path. On the other hand, there is an environmental variable %userprofile% that can help you find this path. By default, Elliott runs from the local user profile folder. So our default local folder will be:
Substitute “M” with your network mapped drive letter for Elliott. “Elliott7” is your Elliott root directory on the network drive.
Keep in mind that this is just a default path and is not a guarantee. For example, you may not have set up a user to run Elliott from the local folder, in which case this path will not exist. You also have the option to choose a different path when you set up Elliott to run local.