You may download the current FFL listing and import it into your Elliott FFL database. Since a new FFL listing comes out once per month, you may want to do this on a monthly basis. The Elliott FFL database will help you to determine if: (1) a customer's FFL is valid, and; (2) a customer's address matches the FFL license address. This will help you not only to be BATF compliant, but also to be proactive in enforcing BATF regulations.
On the BATF Web site, you should download the "Complete Listing" instead of state by state. There are two types of files to download: XLS and TXT. The XLS is in an Excel spreadsheet file format. We like the XLS format because it can be saved as a CSV file for import purposes. But there's an issue here that has yet to be resolved by the BATF. The XLS file is in a Microsoft Excel 2003 format. It is limited to a maximum of 65,536 rows. The full FFL list as of September 2014 has 77,405 records. Therefore, if you use the XLS format, you will lose some records. You can optionally download the XLS file state by state and append them together into the XLSX format. But this is a tedious process. Therefore, your best option at this time is to download the TXT file.
The BATF has made some recent changes in the TXT file format. Before September 2014, the TXT file was in a TAB delimited format. In September 2013, the TXT file changed to a fixed-length ASCII format. We prefer the TAB delimited format since the column is well defined. But it is not up to us to tell the BATF what to do with their downloaded files. Since Elliott's FFL import is based on the CSV file format, this document will show you how to convert a fixed-length TXT file to a CSV file.
We suggest you right click on the complete listing for the current month TXT file in the above URL page and choose "save target as" to download the TXT file. After you download the TXT file, save it in a place that your Elliott Firearms Software can access. Use Excel 2007 or higher to open this TXT file. For example, the current naming convention for the September 2014 TXT file is 0914-ffl-list.txt. In Excel 2007 or after, choose to "Open." You must specify "Files of Type" as "All Files," otherwise, you will not see the TXT file. Highlight the TXT file, and choose Open.
Excel will recognize this file as a "fixed-width" file. Accept it, and choose "Next" to proceed.
In the next step, it is critical that you review Excel's Text Import Wizard on how it determines each column. Even though Excel will try to do its best, it will not be entirely correct. You will have to help Excel determine where each column starts and ends. In the next example, you will see Excel make the "Business Name" into three columns. This is wrong. You need to double click on the wrong column borders to remove them. Use the first row's column heading as a guide to help you do this. Once you are done, click "Next."
In the next step, Excel will ask you to determine the data format of each column. The program will default each column to the "General" format, but you want to change it to "Text." The reason is that the "General" format will drop leading zeroes. Therefore, a zip code of 01234 will become 1234 after Excel imports the text file into a spreadsheet format. This will create problems. Even though you could leave some of the columns as "General," for the sake of consistency we advise you to change every single column data format from "General" to "Text." Once you are done, you may choose "Finish."