In performing this checklist, complete each step before moving on to the next step.
Step 1 Perform Weekly Processing Checklist
Step 2 Verify distributions
- Select PR Distribution to G/L Report application
Note: If you are using Elliott's General Ledger package, do not select the purge option. Perform the purge option during the Interface From Other Packages application in General Ledger.
Step 3 (optional) Print payroll history reports
- Select Payroll History Reports - Print Payroll Check History Report application
- Select Payroll History Reports - Print Ded/earn History Report application
- Select Payroll History Reports - Print L and I History Report application
- Select Payroll History Reports - Print Shift History Report application
Step 4 (optional) Perform check reconciliation
Note: This step is only allowed if the flag in PR Setup to reconcile checks is "Y" (yes).
- Select Check Reconciliation - Select application
Step 5 (optional) Print Job reports
Note: These applications are only allowed if the flag in PR Setup to use job numbers is "Y" (yes).
- Select Job Distribution Report - Print application
- Select Job Analysis Report - Print application
Step 6 Perform a backup
- Make a period end backup of your ENTIRE Elliott system to keep for auditing purposes. Label and date this backup "Period ___/___/___ End Backup"
Step 7 Clear the period-to-date accumulators
- Select Clear Employee Totals - Clear application. Set Period-To-Date flag to "Y"
In performing this checklist, complete each step before moving on to the next step.
Step 1 Perform Period End Processing Checklist
Step 2 Print Quarterly Report
- Select Quarterly Payroll Report - Print application
Step 3 Clear employee accumulators
- Select Clear Employee Totals application. Set Period-To-Date flag (if not already done) to "Y", and the Quarter-To-Date flag to "Y".
In performing this checklist, complete each step before moving on to the next step.
Step 1 Perform Quarterly Processing Checklist
Step 2 Perform a backup
- Make a final year-end backup and keep for auditing purposes. Label this backup "Final Year 20___ End Backup"
Step 3 (optional at this time; see W2 Processing Considerations below)
Perform W2 processing
- Select Print/Create W-2 Forms - Print application. This will print the employee's W2's, and provide a paper copy for the Social Security Administration (SSA).
- Select Print/Create W-2 Forms - Create application. This will create the SSA Copy "A" information required on magnetic media for those employers that have obtained approval to file in this manner.
Step 4 Clear employee accumulators
Note: If the W2 forms were not processed at this time, it is imperative that the backup required in step 2 above be done prior to performing this step!
- Select Clear Employee Totals application. Set the Year-To-Date flag to "Y".
Step 5 Perform a backup
- Make a beginning of the year backup and label it "Beginning Of The Year 19___ Backup"
Quite often, employers will wish to continue processing payroll transactions into the next year prior to processing their W2 forms. This is possible with the Elliott Payroll module. Perform steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the Year-End Processing Checklist, taking all necessary precautions to ensure the backup required in step 2 is valid.
To process W2 forms after clearing the year-to-date accumulators, the following steps must be performed. No activity can take place in any Elliott module while these steps are being performed!
Step 1 Make a backup of the entire data directory being processed
- Save and label this backup "Current Elliott Data Files" for use in step 5 below
Step 2 Restore the backup from step 2 (labeled "Final Year 20___ End Backup") of the Year-End Processing Checklist
Step 3 Perform W2 processing
- Select Print/Create W-2 Forms - Print application. This will print the employee's W2's, and provide a paper copy for the Social Security Administration (SSA).
- Select Print/Create W-2 Forms - Create application. This will create the SSA Copy "A" information required on magnetic media for those employers that have obtained approval to file in this manner.
Step 4 Verify the accuracy of the W2's and re-print if necessary.
Step 5 Restore the backup labeled "Current Elliott Data Files" from step 1 above (W2 Processing Considerations)
Step 6 Normal processing may now be resumed