PRMANMNU Payroll Manual Transaction Processing 3

PRMANMNU Payroll Manual Transaction Processing 3

Second Screen






1 alphabetic character.

The choices for distribution type are:


R = Regular

S = Salary

O = Overtime

X = Special

V = Vacation

H = Holiday

K = Sick


Pressing the RETURN key defaults to the last distribution type entered.  The valid distribution types for this transaction will display at the bottom of the screen.


An account number in the standard account number format.

As soon as the General Ledgeraccount number is entered, the record corresponding to it is read from the G/L Account file, and the account description is automatically displayed.

Account  (continued)


The account number must already exist on the G/L Account file.


The account number defaults to the Wage account number on the employee record, if the F1 key is pressed.


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for an account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.


6 alphanumeric characters.

The Job number screen header will not appear if the employer does not use job numbers, as indicated in Payroll Setup.


If the employer does use job numbers, then entry of the job number to assign this distribution to will be requested.  If you do not wish to assign it to a job, press RETURN.  If you enter a job number, the program checks to see that the job exists on the Job Code File.


Press the F7 key to search for jobs.


6 alphanumeric characters.

This field and the next one will only appear if PR Setup is set to use job numbers and the Job Costingpackage is in use.  If the distribution is assigned a job number, the user has the option to enter a shop order number to associate the distribution with a specific shop order.  This allows for more accurate tracking of payroll expenses.  The shop order number entered must be on file in Job Costing under the job number entered in the previous field.


4 numeric digits.

If a job number and a shop order number have been entered, the user must enter an operation that is on file in Job Costing under the previously entered job and shop order numbers.  If these conditions are not met, a message will display and the cursor will return to the Shop-# field.


5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).

The hours or percent to distribute can be the total hours entered on the first screen or varying amounts to different accounts.

Hours  (continued)


A percentage is entered when distributing salary starting at 100% and payment being made for the 100% to one account or broken up to varying ones.


The default will always be the number of hours or percent remain­ing for the type of distribution selected.  Since holiday hours are not entered on the first screen, this will be a percent for holiday pay.

Shift Differential

3 alphanumeric characters.

This field will appear on a pop-up window only if the employee is flagged for shift differential distributions in the Employee File.


Enter a valid shift code to calculate a shift differential for the employee.  If no shift differential needs to be calculated, leave the field blank.


Press the F7 key to search for shift codes.


6 numeric digits, with 3 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.999‑).

The hourly rate will default to the value on the Employee record if the F1 key is pressed.

Rate  (continued)


For a regular distribution it will default to the regular rate, for an overtime distribution to the overtime rate, and for a special distribution to the special rate.


For a holiday distribution, no rate will be requested.  For a vacation or sick distribution, the F1 key will default the rate to the employee's regular rate.


7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).

The amount distributed will default on pressing the F1 key to the hours distributed times the rate entered.

L And I Code

6 alphanumeric characters.

If the employee is flagged as distributed in the Employee File, andthe employee's home state has an L and I code on file, you will be prompted to enter an L and I code.


Enter a valid Labor and Industry code to calculate employee and employer premiums for this distribution.  If no L and I premium needs to be calculated, leave the field blank.


L and I codes are not supported for any secondary states the employee has in the Employee Tax Code File.


Press the F7 key to search for L and I codes.




Manual Transaction Processing








Manual Transaction Processing (Distribution)







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