PRMANMNU Payroll Manual Transaction Processing 2

PRMANMNU Payroll Manual Transaction Processing 2

Entry Field Descriptions

First Screen




1.   Emp No

4 numeric digits (9999).

The employee must exist on the Employee File.  After the employee number is entered, the employee record is read and the employee name and employee type are auto­matically displayed.  If adding a transaction for an employee who is terminated (if a termination date was entered in the Employee File) the Employee Terminated ‑ Add Anyway? question appears.


Press the F7 key for employee search by number or press the F8 key for employee search by name.

2.  Check No

6 numeric digits (999999).

Not all manual transactions entered will be for manually writ­ten checks.  For adjustment type transactions with no net pay involved, enter a control number here, such as 99999.  There will be no conflict within the package if the employee has an actual check with the same number as this control number.

3.  Check Dte

A date in the standard date format. 

Defaults to the system date.


If there is no real check associated with this transaction, enter the transaction date you wish to use for posting to the General Ledger and then default the next date (4) below to this date.

4.   Prd Strt Dte

A date in the standard date format. 

Defaults to the check date above.


The pay period starting date defaults to the check date.  It is used for accounting purposes, and is a key for the Payroll History Reports and for posting to the General Ledger Distribution File.

5.   Prd End Dte

A date in the standard date format. 

Defaults to the check date above.


The pay period ending date defaults to the check date.  It is used for accounting purposes, and is a key for the Payroll History Reports and for posting to the General Ledger Distribution File.


6.   Gross Pay

8 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

This is the total gross pay associated with this manual trans­action.


The program verifies that the gross pay is equal to the sum of its component parts before allowing the user to exit from the Field Number? question.  The gross pay must be equal to the sum of:


Regular Pay or Salary + Overtime Pay + Vacation Pay + Holiday Pay + Sick Pay + Special Pay + all Other or Permanent Earnings (excluding meals and reported tips, for a restaurant).

7.   Reg Pay/Sal

8 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

The Regular Pay or Salary field would include supplemental wages for the employee.

8.   Reg Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).


9.   Ovt Pay

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


10.  Ovt Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).


11.  Vac Pay

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


12.  Vac Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).

The vacation hours entered here are not validated against the vacation hours due kept on the employee's record.

13.  Hol Pay

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


14.  Hol Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99-)


15.  Sick Pay 

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


16.  Sick Hrs 

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).


17.  Spec Pay

7 numeric digits,  with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


18.  Spec Hrs

5 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999.99‑).


19.  Emp Soc Sec

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is the employee's portion of Social Security for this manual transactions.

Medicare: Fields 20 and 21



20.  Emp

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99-).

This is the employee's portion of Medicare for this manual transaction.

21.  Emplr

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99-).

This is the employer's portion of Medicare for this manual transaction.

22.  Fwt

7 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).

This is Federal Withholding Tax.

23.  Eic 

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is the Earned Income Credit associated with this manual trans­action.

24.  Swt

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is state withholding tax.

25.  Ost

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is other state tax.

26.  Cwt

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is city withholding tax.

27.  Fui

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99-).


28.  Sui

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99-).


29.  Accr Pct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).





Enter the percent of the employee's pay to be accrued for the current financial period.  The remainder will be accrued for the following period.


For example, if the pay period runs Monday through Friday and the month ends on Tuesday, 40% would be accrued to the current month and 60% would be accrued to next month.


Defaults to 100% if no previous transactions have been entered, otherwise defaults to the previously entered percent.


   Fields 30, 31, 32


For the other deduction/earnings, enter the Deduction/Earning code first, as a two‑character alphanumeric field.  The program will verify that this code is on the Deduction/ Earning Code File.  You will then be allowed to enter the amount of the deduction or earning.





30.  Other D/E 1

2 alphanumeric characters.

Pressing the F7 key will allow a search for the Deduction/Earning Codes on file.

31.  Other D/E 2

2 alphanumeric characters.

Pressing the F7 key will allow a search for the Deduction/Earning Codes on file. 

32.  Other D/E 3

2 alphanumeric characters.

Pressing the F7 key will allow a search for the Deduction/Earning Codes on file.

33.  Sav Bnd Ded

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is the savings bond deduction.

34.  Union Ded

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

The union deduction will only be allowed if the employee has a valid union deduction account on his employee record.

35.  Loan Ded

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This field enables you to specify a loan deduction.

36.  Garn Ded

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This field enables you to specify a garnishment deduction.


   Fields 37‑44


As soon as the user enters the employee number (screen item #1), the Employee's record will be read from the Employee File and the descrip­tions of his permanent deductions and earnings will be

displayed automatically.  The program will only allow entry of an amount if the screen item shows a valid deduction or earning.  If there is no perma­nent deduction/earning corresponding to the screen item, the program automatically displays *NO D/E* for the deduction/earning descrip­tion.





37‑44.  Permanent Deduction


6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).


45.  No Wks Wrkd

4 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (99.99‑).

This is the number of weeks worked associated with this manual transaction.

46.  Emplr Soc Sec

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99‑).

This is the employer portion of SOC SEC for this manual transaction.


If SOC SEC was entered in field 8 above, this does not mean that the employer's portion of FICA will be automatically calculated.  You must enter this figure here if you wish it to be posted to the proper files.

47.  Net Pay

8 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

The program verifies that the net pay is correct before allowing the user to exit from Any Change? mode.


The net pay must be equal to:


Gross Pay ‑ Employee Social Security-Employee Medicare ‑ FWT ‑ SWT ‑ OST ‑ CWT ‑ Sav Bond Deductions ‑ Union Deductions ‑ Loan Deductions ‑ Garnish Deductions ‑ All Perma­nent and Other Deductions + EIC

48.  Tip Cr

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999.99-).

Tip credits should be entered only if the employer is a restaurant and it is applicable for this transaction.

49.  Excess Pay

6 numeric digits, with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (9,999.99-).

Excess pay will only be entered if the employee’s hourly wage plus tips is below the federal minimum wage requirement.


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