The Presales Update application allows the user to add, change, or delete Presales transactions. The application will bring up a window similar to F8 search where it will prompt for the starting
description of the Vessel comment.
Ves-# - Vessel number
Vessel Desc - Vessel description
Trx-No - Number of detail presales transactions for this vessel
1st PO - First PO number associated with this vessel
1st Item - First Item number associated with this vessel
Qty - Total quantity on the vessel
Pn - Y means there are pending transactions on file for this vessel
Insert - Press Insert to add a new vessel.
Delete - Press Delete to delete a vessel.
Enter - Press Enter to see the vessel information and the Presales transactions associated with the vessel.
Pressing the Enter key will bring up the vessel in change mode.
15. Hold Posting / Closed? - Importing Presales Transactions will set this field to N. If you want to stop the posting of PO Warehouse Receiving, set field 15 to Y.
16. Presales Vessel? - Importing Presales Transaction will set this field to Y. PO Warehouse Receiving CSV Import will set this field to N. If set to N, no presales transactions can be processed against this vessel.
17. Hold Presales Posting? - Importing Presales Transaction will set this field to N. If you want to stop the posting of a Presales Transaction, you should change field 16 Hold Presales posting from N to Y.
Allow Partial Recv Posting? - Importing Presales Transactions will set this field to N. If you have a warehouse receiving for an amount less than the amount indicated by the vendor in the import ASN data and you need to post this partial receiving, set this field to Y.
18. Presales Location - Import Presales Transactions will set this field to the Presales Location that corresponds to the ship-to location on the purchase orders. If entering the information manually, you must enter a valid presales location.
Press Enter from the Field Number prompt to go to the transaction detail screen.
PO# - Purchase order number
Item# - Item number
Desc - Item description
Box ID - Box ID provided by vendor
Qty - Quantity of item in the box
Insert - Press Insert to add a detail transaction for this vessel
Delete - Press Delete to delete a detail transaction for this vessel
Enter - Press Enter to modify the detail transaction
P.O. No. - Purchase Order number
Item Number - Item number
Line No. - Purchase order line number
Box ID - Box ID
Quantity - Quantity of item in the box
If the item is serialized, the serial numbers can be changed, added or deleted.