POFRMMNT P/O and Receiving P/O Form Setup 2

POFRMMNT P/O and Receiving P/O Form Setup 2

Run Instructions

Select Form Setup from the pull down PO Util_setup window. The following screen will then be displayed:

The following options are available:

* Change the form definition

* Copy the form definition

* Delete a form definition

* Print a detail or summary report listing all forms on file.

* Print a sample of the form you are defining.

* Reset the application to the default form definition

* Print a grid

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions

Screen 1


Type and Description

Default Setting

New Setting

1. Form Number

2 numeric characters. Enter the form number you wish to change.

2. Number Of Lines On Form

3 numeric characters from 1 to 999. Enter the total number of lines on the form.


3. Number Of Columns On Form

3 numeric characters from 1 to 132. Enter the total number of horizonal columns on the form.


4. Starting Line For Line Items

3 numeric characters that can not exceed the total number of lines on the form. Enter the location position, where you wish to start printing line items.


5. Ending Line For Line Items

3 numeric characters. This entry cannot be less than the starting line entry or exceed the total number of lines on the form. Enter the location where you wish printing of line items to end.


6. Maximum Lines Per Line Item

1 numeric character. Enter the number of lines that separate each line item.


Screens 2-12


Type and Description

7.   Purchasing Company                Name

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints company name.

8.   Purchasing Co.                        Address 1   

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the first line of company address.

9.   Purchasing Co.                        Address 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the second line of the company address.

10.  Purchasing Co.                        Address 3

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints company city, state, and zip code.

11.  Purchase Order Number

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints Purchase Order Number.

12.  Page Number

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the page number.

13.  Drop Ship Flag         

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the drop ship flag.

14.  Change Or Original Flag

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the change or original flag.

15.  Order Date      

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the order date.

16.  Order Type

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the order type.

17.  Current Date  

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the date of this transaction.

18.  Duplicate

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if it is a duplicate purchase order.

19.  Blanket 

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints blanket order information.

20.  Do Not Ship If Blanket     

Literal or data entry permitted.  Comment about do not ship if blanket order.

21.  Vendor Name

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the Vendor Name.

22.  Vendor Address 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints first address line of the vendor.

23.  Vendor Address 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the second address line of the vendor.

24.  Vendor Address 3

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the third address line of the vendor's address.

25.  Ship To Name

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the shipping name of the consignee that will receive the shipment.

26.  Ship To Address 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the first line of the consignee's ship to address.

27.  Ship To Address 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the second line of consignee's address.

28.  Ship To Address 3

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the third line of consignee's address.

29.  Buyer Name

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the buyer's name.

30.  Terms

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the terms code associated with this vendor.

31.  Acknowledge Flag

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if need acknowledge or not.

32.  Confirm Flag

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if confirmation is required.

33.  Fob Flag

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints Fob flag status.

34.  Ship Via Flag 

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints Ship-Via flag status.

35.  Collect or Pre-paid

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if shipping is collect or pre-paid.

36.  Line Number

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the line number.

37.  Quantity Ordered Changed

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if the quantity ordered has been changed.

38.  Quantity Ordered

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the quantity of this item that was ordered.

39.  Unit Of Measure

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the measurement unit by which this item is sold.

40.  Item Number

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the item number.

41.  Vendor Item Number

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the vendor's item number.

42.  Request Date Changed

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the new request date if it was changed.

43.  Order Request Date

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the date that the order is being requested.

44.  Cancel Indicator

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if order was canceled.

45.  Blanket Type (If Blanket)

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints what type of blanket order.

46.  Item Description Line 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the first line of information that describes this item.

47.  Item Description Line 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the second line of information that describes this item.

48.  Unit Price

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the price for one unit of this item.

49.  Extended Price

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the extended price for the each line item.

50.  PO Line Item Comment 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints comment number 1.

51.  PO Line Item Comment 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints comment number 2.

52.  Line Additional Comment 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the additional comments.

53.  Line Additional Comment 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the additional comments.

54.  Extended Comments


Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the extended comments.

55.  Items Total Price

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints the total price for all items.

56.  Header comment 1

Literal or data entry permitted.  Print header comment line 1.

57.  Header Comment 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints header comment line 2.

58.  Header Comment 3

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints header comment line 3.

59.  Header Additional                    Comment

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints additional comment line

60.  Header Addit. Comment 2

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints header additional comments.

61.  Header Addit. Comment 3

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints header additional comments.

62.  Drop Ship Literal

Literal or data entry permitted.  Prints if order is drop ship.

63.  Purchase Order Header

Literal field entry.  This is the header to the purchase order.

64.  User Defined Line 1

Literal field entry.  You may enter any additional text in this field.

65.  User Defined Line 2

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

66.  User Defined Line 3

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

67.  User Defined Line 4

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

68.  User Defined Line 5

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

69.  User Defined Line 6

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

70.  User Defined Line 7

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

71.  User Defined Line 8

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.

72.  User Defined Line 9

Literal field entry.  This is an extra line for adding additional text.


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