POEQMNT Purchase Order and Receiving Purchase Order Requisition

POEQMNT Purchase Order and Receiving Purchase Order Requisition

Purchase Order Requisition


Run Instructions

 This function requires a setup procedure as per the Utilities Section P/O Requisition setup.  Users should read this section thoroughly for a better understanding of P/O Requisition defaults and how the system is intended to be used.

Manually Entering a Requisition

 When you create a transaction, either by manually entering, or generating from COP, I/M, MRP, the record will be written to the Requisition Transaction File (POREQTRX).  The purchasing agent can then maintain the requisition(s) from the PO Requisition Trx File Maintenance.


When you enter a transaction manually, the system will prompt you for the “Source.”  The system is asking if this is coming from COP, I/M, or MRP.  Since this requisition is a manual entry and coming from neither of these, press< Enter> and the “Source” defaults to “All.”

 The system will next prompt you for the “Req. Status”.  This should be set to “N” = Not Confirmed so that you make changes before generating a PO.  If you specified in the enhancement set-up that non-supervisors cannot confirm transactions, then only Supervisors can select “C” (Confirmed) or change the status to a confirmed requisition. This set-up will prevent unauthorized changes and security loopholes after a Supervisor has confirmed the transaction and non-supervisors will no longer be able to view their requisitions.

 Figure 3E.11, next page, shows the completed requisition. 



Figure 3E.11- Completed Requisition



Generating Requisitions from COP, IM, & MRP

 With this enhancement, you can also generate requisitions from COP, IM, & MRP.  When you generate requisitions from COP, the system will create a requisition for each line item.  You can consolidate COP Trx’s after generating if they are not Drop Shipments.  To generate requisitions from COP, first select Generate from the Requisitions Processing menu and then select “Gen req. from cop” from the drop-down menu.  After selecting COP, a pop up window will prompt you for options, (Figure 3E.14). 



Figure 3E.14

Generating purchase orders from I/M and MRP is similar to the standard Elliott create unreleased purchase orders through I/M and MRP.   When you generate unreleased purchase orders standard Elliott will create a PO for each line item.  Rather than create purchase orders immediately, the PO Requisition Process Enhancement will create requisition transactions and allows the purchasing agent to make changes and consolidate before generating purchase orders.  (Figure 3E.15 and 3E.16)

Processing and Options Screen for generating requisitions from Inventory.



Figure 3E15



Figure 3E.16


Consolidating Requisitions

 One of the most powerful features this enhancement offers is the capability to organize, edit, view, and consolidate requisitions.   If you have entered manual requisitions and generated requisitions from COP, I/M, or MRP that contain the same item for a vendor, you can consolidate all these requisitions and generate just one purchase order rather than generating multiple purchase orders. 

 Figure 3E.17 shows five requisition transactions for vendor 100.  Four of these transactions contain the same line items (CLOCK and CHAR-GEN).  Figure 3E.18 shows the process of consolidating requisitions for this vendor. 

 Figure 3E.19 shows the requisition transaction screen after consolidating.  You will notice that there are only four requisitions for this vendor displayed.  This is because requisitions with the line item (CHAR-GEN) were consolidated.  The two requisitions for item CLOCK were not consolidated because the system will not allow consolidating requisitions for different locations (Ship-To’s).




Figure 3E.17


Consolidation Rules

 The following are guidelines to performing requisition consolidation.  You cannot consolidate if:

1.       Different Vendors

2.       Different Ship-to

3.       Different Line Items

4.       Different Unit Cost

5.       Different Request Date *

6.       Different Ship Via *

7.       Different GL Account Number *

8.       Sales Order is a Drop Ship


* System will allow if you specify “Y” in Consolidating Options. (See Figure 3E.18 previous page)

Shopping Requisitions

 For items purchased from multiple vendors, you may want to determine which vendor can provide you with the best price before you purchase.  To do so, enter the item(s), vendor(s), and price(s), mark the transaction “S” for Shopping. Once you have entered your Shopping item(s), print out “Potential Vendor Worksheet” from the List Menu of Requisition Processing.  Another term for this worksheet is “Shopping List”.  Each qualified vendor for the items marked as shopping will be printed on this worksheet.  A qualified vendor for an item is a Vendor defined in the Item Vendor File for that item.  This set-up is in the Maintenance menu of the Purchase Order module. 



Note:    It is not necessary to enter a vendor for a Shopping Item because the system will generate a Potential Vendor Worksheet, (Shopping List), for all qualified vendors.  The Worksheet can then be used as a Request for Quote or analysis tool to determine which vendors have the best price.

            If you wish to view all vendors for a Shopping item in the above window, Figure 3E.20, you must enter each vendor individually.  If you enter a nonqualified vendor for a Shopping item, the system will generate a Shopping List for them and for all qualified vendors as well.


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