POCLSMNU Purchase Order and Receiving PO Close Processing

POCLSMNU Purchase Order and Receiving PO Close Processing

PO Close Processing


Application Overview

 The P/O Close Processing allows you to close a line item on a purchase order or the entire purchase order. Before Elliott V7.4 you could flag the PO as closed, however nothing really happened until you purged the closed PO.  Still, the quantity on order and ATP details would appear in the system.  Since most Elliott users were reluctant to purge the closed PO, the PO close process was not very functional.

 In Elliott V7.4, we have addressed many Close PO issues: 

(1)     You can now close a PO at the individual line item level.  This gives you a lot of flexibility since the entire PO does not have to be closed.  In addition, when a PO Line Item is closed the Quantity on Order and ATP details will be reflected in real-time, even though the closed PO Line Item has not been purged.  Flexibility extends further by allowing the user to unclose the line item if closing was a mistake, restoring the line item back to its original state without any consequences.  This function will give you much more control over the PO quantity in advance when the goods are on the ocean.  As discussed previously with the new ATP, when goods are on the ocean you can input (or import) the receiving transactions and put them on hold.  This will result in the pending receiving showing up in ATP to help customer service identify the goods on the ocean.  This can assist you with making the decision of whether the balance quantity on a PO should be closed or not.  You may close a PO line item even though there are receiving transactions for that PO line item.

(2)     A new batch utility allows users to close the PO Line Items based on certain selection criteria.  For example, you may choose to close all PO Line Items that are over three months past due.  You can run a pre-view report to verify the line items before you commit to closing PO Line Items in mass. 

(3)     Similarly, a batch utility has been introduced to allow the user to close the entire PO based on certain selection criteria.


Run Instructions


Select Close Processing from the pull down P/O Processing window.  To close by line item, select Close and Close PO Line Item:



To close by header, select Close and Close PO Header:



Entry Field Descriptions – Close PO Line Item



Type and Description

Starting Vendor Number

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a valid vendor number of the first vendor whose line items are to be included among those that are to be closed.

Press the F7 key to search by vendor number.  Press the F8 key to search by vendor name.

Defaults to All.  

Ending Vendor Number

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a valid vendor number of the last vendor whose line items are to be included among those that are to be closed.

Press the F7 key to search by vendor number.  Press the F8 key to search by vendor name.

Defaults to the starting vendor number.  

Starting PO Number

6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

Enter the purchase order number of the first purchase order that is to be included among those con­sidered for closure.  Enter the 6‑digit purchase order number followed by the 2‑digit release number.

Defaults to All.

Ending PO Number

6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

Enter the purchase order number of the last purchase order that is to be included among those considered for closure.

Defaults to the starting number's value.

Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the beginning product category of the line items that are to be included among those that are to be closed.

Defaults to All.  

Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category of the line items that are to be included among those that are to be closed.  This field is skipped if all product categories are selected.

Defaults to the starting product category.

Starting ETA Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the earliest ETA date that will qualify a line item to be included among those considered to be closed. 

Defaults to All.

Ending ETA Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the latest ETA date that will qualify a line item to be included among those considered to be closed.

Defaults to the starting date's value.

Include Part Recvd Line Items?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish to include partially received line items in your close.

Defaults to N.

Part Recvd Line Item Percent

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).

Enter the percent of items that must be received before the close function will consider them for closing.  Entering zero will indicate that you want the percentage to be 100%.  This field will be skipped if the above field is N.

Defaults to zero (100%).

Run Pre-View Report ?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish to print a report of the results based on your selections.

Defaults to Y.


Entry Field Descriptions – Close PO Header



Type and Description

Starting Vendor Number

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a valid vendor number of the first vendor whose purchase orders are to be included among those that are to be closed 

Press the F7 key to search by vendor number.  Press the F8 key to search by vendor name.

Defaults to All.  

Ending Vendor Number

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a valid vendor number of the last vendor whose purchase orders are to be included among those that are to be closed.

Press the F7 key to search by vendor number.  Press the F8 key to search by vendor name.

Defaults to the starting vendor number.  

Starting PO Number

6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

Enter the purchase order number of the first purchase order that is to be included among those con­sidered for closure.  Enter the 6‑digit purchase order number followed by the 2‑digit release number.

Defaults to All.

Ending PO Number

6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

Enter the purchase order number of the last purchase order that is to be included among those considered for closure.

Defaults to the starting number's value.

Starting PO Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the earliest purchase order date that will qualify the PO to be included among those considered to be closed.

Defaults to All.

Ending PO Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the latest purchase order date that will qualify a PO to be included among those considered to be closed.

Defaults to the starting date's value.

Buyer Code

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a valid buyer code that must appear on the purchase orders that are to be included among those that are to be closed.  Press F7 to search by Buyer Code.

Defaults to All.  

Include Partially Invcd PO?

or N.

Answer Y if you wish to include partially invoiced purchase orders in your close.

Defaults to N.

Include Partially Recvd PO?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish to include partially received purchase orders in your close.

Defaults to N.

Print PO Line Items?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish to include the purchase order line items on the report.  This does not have any effect on the selection criteria.

Defaults to Y.

Run Pre-View Report ?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish to print a report of the results based on your selections.

Defaults to Y.






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