PO2000 P/O and Receiving Receivings Processing 5

PO2000 P/O and Receiving Receivings Processing 5

Batch Receivings Processing

This option allows you to enter multiple receivings for each line item on a purchase order. Each transaction is stored in the Transaction File and is identified by a unique document number. Information stored with each transaction record includes receipt date, quantity received, quantity rejected and unit cost.

You may define multiple G/L accounts to distribute the receivings. The asset account(s) to be debited will be entered after each receiving transaction. You may distribute receivings by dollar amount or by item quantity depending on how flag #17 (Distribute By Amt Or Qty ?) is set in P/O Setup. The application will prompt you to enter an account number followed by the amount or quantity to be distributed to it. The total amount of each transaction must be distributed before the application will allow you to go on to the next one.

The Receivings Accrual Account to be credited must be entered in P/O Setup before receivings can be entered. This global accrual account holds the value of received inventory until the appropriate invoice is entered in the Accounts Payable package. The account is not tied to individual line items. For more information on using the Receivings Accrual Account, see the Package Overview section of this manual.

After entering all receivings and distributions, you should print the Receivings Edit List to verify that the information is correct. For each transaction, the list prints such details as item number and description, vendor, quantity received, unit and total cost, and distribution accounts. After any corrections are made, you may post the transactions using the Post Receivings Transactions application.

Run Instructions - Batch Processing

Select Receivings Processing from the pull down P/O Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:

Batch Receivings Processing Entry Screen

The following options are available:

* Select the desired mode from the Receivings Processing menu bar

* If you select to Add Receivings, you will be asked to identify the purchase order and line item against which a receiving is to be posted. First, you will be prompted to enter the purchase order number. Once you have entered a valid order number, you will be prompted to enter the purchase order line number. If you do not know the line number, you may skip this field to enter the item number. You may even skip the entry of this field to enter the vendor item number. You are required to enter a value for at least one of these fields since the line item could be located by a combination of the purchase order number and the line number, item number or vendor item number. There are options available during the entry of these fields that provide you with even more flexibility when locating a line item. These features are presented below in the discussion of the entry requirements for each field.

* If you entered a specific line number, the line item will display and you will be prompted to enter a document number. If you entered an item number or vendor item number, the program will display the first line item on file for that item and ask if this is the right line item. If you answer N, the next line item on the order for that item will display. In this manner all line items on the order that have the item number that you entered can be displayed until you locate the correct one. Once you find the one you want and answer Y, the cursor will be positioned for entry of the receivings data.

* During entry of the line number there will be two function key options. You may press the F1 key to display the next line item on the purchase order that has not yet been fully received. Having done so, the program will ask if this is the right line item and allow you to enter the receiving against it if it is.

* You may also press the F2 key at this point. Like the F1 key option, this option will display the next line item that has not yet been fully received and ask if this is the right line item. Once the line item has displayed, the cursor will be positioned for immediate entry of the quantity received. You may enter some positive quantity or zero. If no receiver has yet been entered, the cursor will next prompt you for entry of the receiver's initials. Otherwise, this field along with all others will default to appropriate values.

* If you have selected the line item by any means other than the F2 option, enter the receivings data in fields six through twelve and make any changes that are required. The data entry requirements for these fields are discussed below. When there are no more changes, press RETURN in response to Field Number ? The application will prompt you to enter the distribution account number(s).

* If you are receiving a lot item and lot items are being used (see field #9 in I/M Setup), you will be required to enter a lot number and expiration date for each transaction. If you are receiving a serialized item and serial items are being used, you will have the option of entering serial numbers after each transaction.

* After entering the receivings data, you must enter one or more distribution accounts to counterbalance the receivings accrual account read from the P/O Setup. Enter an asset account number or search for a valid G/L account number using the F7/F8 options, then enter the amount to be distributed to that account. You may distribute to as many accounts as you wish. You may enter negative amounts or amounts greater than the transaction amount but the net amount remaining to distribute must be zero before the application will allow you to exit the screen.

* When there are no more receivings to enter, press ESC while the cursor is positioned for entry of the purchase order number.

* If you select to Change Receivings, you can specify the receiving that you wish to review or change. You will first be prompted to enter the purchase order number of the order against which the receiving was recorded. You will then be prompted to enter the receiving's item number. You may press RETURN to display the first (and subsequent) receiving on file for the purchase order; or you may enter a specific item number, in which case the program will display the first (and subsequent) receiving on file for the purchase order and the item number. In either case you will be asked if the receiving that is displayed is the one you want. If you answer Y, you will be allowed to change fields six through twelve except nine.

* When there are no more changes, press RETURN in response to Field Number ? and the screen will be cleared for the selection of another receiving to change or review.

* If you select to Delete Receivings, you will be able to select a receiving to delete just as you selected one to change in the change mode. Once you have answered Y to the right transaction question, a question will display asking if you wish to delete this receiving. If you answer Y, the receiving will be deleted.

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions


Type and Description

1.  P.O. Number

6 numeric digits followed by 2 digits (999999-99).

Enter the purchase order number of the order against which the receiving is to be posted.

In add and change mode, you may press the F1 key to display a screen upon which you enter the vendor number and item number of the receiving.

The program then lists all of the vendor's purchase orders upon which the item was ordered.  You may choose the appropriate purchase order number from this list and then enter it for the receiving.

Defaults to the purchase order number of the previously entered receiving.


The vendor number and name for the purchase order selected above will automatically be displayed.

2.  Line Number

3 numeric digits (999).

Enter the line number of the purchase order line item against which this receiving is to be posted.  The line number, if entered, must be that of a line number that actually exists on the purchase order.  In add mode you may press RETURN to disregard this field and skip to the entry of the item number.

In change mode, you may press RETURN to sequentially view the line numbers on the purchase order.  When the appropriate line number displays, press Y to bring it up.

In add mode you also have the option of pressing the F1 key or the F2 key to display the next line item on the order that has not been fully received.

(Refer to the Application Overview for an explanation of the differ­ence between the F1 and F2 keys at this level of entry).  The infor­mation from the line item will display and the screen will ask Right Line Item ?.  You may scan through all of the line items on the order in this manner until you find the one you want.

Line Number  (continued)

If a line number is entered here, the screen will automatically display the item number, vendor item number, and a window showing information about the line item. 

In change mode, once entered, this key field may not be changed.

3.  Item Number

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the item number of the line item against which the receiving should be recorded. The item number need not be that of a valid item on file in the Item File but must be an item listed on the purchase order.  The item's description will display beside the entry. You may press RETURN to disregard this field and skip to the entry of the vendor item number.

In change mode, this key field may not be changed.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for an item by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for an item by description.

4.  Doc Number

6 numeric digits (999999).

Enter the document number to be associated with this receivings transaction.  This number allows more than one receipt transaction to be recorded for each line number.

In add mode, press the F1 key to assign the next sequential document number from the P/O Setup application.

In change mode, the application will display all receivings transactions on file for each line number.  Press RETURN to scan through them one at a time.  Enter Y to select the appropriate transaction.  Also in change mode, once selected, this key field may not be changed.

5.  Vend Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the vendor item number of the item for which the receiving is to be entered.  The program will locate purchase order line items for which this vendor item number is referenced.

In change mode, this field may not be changed.

6.  Receipt Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the date the merchandise was received.

Defaults to the current date the first time through and to the previously entered receipt date thereafter.

7.  Qty Received

A standard quantity format 

Enter the quantity received.  This is the quantity that was received in good condition and for which you are willing to be billed.

You may enter a negative quantity or a quantity greater than the quantity ordered.

8.  Qty Rejected

A standard quantity format 

Enter the quantity rejected.  This field represents merchandise that was received in the shipment but which was unacceptable because of damage or because the vendor shipped the wrong style, color, size, model or any of a number of other reasons.  The quantity re­jected is noted within the Purchase Order package but rejected items are not handled.  Bookkeeping records, return shipment preparation and other such activities required to process rejects must be handled outside of the Purchase Order package.

Rej. Reason

2 alphanumeric characters. 

If you enter a quantity rejected, you should also enter a reason for the rejection.  You must select one of the Reject Reason Codes that were entered in the Reject Reason Code File Maintenance application.  The code you enter must be that of a valid reject reason.  The code's description will display beside the entry.

If you do not remember the code for the reason that applies to this rejection, you may press the F1 key to display the next reject reason that is on file.  Press RETURN to scan through the reasons one at a time.  When the appropriate reason displays, press Y to accept it.

Rej. Reason  (continued)

The entry of a Reject Reason Code is not required.  You may press RETURN to skip to entry of the next field.

In the add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for reject reason codes.

9.  Receipt U/M

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the unit of measure in which the merchandise is being received.  The only acceptable units of measure are the item's purchased unit of measure and the item's stocked unit of measure (referred to as simply the unit of measure in I/M).  The Inventory Management package keeps track of the ratio between these two units of measure so the entry of one or the other is acceptable.

NOTE:  For serial/lot items, this must be the stocking unit of measure.

In change mode this field may not be changed.

Defaults to the unit of measure specified on the purchase order.

10.  Unit Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions with an optional minus sign (999,999.9999-).

Enter the unit cost of the received line item.

If the vendor specified a total cost for all units that were shipped, you may press the F1 key to enter this value. The program will then compute and display the unit cost based upon the total cost and the number of units received. If the vendor specified a unit cost for the merchandise that was shipped, enter that value here 

Defaults to the unit cost at which the line item was ordered.

11.  Receiver

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the initials or identifying code of the individual responsible for receiving the shipment.

If serial numbers are being used and the item is a serialized item, you will be asked if you wish to enter serial numbers.  If you answer Y, the following field will appear:

Serial Number

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a serial number to be associated with each item received in this transaction.  Each item must be assigned a different serial number.  If the Esc key or F10 key is pressed before all items are serialized, the quantity received will automatically be adjusted to the number of serial numbers entered.

If lot numbers are being used and the item is a lot item, the following fields will appear:

12.  Lot No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a lot number to be used to track the items received in this transaction.  The lot number may be one that already exists in the serial/lot file.

13.  Exp Month

2 numeric digits.

Enter the expiration month for the entered lot number.  this number must be an integer from one (1) to twelve (12).


2 numeric digits. 

Enter the last two digits of the expiration year for the entered lot number.


Account Number

An account number in the standard format.

Enter a valid G/L account number to be debited with the receiving amount or quantity.  The asset account(s) entered here must be on file in the I/M Account File or the G/L account file if I/M Setup flag #11 is set for G/L accounts.

You may distribute a transaction to as many accounts as you wish.

If you alter the quantity received or unit cost in change mode, you will be required to adjust the distribution. 

This account number defaults to the one entered in field  #5 of the Purchase Order Processing application.

Account Number (continued)

Press the F7 key to search by account number or press the F8 key to search by account description.


The description of the entered account number will automatically display.

The next field will display a Distribution Amount or Distribution Qty depending on how P/O Setup field #17 (Distribute By Amt Or Qty) is set.

Distribution Amount

11 numeric digits with two decimal places and an optional minus sign (-999,999,999.99).

If distributions are being made by a dollar amount enter the amount to be distributed to this account.  You may enter negative amounts or amounts greater than the transaction amount.  The only requirement is that the amount remaining to distribute displayed at the bottom of the screen must be zero before you may exit the screen.

To remove a distribution to an account, enter zero in this field.

If you alter the quantity received or unit cost in change mode, you will be required to adjust the distribution amounts.

Distribution Qty

A quantity in the standard format.

If distributions are being made by item quantity, enter the quantity to be distributed to this account.  You may enter negative quantity or quantities greater than the total transaction quantity.  The only requirement is that the total net distributed must equal the total for the transaction before you may exit the screen.  The quantity entered here is multiplied by the unit cost entered in field #10 to determine the value of the received item(s).

Amount Remaining To Distribute or

Qty Remaining To Distribute

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (-999,999,999.99), or A quantity in the standard format.

The net amount/quantity left to be distributed is automatically displayed.  This field must equal zero before the user can leave the screen.

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