The Clear Year-To-Date Statistics application sets the year‑to‑date vendor totals that are derived from purchase order activity to zero. These totals include the number of purchase orders entered for the vendor, the number of line items that appeared on these purchase orders and the number of line items that were received late.
The program also calculates the percentage of line items that were late and updates the percent late last year with this value.
These fields must be cleared annually since year‑to‑date totals have no meaning if they are allowed to accumulate past the end of the year. You should run this application at the end of the fiscal year as the last purchase order activity of the year.
The program requires exclusive use of the Vendor file so if another user is accessing the file, you will be advised of the usage conflict and the program will terminate before any processing is actually done.
Select Clear YTD Statistics from the pull down P/O Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
This Program Should Be Run Annually At The End Of The Fiscal Year. It Will Set Vendor Year-To-Date Purchase Order Statistics To Zero.
Are You Sure You Wish To Run This Program ? | Y or N. Answer Y to set the vendor order statistics to zero, or N to decline. This field defaults to N. |
Clear Vendor YTD Statistics