PO1501 Purchase Order and Receiving Item Vendor File Maintenance

PO1501 Purchase Order and Receiving Item Vendor File Maintenance

Item Vendor File Maintenance


Application Overview

 This application provides the means whereby the Purchase Order and Receiving package keeps track of the vendors who provide particular items, and it allows the vendor's identifying number for an item to be associated with your identifying number for the same item, so that both numbers can be printed on the purchase order. The Item Vendor File Maintenance application allows you to add, modify, delete, and print lists of such item/vendor relationships.

 There are two reports available in the application. One lists the vendors that provide particular items; the other lists the items provided by particular vendors. Both reports are valuable to a buyer because he needs to know which vendors are available for the purchase of an item, as well as what items a vendor is capable of delivering. The reports also provide vendor performance information so that the buyer can judge the reliability of the vendors that are competing for his business. If the vendor is not to be purchased from, a warning to this effect will print on the report as well.

 Having the vendor's item number associated with your own item number is a great help to receiving and accounts payable personnel, since they commonly deal with correspondence and documents issued by the vendor that contain only the vendor's identifying numbers for the items in question. In many places throughout the package, the operator may enter either the item number or the vendor's item number in order to identify an item.

 There are two ways in which these item/vendor relationships can be established. During the entry of line items on a purchase order, the program will request the entry of the vendor's item number if the item vendor data is not yet on file. After the number has been entered, the program will automatically update the item vendor file to include this relationship. The item vendor data may also be entered manually through the Item Vendor File Maintenance application.

 In addition to the data already discussed, the Item Vendor file stores the minimum order amount that the vendor requires for a particular item and the vendor's last activity date. Each time an item is ordered from a vendor, the Purchase Order Processing program automatically updates the vendor's last activity date in the Item Vendor file. Vendor items which have not been ordered for a long time probably do not need to have their data maintained. The Item Vendor File Maintenance applica­tion allows you to purge obsolete vendor items from the file through a specified Last Activity Date.




    Select Item Vendor File  from the pull down P/O Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed.



    The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Item Vendor File Maintenance menu bar
    • Enter the data requested on the screen

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

    Entry Field Descriptions


    Item Vendor Entry



    Type and Description

    Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number. The number need not be that of a valid item in the item file. If the item file specifies that the item is normally manufactured, rather than purchased, the screen will display a warning to that effect, but you will not be prohibited from entering the number of a manufactured item. Once a valid number has been entered, the item's description will display beside the entry.

    Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for an item by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for an item by name.

    Vendor No

    6 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the Vendor number. The number must be that of a valid vendor.  Once a valid number has been entered, the vendor's name will display beside the entry.

    Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for a vendor by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for a vendor by name.

    In change and delete modes, you will have the option of pressing the F1 key to display the first (and subsequent) vendors that provide the item specified above. This feature allows the buyer to quickly review what vendor resources there are when he is evaluating vendors for the purchase of an item.

    Once a valid vendor number has been entered, the program will check the vendor's status. If the vendor has a status of N assigned in the Vendor file, (NO PURCHASES) will display below the vendor's name. The program will then display the vendor's perform­ance statistics. The average lead time is the length of time, in days, that the vendor historically has taken to deliver what was ordered. 


    Vendor No  (continued)

    The average days late pertains to merchandise delivered past the requested receipt date. The reject percent indicates how much of the merchandise that the vendor ships is unacceptable. The cost variance represents the his­torical average difference between the price at which merchandise was ordered and the price at which it was billed.  These four fields are derived from the Vendor file in the Accounts Payable package 

    All of this displayed information can influence a buyer's decision to purchase from one vendor as opposed to another. Even where a vendor has the best prices, if it has a history of late deliveries or a large number of rejects, the buyer might be wise to shop else­where.  

    Avg Lead Time

    Display only.

    Displays the average lead time when ordering.

    Avg Days Late

    Display only.

    Displays the average number of days that a shipment arrives late.

    Reject Pct

    Display only.

    Displays the average percentage of shipments that are received late from this vendor.

    Cost Variance 

    Display only 

    Displays the cost variance for this product to other vendors.

    2.  Vendor Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the number the vendor uses to identify this product.

    This number is available from catalogs, price lists and promotional liter­ature, as well as vendor salesmen and order processing clerks.

    3.  Minimum Order

    A standard quantity format.

    Enter the minimum order amount that the vendor requires in the item's stocking unit of measure. This field is purely documentary.

    Minimum Order (continued)

    The entry you make here will have no influence upon the processing in other programs. It is provided to assist the buyer in the selec­tion of a vendor. An entry of zero (blank) means that there is no applicable minimum.

    4.  Activity Date

    A date in the standard date format.

    Enter the last date when there was activity concerning this vendor and this item. This field is similar to the last activity date in the Vendor file, but here it pertains to activity concerning a specific item. Once entered, it will be automatically updated by the Purchase Order Processing application each time an order is placed with this vendor for this item.

    The entry defaults to today's date.





    Type and Description

    Report Type

    1 alphabetic character.

    The allowable entries are V and I 

    V   =  List the items for each vendor

    I    =  List the vendors for each item.

    The entry in this field determines which of two versions of the report will print. If you enter V, you will be requesting the version that lists the items that each vendor provides, and you will be required to enter a range of vendors. If you enter I, you will be requesting the version that lists the vendors who provide each item, and you will be required to enter a range of items.

    Starting Vendor No

    6 alphanumeric characters.

    If you selected a V report type, this field is displayed. Enter the starting vendor number in the range you want to list, or press RETURN to default to All vendors.

    Ending Vendor No

    6 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the ending vendor number in the range you want to list.

    Starting Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    If you select an I report type, this field is displayed. Enter the starting item number in the range you want to list, or press RETURN to default to all items.

    Ending Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the ending item number in the range you want to list.   


     Date filled out _________ by ___________  ADD    CHANGE   DELETE


    Item No         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor No       _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor Item No  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Minimum Order   _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _

    Activity Date   _ _ / _ _ / _ _


    Item No         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor No       _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor Item No  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Minimum Order   _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _

    Activity Date   _ _ / _ _ / _ _


    Item No         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor No       _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vendor Item No  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Minimum Order   _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _

    Activity Date   _ _ / _ _ / _ _


    Item Vendor File Maintenance



    Item Vendor List

    Run Date: Nov 13, 1992   12:02pm         Elliott Electronics Co.                                                            Page    1

                                                    V E N D O R   I T E M   L I S T

    Range: For All Vendor Numbers

    Vendor No                       Ld Time  Rej Pct   Vendor Item No    Min Order   Item No          Item Description

    Vendor Name                     Days Lt  Cost Var                     Act Date

    000100                           17.98      1.29   100 CLOCK            10.000   CLOCK            25 Meg Clock For Mother Board

    Computer Electronics Center         3      11.23                      11/13/92                    Clock   25M

                                                       100 CPU30MG           8.000   CPU 30MEG        Z80 Micro Processor 30 Meg

                                                                          11/13/92                    CPU   Z80

                                                       100 DATABUS          10.000   DATA BUS         Data Bus/Buffer 25 Meg

                                                                          11/13/92                    Data   Buffer

                                                       100 KEYBRD           10.000   KEYBOARD         Key Board For System Computer

                                                                          11/13/92                    25 MHZ

                                                       100 VIDADD            8.000   VID AD           Video Addressing Module

                                                                          11/13/92                    Vid   Address

                                                       100 VIDCLK           10.000   VID CLKS         Video Clock For 25 Meg Video

                                                                          11/13/92                    Video   Clock

                                                       100 VIDRAM            8.000   VID RAM          Video Ram For 25 Meg Video

                                                                          11/13/92                    Video   Ram

                                                       7 Items For This Vendor

    000300                            4.00      2.22   300 CHARGEN           8.000   CHAR GEN         Character Generator At 25 Meg

    Anawalt Computer Company            0       6.23                      11/13/92                    Character   Gen   25

                                                       300 DATACTL           8.000   DATA CONTRL      Data Control Module

                                                                          11/13/92                    Data   Control

                                                       300 MEMMGR           10.000   MEMMGR           Memory Manager For CPU Board

                                                                          11/13/92                    MEM   Manager

                                                       300 PORTSEL           8.000   PORT SELECT      Port Selector Z80 25 Meg

                                                                          11/13/92                    Port   Seletor

                                                       300 RAM2MG            6.000   RAM 2MEG         2 Meg Ram For Mother Board

                                                                          11/13/92                    Ram   2 Meg

                                                       300 SETCPU            5.000   RESET CPU        CPU Reset for Board


    Vendor Price Table

     To enable this function, Vendor Price Table must be set up in Utilities Section P/O Enhancements.  To use this function:  Elliott Main Menuà Distribution à  Purchase Order & Receiving à Maintenance à Item Vendor File



    Figure 3D.7


    To Create and Maintain Item Vendor file, answer “Y” to field #5.    At “Y” press the enter key to maintain item pricing (Figure 3D.8)


    Figure 3D.8

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