PO1101 Purchase Order and Receiving Buyer Code File Maintenance

PO1101 Purchase Order and Receiving Buyer Code File Maintenance


Buyer Code File Maintenance

Application OverviewBuyer Code File MaintenanceApplication OverviewAddd


A buyer must be associated with every purchase order that is entered. This is the means by which the person who initiated the order can be identified by Accounts Payable and Receiving personnel, as well as by anyone else who might have questions about the order or the merchandise ordered. Buyers, themselves, will find this attribute useful because certain applications allow them to access information about their specific orders.

 Storing the buyer's name on each order is an inefficient use of computer resources, so instead, a two‑character code is used to identify the buyer. This application allows you to set up and later modify the file containing buyer codes and the associated buyer names. If there are only a few buyers for your company, you will probably be able to use the buyer's initials as the code.  Larger companies will probably need to use a non‑significant code or one which has more discrete significance than a part of initials.

 In other applications where this code is entered, there will be an option available to the operator to display the buyer codes one by one so that the operator will not have to commit them to memory or be burdened by a printed listing.




    Select Buyer Code File  from the pull down P/O Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Buyer Code File Maintenance menu bar
    • Enter the data requested on the screen


        To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



    Entry Field Descriptions



    Type and Description

    1.  Buyer Code

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the code that you wish to have associated with the buyer name that is entered below.

    In the change or delete mode, press the F7 key to search for Buyer Code.

    2.  Buyer Name

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the buyer's name.  This name will display whenever the Buyer Code is entered and will also appear on the purchase order form and certain reports.




    Run Date: Nov 13, 1992 ‑ 11:52am         Elliott Electronics Co.                                                            Page    1

                                                       B U Y E R   C O D E   L I S T

    Buyer  Buyer‑Name


     1     Frank Jones

     2     Anna Bellton

     9     Chem Thompson

     BC    Janice Johnson

       4 Codes On File





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