The Drop Ship Receivings Report is the means by which Customer Order Processing is informed when to bill a customer for a drop shipment. This report should be printed routinely if drop shipments are a common occurrence.
When the manufacturer or distributor drop ships your order to your customer, it will send you notification of shipment and bill you for the order. At that point you will enter a receiving in order to record the fact that the invoice can be paid. (Whether you pay without confirmation of receipt from the customer is up to you, of course). There is no direct interface with the Customer Order Processing package so COP does not immediately know that the customer can be billed. This report provides the manual interface between P/O and COP.
The report lists receivings in order by purchase order number and provides information that will help the billing clerk determine how to bill the customer for the drop shipment. This information includes the item number, item description, vendor number, date received, unit of measure, quantities ordered, received and rejected, and comments from the purchase order. Note that the unit of measure that is shown is the item's stocking unit of measure regardless of the unit of measure specified on the purchase order. Quantities are shown in the stocking unit of measure.
The purchase order comments are included to provide you with a means of carrying information from COP to P/O when the purchase order is originally entered. The comments can be used to identify the customer for instance, or the customer's order number or other such data that will help the billing clerk process the invoice that bills the drop ship customer.
Select Drop Shipment Receivings Report from the pull down P/O Reports window.
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting P.O. Number | 6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999-99). Enter the purchase order number of the first purchase order that is to be included among those conĀsidered for printing. The number need not be that of a valid purĀchase order. Defaults to All. |
2. Ending P.O. Number | 6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999-99) Defaults to the starting order number's value. Enter the purchase order number of the last purchase order that is to be included among those considered for printing. The number need not be that of a valid purchase order. |
3. Starting Date Entered | A date in the standard date format. Enter the entry date of the earliest receiving that is to be included among those considered for printing. Defaults to All. |
4. Ending Date Entered | A date in the standard date format. Enter the entry date of the latest receiving that is to be included among those considered for printing. Defaults to the starting date. |