As soon as you print a purchase order, the items on the order can be thought of as being scheduled to be received. The purchase order specified a scheduled receipt date that the vendor is expected to meet. The reports available through this application let you know what is on order and when you can expect to receive the merchandise. Every purchase order on file is represented, except for blanket‑type orders and orders that have been closed or canceled. If a scheduled receipt is late, it will be flagged on the report so that you will notice it more easily. Quantities ordered and received as shown on the report in their stocking unit of measure regardless of the unit of measure in which they were ordered. The unit of measure's description also appears on the report for reference.
Scheduled receipts can be printed in order by the vendor from whom they were ordered, by the number of the item that was ordered, or by the job for which they were ordered. The report by vendor helps you monitor the performance of the vendor and take action on late shipments before the situation becomes serious. The report by item is valuable if you order the same item from different vendors. It enables you to compare the performance of competing vendors. It also gives you a list of purchase orders outstanding on a particular item for use in case of shortages. The report by job is useful for job shops where the late delivery of a single item can signal problems for the entire job. This allows managers to stay on top of the situation and ward off disasters that result from unavailable material.
For each report there are many parameters that can be specified. These parameters provide you with the ability to really pinpoint the specific receivings that you are concerned about. For instance, if you are interested in seeing only those receivings that are already late, you may specify how many days late a receiving must be in order for it to show up on the report. A buyer may be concerned only about scheduled receivings on those orders that he initiated. If so, he may specify this in the range parameters. These and other similar parameters make these reports a powerful management tool for keeping track of, and identifying problems with, scheduled receivings.
For each of the three reports, there is a work file that is generated that stores purchase order information in a sequence the report requires. The very first time you run each of these reports, the file will be generated automatically. Thereafter, you will have the option of regenerating the work file each time you run the report. You would want to regenerate the file if orders have been added, changed, canceled, closed, or deleted since the last file generation. You would also want to generate it again if there have been receivings entered since then.
In most companies, these activities occur daily, so a work file would become obsolete shortly after its creation. You may find a certain degree of obsolescence acceptable when weighed against the time required to regenerate the file. Also, there will be times when you wish to run several versions of the same report, one after the other. In this case, it would clearly be to your advantage to use the same generation of the work file for each version of the report. How often you need to regenerate these files depends upon how much traffic there is through your order processing department and how much data obsolescence you can tolerate in the Scheduled Receipts report.
Select Scheduled Receipts Report from the pull down P/O Reports window. The following screen will then be displayed:
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Vendor No Starting Item No Starting Job No | 6 alphanumeric characters for the vendor. 15 alphanumeric characters for the item. 6 alphanumeric characters for the job. Depending upon which report you selected, you will be entering one of these three fields. Enter the starting number of the range of numbers that are to be considered for inclusion of the report. The entry need not be that of a valid vendor, item or job. Press the F7 key to search for vendor, item, or job numbers. Press the F8 key to search for vendor or item names. Defaults to All. |
2. Ending Vendor No Ending Item No Ending Job No | 6 alphanumeric characters for the vendor. 15 alphanumeric characters for the item. 6 alphanumeric characters for the job. Enter the ending number of the range of numbers that are to be considered for inclusion on the report. As for the starting number, the entry need not be that of a valid vendor, item or job. Press the F7 key to search for vendor, item, or job numbers. Press the F8 key to search for vendor or item names. Defaults to the starting entry's value. |
3. Starting Promise Date | A date in the standard date format. The promise date is, in effect, the scheduled receipt date. For many line items, a promise date was never entered because the original request date remained in force. In such cases, the program will use the request date for determining whether the line item should be included on the report. Enter the earliest scheduled receipt date that will qualify a line item to be considered for inclusion on the report. Defaults to All. |
4. Ending Promise Date | A date in the standard date format. Enter the latest scheduled receipt date that will qualify a line item to be considered for inclusion on the report. Defaults to the starting date's value. |
5. At Least X Days Late | 3 numeric digits (999). If you wish to include on the report only those scheduled receipts that are late, enter here the number of days late a receipt must be. You may press RETURN to skip this field and disregard the parameter. |
6. Show Fully Received ? | Y or N. Answer Y if you wish the report to show line items that have been fully received. You may wish to see such lines simply so that you can be sure that all lines from a purchase order are represented on the report. The fact that a line has been fully received can tell you as much about a vendor's performance as lines that still have receivings pending. Defaults to N. |
7. Show Canceled Lines ? | Y or N. Answer Y if you wish the report to show line items that have been canceled. Line items are often canceled because of a vendor inadequacy of one sort or another. Therefore, even though a canceled line is no longer scheduled to be received, its appearance on the report can give you valuable information about the order and about the vendor. Defaults to N. |
8. Buyer Code | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the code of the buyer whose purchase orders are to be represented on the report, or press RETURN to default to All buyers. If a buyer code is entered, it must be one that is defined in the Buyer Code File Maintenance application. The buyer's name will display beside the entry. If you know the buyer's name but not his code, you can press the F1 key to display the code and name of the first (and subsequent) buyers that are on file. You may page through all of the Buyer codes in this manner. When the Buyer code that you require displays, answer Y to the RIGHT BUYER ? question. Press the F7 key to search for Buyer codes. Defaults to All. |
9. Notification Initials | 3 alphanumeric characters. Every line item specifies the initials of someone who should be notified in the event of problems that arise at any point during the processing of the line item. This person may be the buyer, or it may be the manager of the area the merchandise or service is ordered for. Different companies will utilize this field for different purposes. Whether this parameter is of value to you depends upon what you use notification initials for. It is another means at your disposal for customizing the scheduled receipts reports. Defaults to All. |
10. Move‑To Location | 3 alphanumeric characters. Every line item specifies an area where merchandise should be moved, once the receiving has been processed. This code identifies that location. The specification of a move‑to location is optional, however, so not all companies will find a use for it. If used, it gives you another parameter with which to customize the report. Defaults to All. |
11. Ship‑To Code | 6 alphanumeric characters. Every purchase order specifies an address to which the merchandise should be shipped. This is accomplished by assigning a ship‑to code to the order. If you wish to list scheduled receivings for a particular shipping destination, enter that destination's ship‑to code here. The entry must be that of a code defined in the Ship‑To file. The ship‑to location's description will display beside the entry Press the F1 key to display the code and name of the first (and subsequent) ship-to codes that are on file. You may page through all of the Ship-to codes in this manner. When the Ship-to code that you require displays, answer Y to the RIGHT SHIP-TO ? question. Press the F7 key to search for ship-to codes. Defaults to All. |
The Work File For This Report Was Generated xx/xx/xx. If Any Purchase Orders Have Been Added, Changed, Canceled, Deleted, Or Closed Since Then Or If Receivings Have Been Entered, The Work File Must Be Regenerated For The New Data To Be Included On The Report.
Do You Wish To Regenerate The Work File ? | Y or N. If you have ever run this report before, select Y to regenerate the work file or N to decline.
Answer Y if you want the most up‑to‑date information to be shown on the report. The data on the report will be the data as of the work file's generation date. Answer N if the work file was recently regenerated or if the degree of data obsolescence is acceptable to you. |
Run Date: Nov 13, 1992 ‑ 12:27pm Elliott Electronics Co. Page 1
Range: All Vendors
All Promise Dates
Items Shown Regardless Of Number Of Days Late
Late Lines Are Shown Preceded By "L"
Fully Received Lines Are Not Shown
Cancelled Lines Are Not Shown
All Buyers
Notify: All Move‑To Location: All
Vendor‑No Item‑No * Job‑No Po‑Number Prt‑Date Qty‑Ord Qty‑Rec Req‑Date Prom‑Dte Ni
Vendor‑Name Item‑Description
000100 Phone: 213‑723‑8377 CHAR‑GEN U/M = EA L PC100 000001‑00 05/10/92 50.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Computer Electronics Center Character Generator At 25 Meg Item Totals: 50.000 10.000
Contact: Harvey Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25
PAR‑PORT U/M = EA L PC100 000001‑00 05/10/92 40.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Parallel Port For I/O Item Totals: 40.000 10.000
Parallel Port
RAM‑ADDRES U/M = EA L PC100 000005‑00 05/10/92 20.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Ram Address Multiplexer Item Totals: 20.000 10.000
Ram ‑ Add ‑ Mult
SER‑PORT U/M = EA L PC100 000001‑00 05/10/92 40.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Serial Port For Z80 25 Meg Item Totals: 40.000 10.000
Serial ‑ Port
000200 Phone: 834‑834‑8388 VID‑AD U/M = EA L PC100 000002‑00 05/10/92 40.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
CompuPart Computer Services Video Addressing Module Item Totals: 40.000 10.000
Contact: Garish Hilltop Vid ‑ Address
Run Date: Mar 8, 1993 ‑ 11:10am Elliott Electronics Co. Page 1
Range: All Jobs
All Promise Dates
Items Shown Regardless Of Number Of Days Late
Late Lines Are Shown Preceded By "L"
Fully Received Lines Are Shown Preceded By "F"
Cancelled Lines Are Shown Preceded By "X"
All Buyers
Notify: All Move‑To Location: All
All Ship‑To Codes
Job‑No Item‑No Item‑Description * Vend‑No Po‑Number Prt‑Date U/M Qty‑Ord Qty‑Rec Req‑Date Prom‑Dte Ni
PC100 CHAR‑GEN Character Generator At 25 Meg L 000100 000001‑00 05/10/92 EA 50.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25 Item Totals: 50.000 10.000
CLOCK 25 Meg Clock For Mother Board L 000400 000004‑00 05/10/92 EA 30.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Clock ‑ 25M Item Totals: 30.000 10.000
DATA‑BUS Data Bus/Buffer 25 Meg L 000300 000003‑00 05/10/92 EA 60.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Data ‑ Buffer Item Totals: 60.000 10.000
DATA‑CONTRL Data Control Module L 000300 000003‑00 05/10/92 EA 50.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Data ‑ Control Item Totals: 50.000 10.000
DISPLAY Display Blanker For 25 MVideo L 000300 000003‑00 05/10/92 EA 20.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
Display For Video Card Item Totals: 20.000 10.000
KEYBOARD Key Board For System Computer L 000400 000004‑00 05/10/92 EA 20.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
25 MHZ Item Totals: 20.000 10.000
MEMMGR Memory Manager For CPU Board L 000400 000004‑00 05/10/92 EA 50.000 10.000 02/03/92 JLB
MEM ‑ Manager Item Totals: 50.000 10.000