PO0300 Purchase Order and Receiving Purchase Order Inquiry

PO0300 Purchase Order and Receiving Purchase Order Inquiry


Purchase Order Inquiry 

Application Overview

 This application enables you to quickly review the purchase orders that are on file for a vendor.  If you wish to know which orders are on file for a vendor or what was ordered on a particular purchase order, or what has been received so far against a specific order, you will likely use the Purchase Order Inquiry application to get this data

The Elliot Purchase Order Inquiry allows the user many different ways of accessing and viewing a Purchase Order.  Major features include:

  1. Accessing by P.O. Number without having to enter the Vendor Number.
  2. Lists P.O. Numbers in reverse sequence by listing the highest P.O. number first.  If the P.O. numbering sequence is adhered to, then the list order will be by last P.O. entered. This makes it easier and faster to find and access Purchase Orders.  If viewing Purchase Orders by Vendor, the P.O.’s are also in reverse sequence.
  3. Moving bar highlights the P.O. and shows the details as each P.O. is highlighted.     
  4. Allows you to view the entire P.O. that is highlighted when you press <Enter>.  When you exit this detail screen, the system returns you to the P.O. list.


Run Instructions

Select Purchase Order Inquiry from the pull down P/O Inquiry window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



From this screen you have the following three options:

            F7        Search By Vendor Number

            F8        Search By Vendor Name

            F1        Search By P.O. Number

When inquiring by P.O. Number, the lower menu bar options are:

1.         Return = Next Order,

2.       F1 = List All Orders

3.       F2 = List Orders By Item No.


F7/F8 Options


From the P.O. No. field you may enter the PO number, press return for next vendor PO , F1 to list all PO’s for vendor, or F2 for item number / vendor number.


F1:                   All PO’s for Vendor Inquiry



F2:                   By Item or Vendor Item No. Inquiry

Beginning with Elliott 7.4, for Purchase Order Inquiry by Item, the system will now display the total PO Qty and Outstanding Balance to give buyers a quick summary view.  In addition, for any un-posted receiving transactions (i.e. goods on ocean), the system will display their quantity in PO Inquiry as “Pending” quantity.


When inquiring on a specific purchase order, the purchase order header information will display in the top half of the screen.  Up to three line items will display in the lower half.  If there are more than three line items on the order, a message will display on the bottom line, informing you to press the F1 key to display further line items or to press the ESC key to terminate the inquiry.  If there are no more line items on the order, a message will display, informing you that the end of the order has been reached.

 Once you reach the end of the order and press the RETURN key or you terminate the inquiry, (using the ESC key), the cursor is positioned for entry of another purchase order number.  You may press ESC to return for a selection of another vendor number.

 To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the number of the vendor whose orders you wish to review.  When you enter the number of a vendor on file in the Vendor file, the vendor's name and address will display beside the entry to help you verify that you have the correct vendor number.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the vendor by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the vendor by name.

P.O. No

6 numeric digits followed by 2 number digits (999999‑99).

Defaults to the first (or next) order on file for the vendor.

Enter the purchase order number of the vendor's order you wish to review.  If you do not know the precise order number, there are three options available to help you locate it.

If there are only a few orders on file for the vendor, you may find it most convenient to simply press RETURN.  Doing so will cause the program to locate and display the first order's header and line item data.  A question will display on the bottom of the screen, asking if you wish to view another order.  If you answer Y, the next order for the vendor will be displayed.  If you answer N, the cursor will position for the entry of a new purchase order number.


P.O. No (continued)

You may continue displaying the next order in this fashion until all of the vendor's orders have been displayed.

Accessing orders one by one to locate the correct one is a slow process, particularly if there are a large number of orders on file.

A faster way is to press the F1 key to get a list of all the orders on file for the vendor.  This list presents the orders in numerical order and provides key information to help you identify the order you need.

If you know the number of one of the items on the order, you may press the F2 key to display a screen upon which you enter the item number (or the vendor's item number).  The program then displays all of the orders upon which this item number appears. 

Line item data is summarized on this list to help you locate the correct order.  As an additional convenience, you may access the item number by the item's description.

Item Number Or

Vendor Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the item number.  Its description will display beside the entry and the vendor item number will also display if it is on file.  If you only know the vendor's item number, you may press RETURN to skip the entry of that field.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for an item by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for an item by description.

The entry of the vendor's item number requires that the vendor/item number relationship be defined in the Item Vendor file.  If the program cannot locate such a relationship, the entry will be disallowed.  You may return for entry of the item number by pressing ESC.  If the relationship is defined, the item number and description will display.

Inquiry Display Fields



Type and Description

Order Type

Display only.

This is the unlabeled field that displays beside the order number.  It also displays labeled as TYPE on the list of orders that is accessed by pressing the F1 key.  The order type identifies the order as being a NORMAL, BLANKET, RELEASE or DROP SHIP order.


Display only.

This field appears only on the list of orders activated by the F2 key.  It represents the difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity received and is expressed in the item's stocking unit of measure if the item is defined in the Item file.


Display only.

This field also appears only on the list of orders that are accessed by the F2 key.  It shows the unit cost at which the merchandise was ordered (in the stocking unit of measure).


Display only.

These fields show the vendor's name and address.


Display only.

These fields identifies the shipping destination for the order.  The address may be that of the receiving warehouse or, in the case of drop shipments, the customer's shipping address.


Display only.

This is the purchase order's status.  Possible values for this field are NOT REL (Unreleased), RELEASED, PRINTED, CLOSED and CANCEL.


Display only.

This field indicates whether cancellation of the order has been initiated.  Once the order has actually been canceled by printing it as a cancellation order, the status above would display Cancel and this field would be blank.  Values for this field are Yes or No.


Display only.

If an order acknowledgment is requested for the order, Yes dis­plays in this field.  Otherwise, not required.


Display only.

If confirmation of the order is requested, Yes displays in this field.  Otherwise, not required.


Display only. 

This is the date the order was entered.


Display only.

This is the date the order was printed.  If unprinted, this field displays as blank.


Display only.

This is the code of the buyer who is associated with the order.


Display only.

These are the order's terms.


Display only.

This is the description of the order's FOB point.


Display only.

This is the description of the requested shipping method.


Display only.

This field indicates whether the merchandise on the order is to be shipped freight collect or prepaid by the vendor.  Possible values for this field are COL, PPD and blank.


Display only. 

This is the line items' number as identified on the purchase order.


Display only.

This is the line item's line number on the purchase order.  It displays below the item number.


Display only.

This is the unit of measure in which quantities for the line item are expressed.  For those items that are defined in the Item file, it is always the item's stocking unit of measure regard­less of the unit of measure in which the merchandise was ordered.  This field displays below the item number and beside the line number.


Display only. 

This is the description of the item as represented in the pur­chase order.


Display only.

This is the quantity that was ordered on the line item expressed in the item's stocking unit of measure (when this value is available).


Display only.

This is the quantity that has been received against the line item so far.  It displays directly below the quantity ordered in the item's stocking unit of measure.


Display only.

This field shows how many units have been rejected to date in the item's stocking unit of measure.


Display only.

This field shows how many units have been invoiced through the Accounts Payable package.  As for the other quantities it is ex­pressed in the item's stocking unit of measure.  It displays directly below the reject quantity.


Display only.

This is the item's unit cost expressed in item's stocking unit of measure.


Display only.

This is the line item's promise date.  If no promise date has been entered for the line item, the request date displays.


Display only.

This is the line item's status.  Possible values for this field are NEW, PRT (Printed), CAN (Canceled) or Blank.

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