PO0105 Purchase Order and Receiving Purge Closed Purchase Orders

PO0105 Purchase Order and Receiving Purge Closed Purchase Orders

Purge Closed Purchase Orders


Application Overview

 The Purge Closed Purchase Orders function deletes fully received, invoiced, or canceled orders. Those Purchase Orders that maintain an order status set of C, may also be deleted by this application. You may optionally delete orders that are not formally closed (have not had their order status changed to C), but which are eligible to be closed.  This application also allows the deletion of disapproved orders that were never printed.

 During the deletion process, the program posts historical information about the order to the Vendor file and the Purchase Line History file.  This information is later accessed to produce the Vendor Performance Analysis Report and the Purchase Line History Report.


Run Instructions

 Select Purge Closed Purchase Orders from the pull down P/O Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



    The following options are available:

    • Select the Purge mode from the Purge Closed Purchase Orders menu bar
    • Enter the range of order numbers to be considered for deletion and other pertinent information.

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions



    Type and Description

    1.   Starting PO Number

    6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

    Enter the purchase order number of the first purchase order that is to be included among those con­sidered for deletion.  Enter the 6‑digit purchase order number followed by the 2‑digit release number.

    Defaults to All.

    2.   Ending PO Number

    6 numeric digits followed by 2 numeric digits (999999‑99).

    Enter the purchase order number of the last purchase order that is to be included among those considered for deletion.

    Defaults to the starting number's value.

    3.   Starting PO Date

    A date in the standard date format 

    Enter the earliest purchase order date that will qualify an order to be included among those considered for deletion.

    Defaults to All.

    4.   Ending PO Date

    A date in the standard date format.

    Enter the latest purchase order date that will qualify an order to be included among those considered for deletion.

    Defaults to the starting date's value.

    5.   Delete Open Orders                 Eligible for Closure ?

    Y or N.

    Answer Y if you wish the program to automatically delete orders for which all line items are either canceled, fully received and invoiced, or fully received and the Close PO's Not Fully Invoiced Flag in P/O Setup is Y.  If the order is qualified to have its status set to C, it will be selected for deletion when you answer Y.  Answer N if you do not wish the program to delete such orders.

    Defaults to N.

    6.   Delete Open Orders Not           Yet Printed ?

    Y or N.

    Answer Y if you wish the program to automatically delete orders with a status of U or R.  This capability enables you to delete orders that were entered but which were not approved for release and consequently have never been printed.  You must be careful to enter a range of order numbers and date, in such a manner that you will not inadvertently delete valid orders that simply have not been printed yet.  Answer N if you do not wish to have such orders deleted.

    Defaults to N.





    Purge Closed Purchase Orders





























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