PO0100 P/O and Receiving Purchase Order Processing 2

PO0100 P/O and Receiving Purchase Order Processing 2

Run Instructions

Select Purchase Order Processing from the pull down P/O Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:

Purchase Order Processing Entry Screen

The following options are available:

* Select the desired mode from the Purchase Order Processing menu bar

* Enter the data requested on the screen

* When you add an order a screen will display upon which you enter general order information such as the order type, order date, vendor number, buyer code, terms, etc. This information is sometimes referred to as the order header.

* Once you have entered the general order data, you will advance to a screen upon which you specify the items you are ordering. These items are referred to commonly as line items or order lines. There is only one order header per order but there are as many line items as you choose to enter, up to 999. When you have entered all of the line items for the order, you may F10 or ESC for entry of a new order.

* To Cancel Purchase Orders you will be asked to specify the number of the order you wish to cancel. After the program has verified that the order exists, that it is an order that has not already been canceled or closed and that it is an order that has been printed, a message will display on the screen asking if you wish to cancel the order. If you answer Y, a message will then display on the screen asking if the order is being canceled because of vendor negligence. If you answer Y, the program will cause the vendor's performance statistics to be updated accordingly when the order is deleted. Whether you answer Y or N, the order will be marked for cancellation but the order will not actually be canceled yet. In this manner you may mark as many orders for cancellation as you like. When there are no more orders to cancel, press ESC while the cursor is positioned for entry of the purchase order type. Once an order has been canceled it can only be reinstated if the cancellation order has not been printed. If the cancellation order has been printed, then it cannot be reinstated. To do so you must re‑enter the order through the add mode, assigning it a different number and treating it as an entirely new order.

* Next you must print the orders through the Print Purchase Orders application. This application will complete the cancellation process for you automatically. Once the cancellation orders have been printed you may physically delete the orders by means of using the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions

Order Header Entry

The field descriptions presented here are valid for the Add, Change, Cancel and List modes. Restrictions that pertain to a particular mode of operation are specified for the entry field to which they apply.


Type and Description

1.   P.O. No

6 numeric digits (999999).

In the add mode, you may press the F1 key to default to the next available order number.

In the cancel mode, two additional numeric digits are required to specify the release number.

When adding an order, enter the purchase order number (or press the F1 key for the next order number.  You may specify any number that you like but the program will check to make sure that the number has not been used by another order currently on file.

2.   P.O. Type

1 alphabetic character.

N, B or D.

A submenu will display to remind you  of the options.

Enter the purchase order type. 

The valid entries are

N = Normal

B = Blanket

D = Drop‑Ship Order.

The entry defaults to N.

In the cancel mode, enter the 6‑digit purchase order number and then enter the 2‑digit release number.  For normal and blanket orders the release number is zero, so you may press RETURN for the release number to default the entry to zero.  A non zero release number is only required for re­leases of blanket orders.

3.   P.O. Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the purchase order date. 

This is a reference date for determining how long a purchase order has been on file. It is not a reliable indicator of how long the vendor has had the order, however, since an order may remain on file indefinitely before it is printed and sent to the vendor.  The package automatically keeps track of the date the order was printed since that is a more useful indicator of how long the vendor has had the order.

The entry defaults to the current date.

4.   P.O. Status

1 alphabetic character. 

U or R.

In the add mode this field defaults automatically to U, unreleased but you may change the value to R, for released.  There are several valid purchase order statuses, but some of them are assigned by various programs in the package and cannot be modified by the operator once they have been set.

The possible values are:

U   =  Unreleased

R   =  Released

X   =  Canceled

P   =  Printed

C   =  Closed

An unreleased order is one which is on file pending modifications and approval.  It may or may not be in the state it will be in when the vendor receives it.  Line items on an unreleased order may be changed and deleted at will.  The package will not make any effort to keep track of these changes since the vendor need not be notified of them. The Print Purchase Orders application will disregard orders that have a status of U when it is deter­mining which orders should be printed.

P.O. Status  (continued)

A canceled order is one which was previously a released order for which a purchase order was printed and sent to the vendor.  Later, the decision was made to retract the order so it was canceled through the Cancel mode.  A cancellation order was printed by the Print Purchase Orders application and during the process of printing the cancella­tion, the program automatically set the order status to X.

You are not allowed to manually change the status to X since to do so would  bypass the steps necessary to get the cancellation order printed.  Also, once an order has a status of X, the status may not be changed.  A canceled order, once printed, may not be uncanceled.

A closed order is one for which all line items have either been fully received and fully invoiced, canceled, or fully received and the Close P.O.'s Not Fully Invoiced flag in Purchase Order Setup is Y. You may change the status to C manually from the status of P if all of the line items are fully received and billed or canceled. 

The primary advantage of manually setting the status of an obsolete order to C is that doing so will speed up processing for those programs that are designed to specifically ignore or specifically look for closed purchase orders.  In the change mode, you are allowed to change the purchase order status from U to R or R to U.

The status may also be changed from P to C (providing the other qualifications for closing an order are met) or C to P.

The normal sequence of events is that a purchase order begins with a status of U.  The status is then changed to R once the order has been approved. The order next then gets printed and its status is automatically changed to P. Once all items on the order have been received and invoiced, the status gets set to C.  Later, the order is purged.

A released order is one which has been finalized and is ready to printed. You must set the status of an unreleased order to R in order for the Print Purchase Orders application to print it.

P.O. Status (continued)

A printed order is a released order which has been printed through the Print Purchase Orders application. This application automatically  changes the status from R to P.  Once an order has a status of P you may not change the status back to U or R.

5.   Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the number of the vendor with whom this order is being placed.  The vendor's name will display beside the entry.  The vendor that you specify must be on file in the Vendor file.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the vendor by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the vendor by name.

The program will check to make sure that the vendor is one from whom purchases are allowed. If the A/P Vendor File specifies that the vendor should not be purchased from, a message will display on the bottom of the screen asking Vendor Should Not Be Purchased From - Ok to place order ?  You must respond to the question by answering Y or N.  There is no default.  If you answer N, the program will position the cursor for re‑entry of the vendor number.  Generally when this situation arises, you will want to stop the order.  You may do so by pressing the ESC key for the vendor number's entry.

6.   Buyer

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the Buyer code of the buyer for whom this order is being entered.  The code entered must be that of a buyer that is on file.  The buyer's name will display beside the entry. 

If you know the buyer's name but not his code, you may press the F1 key to display the code and  name of the first (and subsequent) buyers that are on file.  You may page through all of the Buyer codes in this manner.  When the Buyer code that you require dis­plays, answer Y to the Right Buyer ? question; remember that 1 and 2 are also valid answers to Yes/No questions.

In add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for Buyer Code.

7.   Ship‑To

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the Ship‑To code for the warehouse or receiving location where the merchandise on the order should be shipped.  The code entered must be that of a valid Ship‑to code on file.  Once a valid code has been entered, its description will display beside the entry.

You may review the Ship‑To codes that are on file by pressing the F1 key while the cursor is positioned for entry of the Ship‑To code.  Once the correct code displays, answer the Right Ship-To ? question by entering Y. 

Changing the Ship‑To code for an order that has already been printed is not allowed since it is this code that identifies the location for which the material is on order.  If the wrong Ship‑To code was entered, the order must be canceled and a new order re­leased.

For drop‑shipment orders the Ship‑To code must be one that specifies the address of one of your customers.  There is a code on each Ship‑to record which in­dicates whether the record is of this type.

You may enter the code directly or use the F1 key to page through the ship‑to on file if the one you need has been entered previously. 

In the add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for Ship-to Code.

8.   Ship‑Via

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the Ship‑via code for the means by which the merchandise should be shipped.  The code entered must be that of a valid Ship‑via code on file.  Once a valid code has been entered, its description will display beside the entry.

You may review the Ship‑via codes that are on file by pressing the F1 key while the cursor is positioned for entry of the Ship‑via code.  Once the correct code displays, answer the Right Ship-Via? question by entering a Y.

In Add or Change mode, press the F7 key to search for Ship-via code.

Defaults to the vendor's recommended ship‑via method as specified in the Vendor file.

9.   Terms

15 alphanumeric characters.

Defaults to the vendor's terms specified in the Vendor file.  Enter the description of the terms of sale. The terms entered here will print on the purchase order to advise the vendor of the terms you expect, but they serve a documentary purpose only. The package will not take any measures to enforce them.

10.  Fob

2 alphanumeric characters.

Defaults the FOB code for the FOB point.  The code entered must be that of a valid code on file.  Once a valid code has been entered, its description will dis­play beside the entry.

You may review the FOB codes that are on file by pressing the F1 key while the cursor is positioned for entry of the FOB code.  Once the correct code displays, enter Y.

In add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for FOB code.

11.  Col/Ppd

1 alphabetic character.  

C, P or Blank.

Valid entries are C for Collect and P for Prepaid. A submenu will display to remind you of the options.  You may leave this field blank if the proper code is unknown.

Enter the Collect/Prepaid code.  

Enter C if you wish to be billed for freight by the freight company; enter P if you wish the vendor to pay freight and bill you for it along with the merchandise.  This information will print on the purchase order to advise the vendor of how you wish to be billed for freight but the package will not actually enforce this condition.  The field serves a documentary purpose only.

12.  Acknowledge ?

1 alphabetic character. 

The valid entries are Y for acknowledgment required, N for acknowledgment not required and A for acknowledgment received.  A menu will display to remind you of the options.

A is only allowed from Field Number ?

Defaults to the vendor's acknowledgment requirements specified in the Vendor file.

Order acknowledgments are useful in that they allow you to verify that the vendor has (or has not) correctly interpreted your pur­chase order.  This is particularly important for such factors as terms, shipping address, quantities ordered, unit costs and request dates.  It is also important just to know that the vendor received the order and intends to fill it.

You would enter Y or N at the time the order is being entered.  You would change this value to A once the acknowledgment is received.

13.  Confirm ?

1 alphabetic character.

The valid entries are Y for confirmation required, N for con­firmation not required and C for confirmation received.

C is only allowed from Field Number ?

Defaults to the vendor's confirmation requirements specified in the vendor file.

An order confirmation is notification from the vendor that the merchandise on an order has been shipped. The value entered here prints on the purchase order so that the vendor will know whether or not confirmation is required. Once confirmation has been re­ceived you may change the value to C so that there will be a record of the confirmation.

14.  Print Price ?

Y or N.

Answer Y if you wish the unit price that you expect to pay to be shown on the purchase order.  Answer N if you wish the prices to be blank on the purchase order.

Defaults to the vendor's price printing response specified in the vendor file.

15.  P.O. Weight

10 numeric characters with 4 decimal positions (999,999.9999).

The entry of this field is not allowed during add mode. The program will automatically calculate the purchase order weight as line items are entered.  Changes are allowed to this field during the change mode to provide override capability.

16.  Comment‑1

2 alphanumeric characters. 

Order header comments print at the bottom of each page of the pur­chase order.

You may press RETURN to skip the entry of any field.

You may review the Comment codes that are on file by pressing the F1 key while the cursor is positioned for entry of any code.  Once the correct code displays, answer Y to the Right Comment ? question by entering Y.

In add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for Comment code.

Enter here the Comment codes for up to three comments that you wish to appear on the purchase order. 

17.  Comment‑2

2 alphanumeric characters.

Order header comments print at the bottom of each page of the pur­chase order.

18.  Comment‑3

2 alphanumeric characters.

Order header comments print at the bottom of each page of the pur­chase order.

19.  Additional Comments

3 lines of 30 alphanumeric characters.

Space for additional comments is allowed so that comments specific to a particular vendor can be communicated on the purchase order without setting up Comment codes for them.  This field allows the free‑form entry of three lines of comments that will print on the bottom of each page of the pur­chase order. 

For drop ship orders you will want to use these comments to take advantage of the opportunity to pass information about the customer and the customer's order back to COP to facilitate billing.  The Drop Ship Receivings Report (See Receivings Processing) prints these comments verbatim.  It is this report that is reviewed in COP to determine when to bill the customer for a drop shipment.

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