Q - In the following areas I can access two special functions "Open Order Inquiry" (Alt-O) or "Invoice History Inquiry" (Alt-V):
- COP Sales Desk
- A/R Customer File Maintenance or Inquiry
- COP Order Entry
However, when some of my users try to access these two functions, the screen appears with no columns and no data displayed. See sample screen below:
What can cause this to happen?
A - In Elliott V8, the user can customize the Open Order/Invoice History Inquiry screen. The customization is saved in the registry. It seems some registry values are corrupted for some reason. You may try to resolve this problem by going to the particular user's workstation and using the REGEDIT utility to edit the registry.
Browse to the following path:
\\My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Netcellent\/Elliott\8.0\Preferences
If you have an issue with Open Order Inquiry (Alt-O), look for any values (name column) that start with Geo-SYTABORD-LV… Delete these entries. If you have an issue with Invoice History Inquiry (Alt-V), look for any values (name column) that start with Geo-SYATBINV-LV... Delete these entries. See sample screen below.
The system will use its default values when these registry values are not found. So next time when you run these applications, the window should show up normally.
WARNING: Editing registry is a dangerous act. If you accidentally change or delete another registry value, you could potentially corrupt your computer. You are warned to use REGEDIT utility at your own risk!