NSCTLMN5 Global Setup Change Quote to Order 5

NSCTLMN5 Global Setup Change Quote to Order 5

Pick Ticket/Ship Labels

Run Instructions

Elliot Main Menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop-Func à Pick Ticket/ship label

Entry Field Descriptions



1. Print Staging Slip with Picking Ticket?

This feature is used to print a consolidated pick ticket (staging slip) for multiple orders. If you have a large warehouse and the number of orders is huge, the traditional method of using picking ticket to pick order one at a time is not efficient. A better method is to pick all orders in a batch in one run and place the goods in a staging area. From staging area, you can pick your individual order much quicker than go through the entire warehouse. Thus, we call this feature Staging Slip. Some people may refer this as “Wave Pick”. This feature is very useful for distributors with large-sized warehouses.

There are two different modes for printing a staging slip:

a. Automatic mode: the staging slip will be automatically printed right after the picking ticket is printed.

b. Manual mode: orders can be manually entered one by one, and then the staging slip is printed.

Note: If picking sequence is not used, then line items will be sorted by item number on staging slip.

1. Automatic Mode

Automatic mode occurs in the Print Picking Tickets. In order to use Print Staging Slip in this mode, this feature must be enabled. After the picking ticket is printed, if you hit the ESCAPE key or F10, it will automatically ask you if you wish to print the staging slip.

2. Manual Mode

This mode allows you to manually enter one order after another for printing staging slips.

2. COP Shipping Label Format

Allows up to four label sizes

3. Print Immediate Picking Ticket?

Some companies may require the shipment take place right after the order is entered. Answer “Y” to enable printing of picking ticket immediately where system will ask you “Do you wish to print pick ticket immediately?” after an order is entered.

4. Credit warning message on Picking ticket?

“Y’ =

“N” =

“C” =

5. User ID on Picking ticket?

Select “Y” to print the user who entered the order.

Select “N” to disable/

6. Default value for F2 comment on Picking ticket

Default is “N”. To print F2 comment, enter “Y”.

7. Allow User to print duplicate Pick ticket?

Default is “N”. Select “Y” to allow printing a duplicate ticket. Caution: Duplicate tickets could result in double shipments to customers.

8 Print Multiple Serial Dash Line When Qty. > 1

The default Picking ticket logic only gives you one dash line, (15 characters), even if you quantity to ship is greater than one. This setup flag prints a serial number dash line for the total Quantity to ship, i.e., if item has qty-to-ship of 24, then it will print 24 dash lines to enter all serial numbers. Additionally, you can print the serial number dash lines in two columns format to reduce the spacing requirement.

Select “Y” to print one dash line per serial number, Select “T” to print the serial number dash lines in two columns format, or select “N” if you only need one dash line regardless of qty-to-ship.

9. Default Value for Print Zero Qty. Shipped Y or N

10. Print Summary Report after Print Pick Ticket?

11. Starship E-Mail Shipping Notification Type

E = Manifest Event (User defined e-mail)

H = Hard coded (Predefined by Elliott w/links to shipper)

12. UPS Ship Via code For Shipping Notification

Enter UPS shipping codes for which you want to send e-mail shipping notification

13. Fed Ex Ship Via Code For Shipping Notification

Enter Fed EX shipping codes for which you want to send e-mail shipping notification

14. Shipping Notification Line Item Option

Determines what orders/items will qualify for shipping notification.

1 = Selected or Invoice Items

2 = From Shipping Verification program

3 = From Picking ticket

4 = All N0n-Backordable Items

5 = Do Not Print

15. Web Site Of Our Company

Post Invoice to A/R

Run Instructions

Figure 5H.1

Entry Field Descriptions

1. Post invoices by invoiced sequence, or order sequence.

By default, COP Post Invoice to A/R will be posted by order number sequence. If you would rather post it by invoice number sequence, you can set this flag to “I”.

2. Post COGS by Kit Component.

By default, COP posting will roll up the component cost for a kit item and post to the inventory and cost of good sold accounts based on the kit item’s material cost type and product category. If you would rather post inventory and COGS by kit components, answer “Y” to this question. The system will distribute to G/L based on the KIT component’s cost of goods sold accounts defined in the product category.

3. Post Sales by Kit Component.

By default, COP posting will post the sales distribution by kit item’s product category. If you like to analysis your sales by kit components, you can set this flag to “Y”, then not only the sales distribution will be posted by kit components, it will also post the components to the Sales History Trx File, and update the Items’ Accumulator (ytd, ptd sales cost), except in the Invoice History file.

4. Post EDI Invoice Without Exporting?

For an imported EDI order you have the option to export it to an EDI 810 Invoice. However, once an invoice has been posted you will not be able to export to an EDI 810 through the regular process. Therefore, by setting this flag to “N” will prevent potential error where the posting is taking place before the exporting of EDI 810 Invoice. When an EDI order is exported, the order will be marked (a hidden flag), then the invoice can be posted. However, in some situation you can’t set this flag to “Y” for it will bring more problems than it try to solve. In those situations, you have to use procedure control: meaning you have to ensure that the EDI 810 Export is done before the posting through your internal procedure. The following table will give you a good guideline for setting this flag:


Procedure Control

Flag Control

You You are not using EDI

Set this flag to “Y”

Set this flag to “Y”

You have one or more EDI trading partners, hey all require 810 Invoice.

Set this flag to either “Y” or “N”. Preferable to set this flag to “N” to prevent error.

Set this flag to “N”.

You have multiple EDI trading partners. Some of them require 810, some of them don’t.

Set this flag to “Y”. You must use Procedure control in this case.

Set this flag to “Y”. You can’t rely on flag control to prevent error and must use internal procedure control.

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