Elliott COP is a feature rich module with many features and functions that are controlled in the Order Header, Order Line Item, and Order Billing Screens. Rather than enabling these features and functions that may not apply to all users, we give the user the option to select only those that apply to them or that they can use to better meet their needs and functionality. The COP managers or owners should review the options available with management and COP users, and then incorporate the options selected into their Procedures and Policies Manual.
Go to Elliott Main Menu: Util-setup ® Global Setup® cop-Func ® order Line item screen. The following setup screen will appear:
1. Use Super Kits Function | Answer “Y” to enable this function. This function will allow you to select the components of a KIT item during order entry. If you have already defined a KIT file, the system will copy over this structure with the predefined components, but you have the option to change, delete, or add component items. If you have defined a KIT parent item in the item master file, but have not defined a KIT file, the system will allow you to search that KIT item using the [F7] key. The system will then display an empty KIT window giving you the option to enter any components for this KIT item. The Super KIT Item function is a powerful tool for light assembly/manufacturing companies who often have the need to change Bill of Material configurations. |
2. Display & Enter COP Line Item Tax Flag | If you would like to be able to see the line item tax flag and access the field during order line entry, answer “Y” to this question. |
3. Use Promise Or Cancel Date On Line Item Screen | There are two date fields in the order line item file: “Request Date” and “Promise Date”. Request date is the date that customer requests you to ship the goods. By default, promise date will be equal to request date unless you change it. You will normally change the promise date when you can’t ship goods to your customers by their request date. With your customer’s permission, you change the promise date to a later date when you will be able to ship. Picking Ticket printing is based on “Promise Date” for selecting line items to print. Some businesses, especially large chain stores, may give you a request date for shipment and a cancellation date to cancel the order if you do not ship by that date. If you set this flag to “C”, then system will use “Promise Date” field as Cancel Date with a literal change to “Cancel Date”. If so, the picking ticket printing is based on “Request Date” for selecting, not “Cancel Date”. The default value for this field is “P” for “Promise Date”. |
4. Price Markup by Cost Or Price (Pricing Codes) | C = Cost: Price Code markup based on a cost markup. P = Price: Price Code markup based on a base line item price in the Inventory Item file. Default value is “C” for cost. |
5. Validation Against Available Credit Balance | If you maintain tight controls on customers credit limit, you should turn on this feature and let the system check the credit balance on a line item by line item basis. As each line item is entered, the system checks if the credit limit is exceeded with this line. When the credit limit is exceeded with this line item, the system gives you a warning message, but does not stop you from additional line item entry. It is helpful for the order entry person to know that customer’s credit limit has just been exceeded and no more line items should be placed on this order. |
6. Close Out Order Line Item When Not Fully Shipped | Even though the customer may allow you to back order, he may request that you to close out a line item that has been back ordered. By enabling this flag, the system will give you option to do so in the change mode of order entry processing. |
7. Allow entry for Obsolete Item In COP Line Item | If you enter an item that is obsolete the system will give you a warning message, but let you proceed. By answering “N” to this field, the system will not allow entry of obsolete items. Note: Items are marked Obsolete in the Inventory item master file. |
8. Allow Entry For Forecast Item In COP Line Item | Similar to previous question. Answer “N” to this field to prevent order entry for forecast items. |
9. Allow entry For Planning Item In COP Line Item | Similar to previous question. Answer “N” to this field to prevent order entry for planning items. |
10. Round COP Line Item Unit Price to 2 Decimals | The Elliott unit price allows up to 4 decimal points. When the discount or markup setup in price codes are by a percentage, the unit price calculated may carry over to three or four decimal points. If you require or prefer rounding the unit price to two decimal points, answer “Y” to this question. Default value is “N”. |
11. Default Qty-To-Ship To Zero | Certain business always back order items when an order is first entered. Make-to-order businesses, or manufacturers, who start to produce items as they receive the order, usually do this. Answer “Y” to make quantity to ship as zero and back order the line item by default. |
12. Allow Qty-To-Ship > Qty Available | Select “Y” to enable this feature. This feature addresses the situations when you want to bill an order regardless if you have the Quantity available, or when you physically have the quantity available on hand. Qty To Ship > Qty Available occurs from inaccurate inventories or when quantity has already been allocated, (Qty Available = Qty On Hand – Qty Allocated). Select “N” if you wish to have a tighter control with inventory and force the inventory to be accurate before shipment can happen. The default is “Y”. |
13. Enter Line Item Unit Cost Unconditional | When processing a line item, the system by default skips over the Unit Cost field. However, you can go back after you have completed the screen and change the unit cost. If you always need to change this field as you are entering line item data, select “Y” to enable this feature. |
14. Feature Option Select With Two Line Item Description | When selecting Feature Options, the system by default will only display the first line of the item description. If you need to display both lines of description, select “Y” to enable this feature, otherwise select “N”. |
15. Is Unit Price Before Discount Percent | Select “Y” to use the standard discount logic. When an order is discounted at Order Entry time, the Unit Price field in the line entry screen will not reflect the discounted price, instead the line item discount percent will default to the discount in the Order Header, To know what you are selling the item for, you must divide the extended price by the quantity ordered. If you select “N”, then the Unit Price in the line entry screen will reflect the discounted price based on order header discount percent and the lien item discount percent will default to 0. This is a more convenient way of seeing what you are billing the item for rather than having to figure out the net unit price that you are billing for. It is also easier to communicate with customer either verbally or through invoicing for the net unit price that we are charging the customer. |