Elliott COP is a feature rich module with many features and functions that are controlled in the Order Header, Order Line Item, and Order Billing Screens. Rather than enabling these features and functions that may not apply to all users, we give the user the option to select only those that apply to them or that they can use to better meet their needs and functionality. The COP managers or owners should review the options available with management and COP users, and then incorporate the options selected into their Procedures and Policies Manual.
Go to Elliott main Menu: Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Function ® order Header screen. The following setup screen will appear:
1. Use Phantom Invoices | Answer “Y” to enter a Phantom Order and print a Phantom Invoice(s). The purpose for Phantom Orders is for Proforma or consignment purposes. You can control the files that will update after posting. In most cases, when posting Phantom Invoices, you should not update any existing Elliott data files. |
2. Allow Users To delete COP Order | Select from the following options: “L” = List of Users to Allow. Allows you to define 5 supervisors (users) authorized to delete COP orders. “Y” = Allows users to delete orders. “N” = System will not allow deletion of orders. |
3. Allow Users To enter Ord When Cust Over Crdt Limit | Select “Y” to allow user to enter an order when customer is over their credit limit. Select “N” to prevent processing orders when a customer is over their credit limit. Note: If there is a credit problem, the Credit Check and Release feature can automatically put an order on hold after the order has been entered. |
4. Mark Order As EDI Order/Trading Partners Setup | See explanation at the end of Entry Field Descriptions. |
5. Duplication Criteria For PO# in Sales Order | This feature checks for duplicate purchase orders and gives you the following duplication checking criteria: 1. N=None 2. 2. P=P.O.# Only 3. C=Customer 4. S= Per Ship To.
“P” checks for the P.O. # only, “C” checks if the P.O. # has already been entered for that customer, and “S” checks against the P.O.#, Cust#, and Ship-To#. If you do want to check for duplication PO Number in COP set this flag to “N”. When you enable the checking of duplicate PO#, you also enable the feature of searching by PO# and Ship-To# in COP Order Inquiry and Order Entry Change Mode. If “N” is selected, it will disable both features. |
6. Use Store & Dept# In Order Header Screen | If you need to identify a Store or Department Number on your order and print this information on the invoice, set this flag to “Y”. |
7. Alert If Ord Chg After Pick ticket Printed | If “Y”: When you go to change an order after the picking ticket has been printed, the system will prompt you with a message that the order has been picked. If this occurs, the Shipping Department should be made aware of the changes and that a new Picking Ticket is to be printed. In most situations when you go change an order, you should be alerted if the order has been picked. Therefore, we suggest you to enable this feature. |
8. Alert If Ord Del After Pick Ticket Printed | Select “Y” to have the system notify you that you are deleting an order for which a Picking Ticket has been printed. If this occurs, you should verify with the Shipping Department if the order has been picked and/or shipped. We suggest that you turn on this feature. |
9. Mass Chg Line Promise Date When Ship Date Chg | Elliott controls the ship date at the order line item level by using the “Promise Date”. This feature allows a mass change of the line items Promise Date to match a new Ship Date. If you select “Y”, then during order header change of the ship date field, a window will popup and ask if you want to do a mass change to the line items. You should enable this feature if most of your orders ship date is identical for all line items on that order. Do not enable this feature if you need to process line items with an individual “Promise Date”. |
10. Default Order Type | The Elliott default Order type is “O”. However, there are many companies who process mostly “I” type orders for immediate invoicing or over the counter sales, and the default of “O” causes an inconvenience. This feature gives you the option to set a default for “O” = Order, “I” = Invoice, “Q ”= Quote, or “C”= Credit Memo. |
11. Prohibit Use Same As Ship To When Ship To Exist | This is a security feature to prevent shipping an order to an address other than the address setup for the Ship To Number. Select “N” to disable manual override, or “Y” to allow manual override. If a company is concerned that an order may ship to a non-valid Ship to Address, they should set this flag as “N”.
12. Allow Manual Override of Ship To Address | There are many companies who want orders shipped only to their stores or branches, but never to their headquarters. This function will prevent shipping to the Customer headquarters if a Ship To Number has been setup. Select “Y” to enable this function. If the customer needs an occasional order shipped to their main location, they must setup a Ship To Number for their main location. |
13. Allow Manual Override of Bill To Address | This is a security feature to prevent billing an order to an address other than the default Bill To Address. Select “N” to disable manual override, or “Y” to allow manual override. |
4. Mark an order as an EDI order/Trading Partners Setup.
This field involves two settings:
1. Mark an order as an EDI Order: Value defined in this field
2. Trading Partner Setup: Defined in a popup window
All orders that come into Elliott through EDI will be marked as an EDI orders automatically, (a hidden flag in order header). All orders marked as EDI can be invoiced to trading partner as an EDI invoice as well. However, if you need to manually enter orders for your EDI trading partners, the question for you is whether you need to invoice your EDI trading partners through EDI as well? If your answer is “Y”, then by default the order you manually enter for your trading partner will not be marked as EDI. As a result, that order will not be invoiced to your EDI trading partner.
To solve this problem, our order entry system needs to know who is your EDI trading partner. These trading partners can be setup in “Trading Partner Setup Window” which will popup after you press enter on the “Mark an Order” field.
If you do not use EDI, or if you do not need to invoice your trading partners through EDI, answer “N” to this field.
If you are using EDI, and need to invoice your trading partners through EDI for manually entered orders, answer “A” (Always) to this field. All orders you manually entered for your EDI trading partners will be marked as EDI orders automatically.
If you are using EDI, and have multiple EDI trading partners where some require you to invoice them through EDI, and some don’t, you might consider using “Y” (Selective) in this field. Selective allows the system to prompt you during order entry to determine “If you wish to make this order EDI?”
Once you enter a value into this field. The Trading Partner Setup Windows will popup.
Cust-No. = This is your Partners Customer number as defined in A/R.
Terms Type = Leave Blank
Terms Basis = Leave Blank
Payment = Leave Blank
Partner Code = This is your Trading Partners EDI Customer # as defined by your EDI translator software.
Vendor No. = This is your Vendor number for your trading partner.
Under most situations, you can leave the Terms Type, Terms Basis and Shipment Method of Payment fields blank. If your EDI translator software has properly defined the map for your trading partner, this information can be picked up from your EDI translator software side.
Prtner code is defined by your EDI translator software. Under most situations, your EDI translator software does not know the internal customer number you are using for your trading partner. They may use their Internal code like “WLMT” to stand for Wal-Mart. Therefore, we need a cross referencing capability between Elliott’s internal customer number and EDI translator software’s customer number. You need to verify with your EDI software provider for their internal customer number for your trading partner.
You can define up to 5 customer numbers as your trading partners. In some situations, you may have multiple customer accounts corresponding to the same trading partner. You may use a unique customer type to represent this trading partner and make sure each customer account for this trading partner is setup correctly with this customer type. This will work for EDI, if you only need to invoice EDI and do not need to import EDI orders.
Cust-Type = This is a unique customer type defined in A/R for those Trading Partners who ship to multiple branches or other locations.