This function allows you to put an order on hold and release a held order based on two criteria: 1) Customers exceed the credit limit, or 2) Customers have a past due amount. It also allows selected A/R term codes, customers, and customer types to be exempt from this automatic credit checking procedure. If a customer’s account meets one of these two hold criteria, the order will be put on hold automatically. If needed, only authorized persons such as credit managers or supervisors can be allowed to release an On-Hold order. This release can be done through COP Order Entry or a special separate Release function, which provides additional credit information for the credit manager or supervisor to review before releasing an order.
Go to Elliott Main menu: Util-Setup > Global Setup > Cop-Ctl > Credit Check & Release. The following screen will appear:
Name | Type and Description |
1. Auto Put Order On hold for Credit Problem | Select “Y” to enable this function. If enabled, a popup window appears and this is where you define the following credit checking criteria: 1. Customer has exceeded his credit limit? Select “Y” Or “N” 2. Customers actual aged account balance for Period 1 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount). 3. Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 2 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount). 4. Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 3 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount). 5. Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 4 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount). If field 1 is “Y”, then any orders matching these criteria will be put on-hold. If an order exceeds any of the user-specified amounts in fields 2 – 5, that order will be put on-hold. |
2. Allow Release On Hold Ord Thru Order Entry | Select “Y” to allow the user to release this order during order entry. If “N” is selected, then orders can only be released using the Release Held Order menu function. This menu function can be password protected for a supervisor or Credit manager. |
3. Allow Users To Enter Orders for Customer On Credit Hold | “Y” or “N” is dependent on your credit hold policy. |
4. Use Cutoff Date To Speed Up Release Ord | This question applies to the Release Held Order menu function. When you release held orders, the system will read the entire order header file and display all held orders. If you do not wish to display all, select “Y” to specify a cutoff date option. The cutoff date options to select from are “S” = System Date or “E” = Earliest Date “ |
5. Any Term Code Exempt For Credit Checking | Select “Y” to define up to 5 Terms Codes, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking. Select “N” for no exceptions. |
6. Any Customer Exempt For Credit Checking | Select “Y” to define up to 5 Customers, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking. Select “N” for no exceptions. |
7. Any Cust Type Exempt For Credit Checking | Select “Y” to define up to 5 Customer types, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking. Select “N” for no exceptions. |
8. Credit Check Order If Order Amount Changed | After an On-Hold order has been approved and released, the system does not perform additional credit checks when the order is changed. This is a convenience factor to reflect changes in terms, shipping instructions, salesmen, etc. However, this presents a potential loophole where the customer or salesman can substantially increase an approved credit-risk order and escape a second credit check. Select “Y” to close this loophole by having the system do credit checking anytime the order dollar amount has been changed. |
This function will provide you with a very flexible method of defining sales commissions. It is similar to the Elliott Pricing Structure. You can predefine as many commission codes as you need and specify an effective date for the sales commission. With 17 different commission codes to choose from and 10 levels for break points, this function will allow you to define almost any kind of commission.
Elliott Main Menu > Util-Setup > Global Setup – Cop-Ctl > Sales Commission Ctrl
Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = I (Item)
Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = S (Sales)
Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = M (Margin)
Select “Y” to enable. If not enabled, “N”, the system will base commissions on the default value in COP Setup.
If “Y”, allows you to specify a Starting and Ending date, (if applicable), for a commission code.
Determines which codes will be available in COP Commission Structure File.