There are three files involved in the Bill Of Lading printing. They are the Ship Via File, the Customer File and the Order Header File. Each one of these have a chain reaction effect on the other. The user has to make sure that these files are set up accurately to print out the bill of lading. Therefore, we will discuss these four files as well as the bill of lading printing. Remember, it is a pre-requisite to establish a correct relationship among these related files.
A. The Chain Reaction Effect
This effect derives from the fact that the bill of lading printing is controlled by a flag set up in the Ship Via File. In other words, when the user enters the customer information in the Order Header, he/she has to be certain that this particular customer has a Ship Via code that contains a printing control flag. Figure 4A.7 depicts this so-called chain reaction effect. The detailed linking relationship will be stated in paragraph B, C, D and E in this section.
B. Ship Via File
The Ship Via Code File Maintenance contains the flag that controls printing of the Bill of Lading
(Figure 4A.7).
C. Customer File
As paragraph A and B state, the Ship Via has to be specified in the Customer File. Therefore, the Ship Via code AB that is set up with a legitimate Carrier Code can be applied to the customer record. The Ship Via field for B&J Enterprises (Figure 4A.7b) is AB. The user will notice later that when we use this particular customer during the Order Entry session, the corresponding bill of lading information can be printed.
Figure 4A.7 Field 6 prompts “BOL Required”, answer “Y” to print BOL.
This is the last setup step for the user to go through to print out the bill of lading information. In the previous paragraph, we have established the correct Ship Via code for Flaum Consultants, Inc., so we will continue using this example to proceed with the order entry. Figure 4A.8 shows a customer set up to use BOL.
Figure 4A.7b Field 25 of this customer record indicates that TC is being used for the future bill of lading printing.
After setting up this enhancement, you can now begin to print Bills of Lading. Select COP > Processing > Print Pick/Pack Tickets & Ship Labels > Print > Bill Of Lading, and then fill in the Bill Of Lading Processing screen as in Figure 4A.9. For the Order Types To Print field, the user has three options: 1) printing “O”, Type O orders, 2) “I”, Type I orders, and 3) “B”, both types of orders. Since the user is assumed to understand different types of orders in COP, the meanings of these three types will not be discussed in this documentation.
Figure 4A.8 B&J Enterprises is a “bill-of-lading legitimate” customer in our example and is used for Order Entry.
After the user specifies the order type(s), the system will prompt the user to specify the Billing Types To Print. He/she can then choose “B”illed types only, “U”nbilled types only, or “A”, both.
Field 5 in this printing screen is the Blank Line Between 2 Items. The user may answer “Y” to leave a blank line between 2 items or “N” to have no blank lines.
Figure 4A.9 Bill Of Lading printing header screen. It allows the user to print either “O” type of orders, “I” type of orders or both.
If the Bill of Lading is not printing, please check the following:
1. Order Header File:
The order number must be between the starting order and ending order (Screen Criteria 1 & 2).
This order cannot be posted.
The order type cannot be a Credit Memo (“C”).
The order type to print is “O” (Screen Criteria 3), and the order type is “O”.
The order type to print is “I” (Screen Criteria 4), and the order type is “I”.
The billing type to print is “B” (Screen Criteria 4). The order is selected or
The billing type to print is “U” (Screen Criteria 4), and the order is complete.
The order Ship Via Code must exist (Order Header Screen Field 15).
Use the Freight Calculation enhancement (license and control).
The carrier code in the Ship Via Code exists (Ship Via Code Maintenance Screen
Field 5).
2. Order Line Item File
No Comment Item.
The line item cannot be posted.
The line item qty. to ship is not< = 0.
The billing type to print is “B” (Screen Criteria 4), and the line item is selected.