NSCTLMN3 Purchase Order Global Control Setup 2

NSCTLMN3 Purchase Order Global Control Setup 2

Purchase Order Requisition


Application Overview

This Enhancement is a preprocessing function for creating purchase orders by allowing you to enter requisition data from various modules into the PO Requisition Trx File.  It will allow the purchasing supervisor to evaluate, adjust and confirm the requisition before creating purchase orders.  The purchasing agent can use this enhancement to consolidate duplicate requisition trx.  When used effectively, the price shopping work sheet will help to analyze costs for negotiation with vendors for better pricing.

The advantage of this Enhancement is to manage and make adjustments to the requisition trx before creating a PO.  This includes choosing a different vendor, negotiating a better price, choosing different shipping methods, different ship-to’s, and consolidating the same vendor’s requisitions into one single PO. The enhancement also allows COP orders to copy to the PO Requisition Trx file.  Here, you can consolidate and combine requisition trx’s on a single PO when they are going to the same vendor.




Run Instructions

 Goto  à Elliott Main Menu à Util-Setup à Global Setup à Dist à P/O Requisition Process


Figure 3E.1  -  P/O Requisition Process Setup Screen.

1.       Default Unit Cost To Last Or Std Cost?

This is the default cost for P.O.’s.  It comes from the Inventory Item File and the two options are “L” for Last Cost and “S” for Standard Cost.  This cost can be overridden at time of entering Purchase orders.

2.       Should User Only See Their Requisition Trx?

This function also comes with security features, one of which is to allow users to only see their own requisition transaction.  Answer “Y” to enable this function.  If you answer “Y”, a window will display allowing you to define supervisors (users) who are authorized to see all requisitions (Figure 3E.2).  You can define up to five supervisors.


 Figure 3E.2

3.       Should Non-Supervisor Confirm A Trx?

This flag provides an additional security feature.  If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will allow non-supervisors to confirm requisitions (Figure 3E.3).  However, if you answer “N”, then only supervisors can confirm requisitions, and non-supervisors will not be able to see the confirmed requisition(s). 


Figure 3E.3

4.       Update PO Line Comment From Req. Trx?

The Requisition Transaction allows you to enter comments.  If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will copy the comments entered in Req. Trx. to the PO.

5.       Consolidate If Request Dates Are Different?

One of the powerful features of this enhancement is the ability to consolidate requisitions before generating a PO.  Normally, requisitions are consolidated if they have the same request dates.  If you answer “Y” to this question, then requisition with different request dates can be consolidated. 

6.       Print User Defined Cost On Vendor Worksheet?

This flag is used for reference purposes.  It can be used to assist the purchasing agent to determine which vendor(s) is providing the best deal.  The worksheet can be printed and evaluated before consolidating, confirming, and generating POs.  There are eight options to define cost on the vendor worksheet (Figure 3E4: 1 = Item Std Cost, 2 = Item Avg Cost, 3 = Item Last Cost, 4 = Item User Amount, 5 = Item Vendor Last Cost, 6 = FOB Std Cost, 7 = FOB Avg Cost, and 8 = Fob Last Cost. 



Figure 3E.4


7.       Turn COP Orders Into Requisitions?

This function will allow you to generate requisitions from COP sales order(s). 

Answer “Y” to enable function.  Upon completion of entering line items, a window will pop up prompting user if they wish to generate a P.O. Requisition. (Figure 3E.4a) 

If you do not want Sales Order people generating Requisitions, then select “Y” to both this field and the Batch Mode Field (#9, page 37).  By selecting “Y” to Batch Mode the system will not prompt the user if they want to Automatically Update P/O and Requisition, (Figure 3E.5)





8.       Turn COP Ord. Into Req. If Vendor-No. Is Blank?

Answer “Y” to allow or “N” to disallow.  If “N” the system will not generate Requisitions for blank Vendor-No from COP Sales Orders or the Batch Mode Requisition method.  Vendor-No is Field #12 on line item entry screen (Figure 3E.6)


Figure 3E.6


9.       Turn COP Ord. Into Req. In Batch Mode Only?

Answer “Y” to enable this function.  Answering “Y” returns generating Requisitions over to the Purchasing Department.  The Batch Mode Generation is done in the Purchase Order module: Processing Menu Õ Requisition Processing Õ Generate.

10.   Using COP Unit Cost Or Item Unit Cost?

When generating COP orders into requisitions, the system will allow you to use the COP Unit Cost, or Item Unit Cost.  Answer “C” to use COP Unit Cost, or “I” to use

Item Unit Cost.  This is a default cost and can be overridden in the requisition or P.O.

Figure 3E.7


11.   Default Status When Generating Requisition From COP?

Before requisition(s) can be converted to Purchase Orders, the requisition status must be Confirmed.  The status of a requisition can be “S” = Shopping, “N” = Not Confirmed, “C” = Confirmed.  Normally, requisitions status is set to “N”.  However, if you wish to change this default enter the requisition status code you want to use.  Note: Shopping status means that you are looking at other vendor(s) quotes and have not decided which vendor to purchase from.



Figure 3E8


12.        Using COP Ord. No. Same As PO No When Drop Shipping?

Answer “Y” to match P.O. number to Sales Order number and make tracking easier. To avoid mixing different ship-to address orders on one PO, the Requisition process does not consolidate sales order drop ship transactions.  Each sales order line item that generates a requisition will become an independent purchase order.  The purchase order release number segment is used to represent each line item of a sales order. If this flag is set to Y, the following is a COP to PO numbering example when a drop ship sales order becomes a purchase order:


Sales Order #                Line #               Item Number                  Vendor

1234                           1                         Clock                             100

1234                           2                         Char-Gen                       200

1234                           3                          Display                          200


Purchase Order #           Line #               Item Number                  Vendor

1234-01                   1                                  Clock                        100

1234-02                   2                                  Char-Gen                 200

1234-03                   3                                  Display                     200


If you answer “Y” to this question, then you can have up to 99 line items in sales order so as to not to exceed the purchase order release number limitation. You should ensure that PO and COP setup have starting order numbers with two different ranges to avoid duplication.


Cross Reference COP to PO

Any Purchase Order line item that was generated via a Requisition Trx will be cross-referenced to the originating process and process number.  This cross-reference can be accessed in the Additional Comments (Expanded Comments, F2 Key) of the P.O. line item screen.




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