Elliott Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> Global Setup -> Acct -> A/P Global Control
Figure 2A.1 shows the setup screen for A/P Enhancements.
Answer “Y” to enable this feature. Default value is “N”.
By default, the system does not print any descriptive information referencing the Invoice on the Check Stub. This feature enables printing the voucher reference on check stubs below the invoice number being paid. If enabled, this will make it easier for the person signing checks to have a better idea of what the invoice was for. Additionally, it can be used for the original vendor invoice when it exceeds the 8-digit invoice field of the software. If voucher references are printed, then each check stub will only print up to eight invoices per section. Additional invoices with voucher references will carry over to the next check stub and the corresponding check number will be marked as void.
You can input the voucher reference while in the A/P Transaction Processing during add new vouchers or change vouchers. Once the transaction is posted, the voucher reference can no longer be changed. However, the user always has the option of not printing the voucher reference by resetting the flag to “N” in the Enhancements Setup, (Figure 2A.1).
Note: This same Voucher Reference can be optionally interfaced to GL.
Field 14 is the voucher reference to be printed on check stub.
2. Use Rec Accrual Account Reconciliation
Answer “Y” to enable this feature. Default value is “N”.
The purpose of this feature is to provide a means of reconciliation for the P/O receiving accrual account. If you are using batch receiving in Purchase Order, by default, there are no detailed report that can be used to reconcile the ending balance in the G/L receiving accrual account. This feature provides the necessary reports to reconcile the ending balance in the receiving accrual account.
As a bonus of enabling this feature, you can also speed up your A/P vouchering process if you integrate with PO module.
See documentation next chapter for a complete description and how to use this feature.
1. If you wish to track all vendor accounts based on the original vendor, type “O” in the “Vendor Remit To Flag” field. Using this type, all payments are made to the remit-to vendor and the transactions are tracked through the original vendor. This option is less flexible that “R”, but easier to track the vendor transactions.
2. If you wish to track all vendor accounts based on the remit-to vendor, type “R” in the “Vendor Remit To Flag” field. Using this type, both the payments and the transactions are tracked through the remit-to vendor. This method is more flexible than “O” since you can change the Remit-To at voucher entry and change. However, since the voucher is posted to the Remit-To vendor, it makes tracking more difficult.
3. If you do not wish to use this feature, leave the “Vendor Remit To Flag” field blank.
You may enable this feature anytime you want. However, do not change flag from “R” to “O” or vice versa without reading the detail instructions for this feature.
See documentation next chapter for a complete description and how to use this feature.
Answer “Y” to enable this feature. Default value is “N”.
This feature prints the Vendor Name rather than Vendor Number on the top line of the Check Stub. This is an identification convenience feature ensuring that multi-check stubs with one check are kept together.
If you answer “Y” to this feature, the system will allow you access to next field and you will be able to define the default distribution account.
See documentation next chapter for a complete description and how to use this feature.
6. Dist To PO Line Item Acct For Non-Inv Itm By Default
This question is directly related to the previous field. If you answer “Y” to previous field, then this becomes a required field and the system will let you define a default value. You are given three options for your default account when there’s a variance as indicated in previous field: L = Line Item Account, P = PPV Account, and O = Other. Be aware that this is just the default and you still can override it at time of A/P distribution.
See Global Setup documentation for a complete description and how to use this feature.
Answer “Y” to enable this feature. Default value is “N”.
Elliott Business Software gives you the option of using the Vendor name or Vendor Number when you interface AP into GL. This will appear in the Reference field along with the Voucher Number when you do a GL Account Inquiry or print the Trial Balance. Selecting “Y” in the AP Feature set-up will replace the Voucher Number, or Vendor Name/Number with the Voucher Reference, (Figure 2A.3), when you interface. The Voucher Reference will then appear when doing an Account Inquiry or printing the Trial Balance. See screen below.