NSCTLMN1 Global Setup Time Clock Global Setup
How to Access:
Main Menu è Util-Setup è Global Setup è System è Time Clock Setup
Time Clock Global Setup
If an operator logs onto the system earlier or later than the time defined in the Operator File and the difference in minutes is greater than this value, the system will consider this an exception and notify the manager through an Elliott Event. The manager can specify a different value for each operator in the Operator File.
o 0 (Default) – Disable checking.
If an operator logs off of the system earlier or later than the time defined in the Operator File and the difference in minutes is greater than this value, the system will consider this an exception and notify the manager through an Elliott Event. The manager can specify a different value for each operator in the Operator File.
o 0 (Default) – Disable checking.
If an operator’s working hours are more or less than the hours defined in the Operator File and the difference in minutes is greater than this value, the system will consider this an exception and notify the manager through an Elliott Event. The manager can specify a different value for each operator in the Operator File.
o 0 (Default) – Disable checking.
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