Q - We have a user who, when trying to drill down to Order Inquiry from the ATP screen, receives the following error message:
You do not have access to CP,INQ, menu item 01
See sample screen below:
As you can see from the following screen captures, this user has access to the module but he can still not view it. What else does he need access to in order to see the necessary data?
A - The reason for this error message is that the drill down screen happens to be a menu item as well. It is logical that if a user is allowed to drill down to that menu item, then that user should also have access to that menu item. If not, then you will get this error message to indicate that security clearance is required for that menu item.
To investigate this issue, you should first ask this user to use the Elliott menu to navigate to the particular function. If the user can't navigate to that menu item, then find out what the issue is through your password setup. Typically, there are two possibilities that you may miss: (1) You have a company-specific level security override; or (2) this user does not have access to the module.
In the above example, the password security is defined for "All" (00) companies. You can also define password security at the specific company level like "01." The company-level password security overrides the general "All" companies security. The following is an example of password security for company 01 that might cause this problem:
If that is the case, you either need to delete the password definition for company 01, or if you wish to keep the custom security by company, then change the company 01 level security accordingly.
The other possibility is that this user does not have access to the COP module. See sample screen below:
In this case, bring up the password maintenance for the same user on Package Name = SYS and Process Name = DST, and you will see this user has no access to the Customer Order Processing module. This is like giving the user the key to a room, but not the house entrance door key. Therefore, that room key is useless.
Generally speaking, you can find these types of problems by printing the following two reports:
Elliott Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> Password Setup -> List