Release Date: 09/08/2020
Version: 7.5 & Up
Q - What does the Global Security option on screen 5, number 1 actually control?
" Allow User Manually Confirm Shipment Veri"
It's ambiguous. We have it set to "N" right now. Thanks.
A - In Shipment Verification (& Elliott), we use a “keyboard wedge” scanner interface. Elliott does not really know whether the user is performing a “scan” or manually entering information with the keyboard. We like to avoid manually entering information with the keyboard to ensure accuracy. But sometimes manual keyboard entry may be necessary if the barcode is damaged. To accommodate for these scenarios, we added various flags. The Global User security flag in your question is one of those.
First, we make the following assumptions on what is “scanned” and what is “manually entered”:
The following are considered to be “scanned”:
- Matched an entered or scanned serial number
- Matched an entered or scanned UPC code
The following are considered to be “manually” confirmed:
- Matched an entered item number
- User uses F? key to confirm the line item
If you have the Global Security flag “Allow User Manually Confirm Shipment Veri” set to “N,” then the user will not perform the above two manual scenarios. But this also subject to the following two flags in Global Setup -> Add-Ons -> Shipment Verification:
27. Consider Item# Entry As Scan or Manual (Default M=Manual)
32. Prompt Pswrd If Not Allow Manual Confirm Itm? (Default N=No)