Name | Type and Description |
Account No | A standard account number in the standard account number format. This field is only requested if the layout code is ACCT. |
Starting and Ending Account Number | A starting and ending account number in the standard account number format. The starting and ending account numbers define the range that is requested. They are only required if the Layout code is RNG, and the start and end of the range needs to be defined. The ending account number must be greater (proceed) the starting account number. There is no point in entering a range with the starting and ending account numbers equal to each other. |
P/A: | 1 alphabetic character. P = Print A = Accumulate |
P/A: (continued) | The answer to this question determines whether an account balance or a range of accounts or the Balance Sheet net income will print on the report or are to be accumulated and thereby included in the total for the next PAT (print accumulated total) or printing account. |
C: | 1 numeric character. Defines the column position of numbers that are to be printed. You may enter 1, 2 or 3 in this field to define the column. The print column is only entered for layout statement types B, F, or X. It determines the column in which an amount or underline will print. There are three print columns available, so the print column must be 1, 2 or 3. This command pertains only to standard statements. |
Description | 30 alphanumeric characters. The description entered for a SUB1‑SUB9, PAT, PRE or BSNI is exactly what will print on the financial statement. |
D/C: | 1 alphabetic character. D = Debit C = Credit The D/C control code determines when any amount that prints on a statement will be bracketed within parentheses to set off a typical balance. If you specify D for debit the amount will be parenthesized if it is credit, and vice versa for C or credit. The D/C control code is only accepted for layout codes SUB1‑SUB9, PAT and PRE. On accounts, the D/C control code is determined by the G/L Account record itself, and on BSNI the D/C is always assumed to be C or typically credit. The D/C control code is not entered on statement types C, F or W since on these three statements (the Cash Flow report, the Statement of Changes in Financial Position and the Components of Working Capital) the D/C control is fixed by the type of account and the type of statement. |
Text No | 2 numeric digits. This number corresponds to the text number of a text on the G/L Text file. When a valid text number is entered, the matching text will appear on the financial statement. |
Lit | 50 alphanumeric characters. This literal is only requested for layout code LIT. |
$: | Y or N. Enter one of the following Y = Print with dollar signs N = Do not print dollar signs |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Enter the Layout number that you want to resequence, or F7 to search for a valid layout number. |
Type of Statement | Automatic display. |
Description | Automatic display. |
2. Increment | 4 numeric digits. The increment is the increment used to resequence the layout. The new sequence numbers will start at the increment and continue increasing by one increment. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Enter the layout being copied from or F7 to search for layout numbers. |
Type of Statement | Automatic display. |
Description | Automatic display. |
2. New Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Enter the layout number that you want to copy to. |
3. New Description | 2 lines of 25 alphanumeric characters each. Enter a description of the new layout. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. From Balance Sheet Layout No | 3 numeric digits. A zero layout number is not allowed and the layout chosen must be a Balance Sheet layout from the Statement Layout File. |
2. Change in Position Layout No. | 3 numeric digits. The layout number entered must not currently exist. If the RETURN key is pressed, the cursor is positioned for entry of the next layout number or item number to change. |
3. Description | 2 lines of 25 alphanumeric characters each. The description is entered in two lines of 25 characters each. The description will become the description for the layout number to which it applies (the one immediately above it on the screen). |
4. Working Capital Layout No. | 3 numeric digits. The working capital layout number entered must not currently exist. If the RETURN key is pressed, the cursor is positioned for entry of the next layout number or item number to change. |
5. Description | 2 lines of 25 alphanumeric characters each. The description is entered in two lines of 25 characters each. The description will become the description for the layout number to which it applies (the one immediately above it on the screen). |
6. Cash Flow Layout No | 3 numeric digits. The cash flow layout number entered must not currently exist. If the RETURN key is pressed, the cursor is positioned for entry of the next layout number or item number to change. |
7. Description | 2 lines of 25 alphanumeric characters each. The description is entered in two lines of 25 characters each. The description will become the description for the layout number to which it applies (the one immediately above it on the screen). |
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Press the RETURN key to default to All layouts. |
Ending Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Press RETURN to default to the same value as the entry for the starting layout number. NOTE: Entries for a layout will appear exactly as they display on the second screen in add and change modes. |
Name | Type and Description |
Layout No | 3 numeric digits. Enter the Layout No. you want to sample or the F7 key to search for layout numbers. |
Type of Statement | Automatic display. |
Description | Automatic display. NOTE: The sample statement prints the same way as the financial statement will with the exception that two lines will print at the top of the page to describe the statements and that all amounts will print as 999,999,999.99 Also, accounts and PATs which print on this statement will not appear on the actual statement if their amount is zero and if the Print Zero Balances ? question is answered as N on the Standard and Custom Financial Statement Selection. If there is a range (RNG) in the layout for the statement with a P/A code of P, then all accounts currently on the G/L Account File within this range will print on the sample. For the Statement of Changes in Financial Position, the sources and uses of cash will print twice, once for sources and once for uses. On the actual statement each account will only print once, with either the sources or the uses. If an account number used in the layout is not on the G/L Account File the description that prints will be Account XXXXX‑XXXXX-XXXXX Not On File where XXXXX‑XXXXX-XXXXX is the bad account. If an account within a range has an improper financial statement type, an error message will print on the sample. If a range with P/A code equal to A is not immediately followed by another range or PAT, an error message will be printed. |