Select Statement Layout File from the pull down G/L Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Statement Layout File Entry Screen
The following options are available:
* Select the desired mode from the Statement Layout menu bar
* Enter the data requested on the screen
* To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
First Screen
Name | Type and Description |
1. Layout No | 3 numeric digits. This is the layout number that will be referenced when the actual financial statements are selected for printing. In the change or delete mode press the F7 key to search for layout by number. |
2. Type of Statement | 1 alphabetic character. Valid statement types include: P = Profit and Loss Statement B = Balance Sheet C = Cash Flow Report W = Components of Working Capital F = Financial Position Changes S = Supporting Schedule (P&L Format) X = Supporting Schedule (Bal Sht Format) |
3. Description | 2 lines of 25 alphanumeric characters each. (This description does not print on the actual financial statement. It is just the layout description.) |
Name | Type and Description |
Seq No | 5 numeric digits. The sequence number is automatically assigned in add mode. In change mode pressing the F1 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the sequence number will display the next page of the layout entries. Pressing the F2 key will display the previous page. If you enter a sequence number, which is currently on file, it will display and allow change. If it is not currently on file you may add it. To delete a sequence number, select to change it, and then type Del in the function code field. |
Func Code | Valid layout command choices: ACCT An account number RNG A range of whole account numbers RNG1 A range of Partial account numbers PAT Print Accumulated Total PRE Print rounding error LIT Literal prints as entered UL Underline DL Double Underline LF Line Feed FF Form Feed RD Print Run Date SR Start Ratio ER End Ratio SSRC Start Sources SUSE Start Uses LEG Legend TEXT Text from a Statement Text file BSNI Balance Sheet Net Income SUB1 Through SUB9 for subtotal level 1 through subtotal level 9 CLR1 Through CLR9 for clear Sub level 1 through clear Sub level 9 and lower. DEL Delete this line number Enter F7 to display the Command Choice menu, where you can select from a list of valid layout commands. Up to 4 alphanumeric characters. Each of these reference specific fields that are explained below. |
Name | Type and Description |
ACCT | The ACCT (Account Number Command) enables you to define a valid G/L account number. After entering ACCT, enter the entire G/L account number you want to reference. (ie 10000-00000-00000). |
ACCT (continued) | You may search for an account number by pressing F7 or, F8 to search by account name. There are several criteria to remember when entering an account number with the ACCT command. First, it must currently reside in your G/L Account file. Secondly its statement type must match the layout's type of statement. Layout statement types B, C, F, X, and W can only have an account financial statement type of B and layout statement type P & S can only have account statement type of P. Once an account that matches the layout statement type is entered, its description displays and P/A: is asked. This stands for Print or Accumulate. If you designate the P/A: command as P the dollar sign can then be printed by answering Y to the $: prompt, ie ($:Y). |
RD | The RD (Run Date) command prints the system date at the time that statements are run. |
RNG | The RNG (Range) command enables you to enter the starting and ending G/L account numbers that specify a range of accounts. These accounts always accumulate into the next PAT (or ACCT if the P/A: code is P). When the financial statement is printed, all accounts currently within the range are included on the statement. If any new accounts that fall into the specified range are later added to your G/L Account File, they will be printed on the next financial statement run. The statement type of each account of the range of the G/L Account File records must match the layout's statement type in order for the account to be included on the statement. See the description of the ACCT code above for more information on this. |
RNG1 | The RNG1 command is identical to the RNG command except that it considers each section (main, profit center, and department) of an account number separately when determining if the account should be included in the range. For example, the account 01010-99999-00000 would fall within the range 01010-00000-00000 TO 02010-10000 using the RNG command. However, it would not if the RNG1 command was used because the 99999 profit center is not between the two profit centers in the range. For more information on using ranges, see the RNG command above. |
PAT | The PAT (Print Accumulated Total) tallies the amount accumulated by accounts that were selected to accumulate instead of print. It accepts the same fields as SUB1‑SUB9 (see the Application Overview). If you designate the P/A: code as P the dollar sign can then be printed by answering Y to the $: prompt, ie ($:Y). |
PRE | The PRE (Pre-rounding Error) layout command is used to accumulate any rounding errors that might occur during printing (see the Application Overview). If you designate the P/A: code as P the dollar sign can then be printed by answering Y to the $: prompt, ie ($:Y). |
LIT | The LIT (literal) layout code defines corresponding literal text to be printed on the statement. It enables entry of up to fifty characters of any literal message you may want to define. The starting column of the literal can be designated between 1 and 240. |
UL,DL | The UL (underline) and DL (double underline) prints an underline or double underline on your financial statement. If you specify statement types as B, F, or X it will request that you designate the printed column C: to be either 1, 2, or 3. |
LF,FF | The LF (Line Feed) command causes one line to be skipped on the statement. The FF (Form Feed) command causes the statement to skip to the top of the next page. |
SR,ER | The SR (Start Ratio) and ER (End Ratio) are used to specify the ratio basis as they are printed in the profit and loss statement format. SR and ER are valid only on P and S statement types When the report prints, the amounts for all accounts between the SR and the later ER will be totaled. This total will be the basis upon which the ratios will be calculated on the report. For example, if the total for all accounts between the SR and ER was $1,000.00 and a particular account printed with an amount of $10.00 its ratio would be 1.00% (see the Application Overview). |
SSRC, SUSE | The SUSE (Start Uses) and SSRC (Start Sources) layout commands are only valid on the layout statement type F (Statement of Changes in Financial Position). SSRC marks the start of the sources of funds and SUSE marks the start of uses of funds. |
LEG | The LEG (legend) when used on Standard Specifications causes a predetermined legend to print on the financial statement. The legend will skip one line after it is printed so a line feed following it is not necessary. The legend will also print predetermined column headings depending on the Statement Specification file. |
TEXT | The Statement Text layout command enables the user to specify text that is defined in the G/L Text file to appear on the statement. The text number is entered as it appears in the Statement Text File. Then the text description displays. For more information on texts see the Statement Text File application. The starting column of the text can be designated between 1 and 240. |
BSNI | The BSNI, (Balance Sheet Net Income) command is only valid on statement types B, C, F, and X. It allows the value of the net income to be entered into a balance sheet type of statement as though it were an account. The description to print on the report is entered, then the P/A:, C: and $: questions are asked. The problem calculates BSNI by adding the credits and subtracting the debits of all P type accounts. |
SUB1‑SUB9 | The SUB (Subtotal Layout Command) incorporates a group of 9 subtotal levels that are labeled SUB1 through SUB9. Their function is to produce a subtotal on the report. The number that follows SUB is indicative of its level. |
SUB1‑SUB9 (continued) | Thus SUB1 is the lowest level of subtotal and SUB9 is the highest possible level. (see the Application Overview). First, the description of the subtotal is entered, as it will appear on the report. If the layout statement type is B, P, S, or X the D/C code is entered. For layout statement type B, X, or F, the print column is entered. If you designate the P/A code as P the dollar sign can then be printed by answering Y to the $: prompt, ie ($:Y). |
CLR1- CLR9 | The CLR (Clear Layout command) incorporates a group of 9 clearing levels labeled CLR1 through CLR9. Their function is to clear subtotals on the report. The number that follows CLR is indicative of the level that is to be cleared. Thus CLR1 is the lowest level of CLR and CLR9 is the highest possible level. If you designate the P/A code as P the dollar sign can then be printed by answering Y to the $: prompt, ie ($:Y). |