LAYMNU General Ledger Statement Layout File Maintenance 4

LAYMNU General Ledger Statement Layout File Maintenance 4


This application can be used in cases where modification of layout has left insufficient room for adding in a new layout entry or where the layout is so long that the end of the available sequence numbers is reached before all the necessary detail has been entered.


This application allows you to create a duplicate of an existing lay­out.

The new layout will have the same statement type as the original.

The copy function is useful in the creating of statements similar to one already existing. For instance, a detailed Profit and Loss Statement can be copied and modified to create a Summary P&L Statement.


The Statement Layout File application generates SAF layout(s) from a selected Balance Sheet layout. A Statement of Changes in Financial Position, Components of Working Capital or a Statement Of Cash Flows layout can be generated. These will contain all of the relevant Balance Sheet accounts plus standard headings and subtotal records.

here are a number of ways in which the SAF might be generated incor­rectly. Some examples are the user has left out vital accounts such as cash or current assets in the Balance Sheet he has chosen. The user could fail to include all Balance Sheet accounts in a given layout. This would generate an incomplete SAF statement and incorrect figures would print on the report. The user could code accounts into his Balance Sheet layout which are not actually Balance Sheet accounts (which do not have a B for a financial statement type in the G/L Account file). In this case an error report is generated by the pro­gramT and the SAF layout cannot be generated. Also the user could fail to code some account with the proper SAF type or he could fail to classify a given Balance Sheet account as to SAF type. In the latter case an error report will be generated showing all accounts, which do not contain an SAF type on the G/L Account file, and the SAF cannot be generated.

The above reasons should make it clear that it is vital for the SAF layout to be generated from a valid Balance Sheet layout.

If it is found after generation that the user desires more levels of subtotaling or different headings and literals from the ones automati­cally generated, he may change these in change mode of Statement Layout File.

An SAF layout generated from a Balance Sheet layout with more than 999 actual accounts and/or account totals (PAT) will not include accounts after the 999th.

The generated SAF layout for a Change in Financial Position layout will show all accounts in column 1. This is also true for print account totals (PAT).

The Statement Of Cash Flows layout generated from the Balance Sheet layout will accumulate all accounts that are coded with an SAF type of C (Cash) into a subtotal level 2 for cash. The individual accounts for cash will not print on the Statement Of Cash Flows report but will accumulate into this subtotal.

Also no PAT (Print Accumulated Total) for cash will be generated for the Statement Of Cash Flows report.


This application prints the Financial Statement Layout Edit List. Entries for a layout will appear exactly as they display on the second screen in add and change modes.


This application prints sample statements for a given layout.

The sample statement prints the same way the financial statement will with the exception that two lines will print at the top of the page to describe the statements and all amounts will print as 999,999,999.99. Also accounts and PATs, which print on this statement, will not appear on the actual statement if their amounts are zero.

On the Statement of Changes in Financial Position, the sources and uses of cash will print twice on this report, once for sources and once for uses. On the actual report each account will only print once, with either the sources or the uses.

If an account number used in the layout is not in the G/L Account file, the description that prints will be Account Not On File.If there is an account within a range that does not have the financial statement type (P or B) of the sample statement being printed, an error message will print on the sample.

The error message will list the incorrect account number. You should remove the account number from this layout or change the account type in the Account File Maintenance application.