IMAGESCN Inventory Management Inventory Aging Report

IMAGESCN Inventory Management Inventory Aging Report

Inventory Aging Report

Application Overview

 The inventory aging report can provide the current inventory data breakdown into multiple aging buckets, like 30, 60, 90, or over 90 days.  The period is user definable in Global Setup and can be overridden at each printing instance.  What makes this report so powerful is it can backtrack to provide past inventory aging data as of a certain date.  Since the current inventory stock status report is not able to print the inventory value as of a certain date, this report can be a lifesaver to supplement the Inventory Stock Status/Valuation report, if you miss the month-end or year-end procedure.

The report can be printed in detail, item summary or summary level: (1) Detail means for each item, the detail receiving that makes up the current inventory quantity balance will be printed.  Since this can make the report quite large, you would normally not print in this format.  You may choose this format to provide proof of the aging calculation.  Since there was no easy way to obtain the Elliott inventory aging data in the past, many buyers may be in shock from disbelief when they see this report for the first time.  (2) Item Summary means for each item, the system will print one line.  This makes the report size similar to the Inventory Stock Status report.  This may be the common format used by most buyers or auditors. (3) Summary means you can print at summary level to get an overall view for managers to identify problem areas quickly.  For example, if you print by Product Category sequence, the summary format means one product category per line.

This report can be sorted and summarized in many different ways including:

            By Item

            By Product Category

            By Material Cost Type

            By Buyer

            By Location


Run Instructions

 Select Inventory Aging Report from the pull down I/M Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Inventory Aging Report Entry Screen

 The following options are available:

    • Enter the data requested on the screen
    • To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions



    Type and Description

    1.  Use What Qty ?

    1 alphanumeric character; C = Current Qty, F = Freeze Qty, S = Specific Date Qty.

    Specify the date you want to use to obtain the quantity figures for the items.  If S is selected, you will be prompted for a specific date.

    This field defaults to C.

    2.   Starting Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the starting item number for the range to be printed.

    Defaults to All items.

    3.   Ending Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the ending item number for the range to be printed.

    Defaults to the starting item number.

    4.   Starting Product Category

    3 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the starting product category for the range to print.

    Defaults to All product categories.

     5.  Ending Product Category

    3 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the ending product category for the range to print.

    Defaults to the starting product category.

    6.   Material Cost Type

    1 alphanumeric character.

    Enter a material cost type if you want only those items with that material cost type to print on the report.  This field defaults to blank. 

    Press the F7 key to search for Material Cost Types.

    7. Buyer/Analyst

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter a buyer code if you want only those items with that buyer code to print on the report.  This field defaults to blank. 

    Press the F7 key to search for Buyer Codes.

    8. Print Obsolete Item ?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to have the report print obsolete items.  Enter N to have the report exclude obsolete items.

    Defaults to Y.

    9. Location

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter an inventory location you only want information about that particular location to print.  This field defaults to All.

    Press the F7 key to search for location.

    10. Use Which Cost ?

    1 alphanumeric character; A = Average Cost, S = Standard Cost, L = Last Cost.

    Specify the cost you want to use for the items.

    This field defaults to the Inventory Cost Method selected in the IM Setup.

    11. Use FOB or Landed Cost

    1 alphanumeric character; F = FOB Cost, L = Landed Cost.

    Specify the cost you want to use for the items.

    This field defaults to the Primary Cost Method selected in the Landed Cost Control in Global Setup.

    12. Printing Sequence

    1 alphanumeric character; I = Item, C = Category, M = Material Type, B = Buyer, L = Location.

    Specify the print sequence you want for the report.

    This field defaults I.

    13. Print Detail Level

    1 alphanumeric character; D = Detail, I = Item Summary.

    Specify the level of detail you want for the report.

    This field defaults D.

    14. Minimum Inventory Value


    10 numeric digits, including 2 decimals places and an optional minus sign (99,999,999.99‑).

    Enter the minimum inventory value of the item before it will print on the report.  Leave this blank to print All items.

    This field defaults to All.

    In This Period or Older

    1 numeric character; 1 = Period 1, 2 = Period 2, 3 = Period 3, 4 = Period 4.

    Specify the period you want to print the inventory value for.  You will only be prompted for this field if the previous filed (Minimum Inventory Value) is not zero.

    This field defaults 1.

    15. Use Post/Doc Date For Age

    1 alphanumeric character; P = Posted Date, D = Doc Date.

    Specify the date you want to use for the aging of the report.

    This field defaults D.

    16. Level To Print Period %

    1 alphanumeric character; I = Item, S = Summary, G = Grand Total, N = No.

    Specify the level you want the period percentage to print on the report.

    This field defaults G.

    17. Print Excess-Qty

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to have the report print the excess quantity of the items.  Enter N to have the report exclude the excess quantity.

    Defaults to N.

    18. Print Aging Period By

    1 alphanumeric character; A = Amount, Q = Quantity.

    Specify how you want the aging period to print on the report.

    This field defaults A.



    Inventory Aging Report