If you have entered I for Issue Type, the following fields will appear.
Name | Type and Description |
5. Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. This is the location, as listed in the Location File, from which items are being issued. Press the F7 key to search for location. |
6. | An account number in the standard format. This field displays the asset account number that the inventory will be issued from. It is read from the Material Cost Type/Location File or the Default Asst Account field in I/M Setup. If the Multiple I/M Accounts flag in I/M Setup is set to Y, the user may change this account number during transaction entry. Press the F7 key to search by account number or the F8 key to search by account description. |
7. Qty Iss | A quantity in the standard format. Enter the quantity to be issued. This quantity may not be zero but may be a negative amount. Note: Serial/Lot items may not have negative quantities issued. |
8. Order No | 8 alphanumeric characters. Enter the document number of the shop or purchase order from which this transaction derives. |
9. Comment | 30 alphanumeric characters. This is a comment field for this transaction. |
The following entries will be requested if the item has serial numbers:
Name | Type and Description |
Effect Dte | A standard date format. This is beginning warranty date for the serial number being issued. If transactions are being added, this field defaults to the system date. |
Expire Dte | A standard date format. This is the ending warranty date for the serial number being issued. If transactions are being added, this field defaults to the system date plus the number of warranty days this item is under warranty. |
Cust No | 6 alphanumeric characters. This is the customer number the serial number is being issued to. The customer number entered here is not validated against the A/R Customer File. |
Serial No | 15 alphanumeric characters. This is serial number of the item being issued. Press the F3 key to enter a range of numeric serial numbers. Press the F7 key to search for serial numbers on file at this location. |
The following entries will be requested if the item has lot numbers:
Name | Type and Description |
7. Lot No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the lot number of the item being issued. Press the F7 key to search for lot numbers. |
8. Qty Iss | A quantity in the standard format. Enter the quantity to be issued. This quantity may not be zero and may not be greater than the quantity available displayed at the right side of the screen. |
9. Order No | 8 alphanumeric characters. Enter the document number of the shop or purchase order from which this transaction derives. |
10. Cust # | 6 alphanumeric characters. This is the customer number the lot number is being issued to. The customer number entered here is not validated against the A/R Customer File. |
11. Comment | 30 alphanumeric characters. This is a comment field for this transaction. |
Additional data appears on the right side of the screen, as described below:
Name | Type and Description |
Cost | This is the current cost of this item, prior to the transaction. The type of cost displayed will depend on the cost method specified in I/M Setup. This is display only. |
Tot Cost | This is the total cost of this transaction based on the per unit cost multiplied by the quantity issued. |
If you have entered A for Adjust Item, the following fields will appear.
Name | Type and Description |
5. Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the location where the adjustment needs to be made. The item must be stocked at this location. Defaults to the default location for the item. |
6. | An account number in the standard format. This field displays the asset account number that is used for this item. It is read from the Material Cost Type/Location File or the Default Asst Account field in I/M Setup. If the Multiple I/M Accounts flag in I/M Setup is set to Y, the user may change this account number during transaction entry. Press the F7 key to search by main account number or the F8 key to search by account description. |
7. Qty +-Adj | A quantity in the standard format. Enter the amount of the adjustment to be made to the quantity on hand for this item. Enter a minus sign before the quantity if the adjustment is a reduction of quantity on hand. |
8. Comment | 30 alphanumeric characters. This is a comment field for this transaction. |
If you have entered C for Cost Adjustment, the following fields will appear.
Name | Type and Description |
Location | Automatically displayed. This is the primary stocking location for this item in the Item File. |
5. | An account number in the standard format. This is the asset account for this item. It is read from the Material Cost Type/Location File or the Default Asst Account field in I/M Setup. If the Multiple I/M Accounts flag in I/M Setup is set to Y, the user may change this number during transaction entry. Press the F7 key to search by account number or the F8 key to search by account description. |
6. New Cost | 10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (-999,999.9999). Enter the new cost to be recorded in the Item File for this item. The average, last, and standard costs currently on file for this item are displayed in a window in the upper right corner of the screen. The costing method currently selected in I/M Setup is displayed just below this field. |
7. Comment | 30 alphanumeric characters. This is a comment field for this transaction. |
If you have entered L for Adjust Layer File, the following fields will appear.
Name | Type and Description |
6. Qty +-Adj | A quantity in the standard format. Enter the amount of the adjustment to be made to the layer file for this item. |
7. Order No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the document number of the shop or purchase order from which this transaction derives. |
8. Comment | 30 alphanumeric characters This is a comment field for this transaction. |
If the item has serial numbers, the following additional field will appear:
Name | Type and Description |
Serial No | 15 alphanumeric characters. If the adjustment quantity is positive, enter the serial number(s) of the item(s) to be added. If the adjustment quantity is negative, enter the serial numbers already on file to be deleted or press the F7 key to search for serial numbers on file. In either case, press the F3 key to enter a serial number range. Although serial numbers can be alphanumeric, this range may contain only numeric values so that the serial numbers will be properly incremented. If you end the transaction before the amount of serial numbers entered equals the quantity of items being adjusted. the quantity entered in field #7 will be automatically changed to match the number of serial numbers entered. |