IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 2

IM2400 Inventory Management Inventory Transaction Processing 2

Entry Field Descriptions

Top Screen Entries

The first three fields entered determine what further data will appear on the screen.


Type and Description

1. Trx Type

1 alphabetic character.

Only the letters R, T, or I are allowed.

R stands for Receivings.

Enter R if the transaction is a re­ceiving of items into inventory.

T stands for Transfer.

Enter T if you are transferring items from one location (such as a warehouse) to another.

I stands for Issue.

Enter I if you are issuing items out of inventory.

NOTE: If your company uses the Purchase Order and Receiving package, it is strongly recommended that you use that package for receiving.

2. Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is the number of the item, as listed in the Inventory file, which you are receiving, transfer­ring, issuing, allocating or producing. Press the F7 key to search for items by number or press the F8 key to search for items by description.

NOTE: The item must be a stocked item in order to use Inventory Transaction Processing.

Avg. Cost

This is the current average cost of this item, prior to the transaction.

This is display only.

Last Cost

This is the current last cost of this item, prior to the transaction.

This is display only.

Std. Cost

This is the current standard cost of this item, prior to the transaction.

This is display only.

Lifo or Fifo Cost

If Lifo or Fifo costing method is being used, this is the current Lifo or Fifo cost of this item, prior to the transaction.

3. Trx Date

A standard date format.

If you are adding transactions, this field will default to today's date. You may enter a different date, if you wish.

If you have selected the change or delete functions, leaving the date blank will cause a search of all previously entered transactions of the same type and item number. The latest changes to each original transaction will appear and changes will be allowed.

You may also enter a date, which will cause the search to begin at that date and go forward.

Receiving Screen

If you have entered R for Transaction Type, the following fields will now appear on the screen.


Type and Description

4. Location

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the location, as listed in the Location file, into which the items will be received.

Press the F7 key to search for location.

5. Qty Received

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This is the number of items of the above item number that are being received.

6. New Unit Cost

10 numeric digits, including four digit places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

This is the unit cost of the item at receiving time. If unknown, see the for further instructions.

7. Order Complete ?

Y or N.

Answer yes if it is a full, not partial, order. Otherwise, answer no.

8. Order Number

8 alphanumeric characters.

This is the document number of the shop or purchase order from which this transaction derives.

9. Comment

30 alphanumeric characters.

This is a comment field for this transaction.

The following entry will be requested if the item has serial numbers:


Type and Description

Serial No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is serial number of the item being received.

Press the F3 key to enter a range of numeric serial numbers.

The following entries will be requested if the item has lot numbers:


Type and Description

Lot No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is the lot number of the item being received.

Exp Month

2 numeric digits.

This is the expiration month of the item lot.

Exp Year

2 numeric digits.

This is the expiration year of the item lot.

Additional data appears on the right side of the receivings screen, as described below:


Type and Description

Old Qty On Hand

This is the quantity on‑hand for this item at this location prior to the transaction. In change mode this is the current quantity on‑hand prior to the transactions being changed.

New Qty On‑Hand

This is the quantity on‑hand for this item at this location after the transaction.

Old Avg Cost

This is the average cost for this item, at all locations, prior to the transaction. In change mode this is the current average cost prior to the transactions being changed.

New Avg Cost

This is the average cost for this item, at all locations, after the transaction.

Transfer Screen

If you have entered T for Transaction Type, the following fields will appear below the top screen.


Type and Description

4.   Location From

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the location, as listed in the Location file, from which items are being transferred.

Press the F7 key to search for location.

5.   Location To

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the location, as listed in the Location file, to which items are being transferred.

Press the F7 key to search for location.

6.   Qty Transferred

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of items being transferred.

7.   Comment

30 alphanumeric characters.

This is a comment field for this transaction.


The following entry will be requested if the item has serial numbers: 



Type and Description

8.  Serial No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is serial number of the item being transferred.

Press the F3 key to enter a numeric range of serial numbers.  Press the F7 key to search for serial numbers.

The following entries will be requested if the item has lot numbers: 



Type and Description

6.   Lot No

15 alphanumeric characters.  

This is the lot number of the item being transferred. Press the F7 key to search for lot numbers.

7.  Qty Transferred

Same as above.

8.  Comment

Same as above.


Additional data appears on the right side of the screen, as described below:



Type and Description

Old Qty Available

This is the quantity of this item available at the from‑location before the transaction.

New Qty Available

This is the quantity of this item available at the from‑location after the transaction.

Old Qty On Hand

This is the quantity on hand (on‑hand minus allocated) at the to‑location before the transaction.

New Qty On Hand

This is the quantity on hand at the to‑location after the transaction.


Issue Screen


If you have entered I for Transaction Type, the following fields will appear below the top screen:



Type and Description

4.   Location

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the location, as listed in the Location file, from which items are being issued.

Press the F7 key to search for location.

5.   Qty Issued

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

Enter the amount you wish to remove from stock.

6.   Order Number

8 alphanumeric characters.

This is the document number of the order authorizing the issue.

7.   Comment

30 alphanumeric characters.

This is a comment field for this transaction.


The following entries will be requested if the item has serial numbers: 



Type and Description

Effect Date

A standard date format.

This is beginning warranty date for the serial number being issued.

If transactions are being added, this field defaults to the system date.

Expire Date

A standard date format.

This is the ending warranty date for the serial number being issued.

If transactions are being added, this field defaults to the system date plus the number of warranty days this item is under warranty.

Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.

This is the customer number the serial number is being issued to.  The customer number entered here is not validated against the A/R Customer File.

Serial No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is serial number of the item being issued.

Press the F3 key to enter a range of numeric serial numbers.  Press the F7 key to search for serial numbers.


The following entries will be requested if the item has lot numbers: 



Type and Description

5.   Lot No

15 alphanumeric characters.

This is lot number of the item being issued.  Press the F7 key to search for lot numbers.

6.   Qty Issued

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

The quantity issued can not be greater than quantity available for selected lot number.

7.  Order Number

8 alphanumeric characters.

This is the document number of the order authorizing the issue.

8.  Comment

30 alphanumeric characters.

This is a comment field for this transaction.

9.  Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.    

This is the customer number the lot number is being issued to.  The customer number entered here is not validated against the A/R Customer File.



Inventory Transaction Processing (Transfer)



 Inventory Transaction Processing (Receipts)



Inventory Transaction Processing (Issue)


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