IM1903 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Processing/Multi-bin Utilities

IM1903 Inventory Management Serial/Lot Processing/Multi-bin Utilities

Serial/Lot Processing/Multi-bin Utilities

Serial/Lot vs. Multi-bin

 If you are using serial numbers or lot numbers, then you will have access to the Serial/Lot Processing menu item.  Even if you are not using either one of these, the menu option will still appear, unless you are using Multi-bin.  Since we do not allow serial or lot numbers to be used with Multi-bin, then we will offer one option or the other, depending on how you have your system set up.


Serial/Lot Processing Overview

 Serial/Lot Processing is an application that will be used to inquire on available serial/lot items in stock or to change serial/lot items that have been issued or sold from inventory.   

 Finally, this application allows you to change the effective or expiration date for serialized/lot items that have already been issued or sold from inventory or to purge zero quantity on hand lot records from the Serial/Lot Transaction File.  Before using, the user should be familiar with Serial Number Tracking Control in the Systems Manager manual.


Run Instructions

 Select Serial/Lot Processing from the pull down I/M Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:


  The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Serial/Lot Processing menu bar
    • Enter the data requested on the screen

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions


    Change Serial/Lot Issues  (Serial Numbers)



    Type and Description

    1.      Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number of the issued or sold serial number. 

    Press the F7 key to search for the item by partial item number or press the F8 key to search for the item by partial description.  Once an item is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    2.      Location

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the location the serial number was issued or sold from. 

    Press the F7 key to search for additional locations.  Once a location is entered, change is not permitted in this field.

    3.      Serial Number

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the serial number that was issued or sold.  Press the F1 key to bring up the next serial number on file.  Once a serial number is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    4.      Customer No

    6 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the customer number the serial number was issued or sold to.  Once a customer number is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    5.      Date Sold

    A standard date format.

    Enter the date the serial number was issued or sold.  Once a date is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    6.      Unit Cost

    10 numeric digits, including 4 decimals places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

    Enter the unit cost of the serial number.  Once a cost is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    7.      Effective Date

    A standard date format.

    Enter the effective warranty date of the issued serial number.

    8.      Expiration Date

    A standard date format.

    Enter the expiration warranty date of the issued serial number.

    9.      Batch No

    6 numeric characters.

    Enter the batch number.


    Change Serial/Lot Issues  (Lot Numbers)



    Type and Description

    1.      Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number of the issued or sold lot number. 

    Press the F7 key to search for the item by item number or press the F8 key to search for the item by description.  Once an item is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    2.      Location

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the location the lot number was issued or sold from. 

    Press the F7 key to search for additional locations.  Once a location is entered, change is not permitted in this field.

    3.      Lot Number

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the lot number that was issued or sold.  Once a lot number is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    4.      Customer No

    6 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the customer number the lot number was issued or sold to.  Once a customer number is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    5.      Date Sold

    A standard date format.

    Enter the date the lot number was issued or sold.  Once a date is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    6.      Unit Cost

    10 numeric digits, including 4 decimals places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

    Enter the unit cost of the lot number.  Once a cost is entered, change is not allowed to this field.

    7.      Batch No

    4 numeric characters.

    Enter the batch number.


    Change Serial/Lot File (Serial Numbers)



    Type and Description

    1.      Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number of the received or allocated serial number. 

    Press the F7 key to search for the item by item number or press the F8 key to search for the item by description.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    2.      Location

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the location the serial number was received into or allocated from. 

    Press the F7 key to search for code.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    3.      Serial Number

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the serial number that was received or allocated.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    4.      Qty On Hand

    A standard quantity format.

    Enter the quantity on hand for this serial number.

    5.      Qty Allocated

    A standard quantity format.

    Enter the date the serial number was received or allocated.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    6.      Cost

    10 numeric digits, including 4 decimals places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

    Enter the unit cost of the serial number.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    7.      Batch No

    4 numeric characters.

    Enter the batch number.

    8.      Expiration Month

    2 numeric digits 

    Enter the expiration warranty month of the received or allocated serial number.

    9.      Expiration Year

    2 numeric digits.

    Enter expiration warranty year of the received or allocated serial number.


    Change Serial/Lot File (Lot Numbers)



    Type and Description

    1.      Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number of the received or allocated lot number. 

    Press the F7 key to search for the item-by-item number or press the F8 key to search for the item by description. Change is not allowed to this field.

    2.      Location

    2 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the location the lot number was received or allocated from.  Change is not allowed to this field.


    3.      Lot Number

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the lot number that was received or allocated.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    4.      Qty On Hand

    A standard quantity format.

    Enter the quantity on hand for this lot number.

    5.      Qty Allocated

    A standard quantity format.

    Enter the date the lot number was received or allocated.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    6.      Cost

    10 numeric digits, including 4 decimals places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

    Enter the unit cost of the lot number.  Change is not allowed to this field.

    7.      Batch No

    4 numeric characters.

    Enter the batch number.

    8.      Expiration Date

    2 numeric digits.

    Enter the expiration warranty month of the received or allocated lot number.

    9.      Expiration Year

    2 numeric digits.

    Enter the expiration warranty year of the received or allocated lot number.




    Change Serial/Lot Issues




    Change Serial/Lot File


    Serial File Qty On Hand Integrity Checking


    Multi-bin Overview

     Multi-bin is an enhancement that allows the user to store a particular item into multiple bins and each bin can contain multiple different items.   


    Bin Integrity Report

     This report only applies if you are using the Multi Bin Vertical Package.  It will compare the bin’s quantity on hand and allocated against actual transactions.  Any discrepancies are reported.


    Run Instructions

     From the Inventory Menu à Processing à Multi-bin Utilities à Utilities à Bin Integrity Report à Print

     This is a standard report that will prompt for starting and ending item numbers, starting and ending locations, ask to check over allocation, ask to print bin number, ask to show negative quantity on hand and ask to show negative quantity allocated.




    Purge Zero Bin Inventory Overview


    This function only applies if you are using the Multi Bin Vertical Package.  On occasion, a Bin Inventory file record is not always deleted when the item Quantity-On-hand reaches zero or when you freeze inventory for that item in that bin.   For those reasons, we have provided this function to purge unnecessary data.

    Run Instructions


    From the Inventory Menu -> Processing -> Multi-bin Utilities -> Utilities -> Purge Zero Bin Inventory à Purge

    This is an automatic process.  The only prompt you will receive, prior to printing purge report, is a message regarding Physical Count and Posting tags.  If you have run a Physical Count and not yet posted the Count tags, Do Not Post Count Tags.





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