The Inventory Transaction Audit Trail Report provides a complete history of transactions affecting on-hand levels of an item or range of items. The report is generated two different ways depending on whether on-line or batch transaction processing is selected in I/M Setup.
If on-line processing is being used, the report prints all add, change, or delete actions taken against an item by location. It allows the user to define which types of transactions (issue, receipt, and transfer) will appear on the report. The user may also choose whether to print the report and purge the Transaction Audit File or to only do one or the other.
If batch processing is being used, the report will always be printed, but the user may still decide whether or not the Transaction Audit File will be purged. The user may also set two additional limits on the batch report. Transactions for the report can originate in the I/M, COP, P/O, BOMP, SFC, LP, and JC packages. The user may choose to include transactions from any one or all of the packages. The report may also be run for a specific location or for all locations on file.
The batch report prints the transactions by item number and location, and lists the type of transaction, date, quantity involved, new quantity on-hand, and other information for each.
If batch processing is being used, beginning balance records can be created in the audit file using the Set Trx Audit File Beg. Balances application. The beginning balance record captures each item's quantity on hand at each stocked location as of a specified date. New items added through Item File Maintenance and new stocking locations for items added through Location Control File Maintenance after beginning balances have been set will create new records using the system date.
Note: Regardless of which type of processing is being used, this application may only be accessed if the Audit Trail On Inv. Transactions ? flag #19 in I/M Setup is set to Y.
Select Inv Transaction Audit Trail Report from the pull down I/M Reports window. The following screen will then be displayed:
On-Line Inventory Transaction Audit Trail Report Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Print Report | Y or N. Enter Y to print the report or N to decline. Fields 1 and 2 may not both be set to N. Defaults to Y. |
2. Purge File | Y or N. Enter Y to purge the transactions or N to decline. Keep in mind that Inventory Transaction Audit Trail File is used for many statistic information calculation in Elliott, therefore, we suggest you to keep a reasonable amount of history (e.g. 3 yearss) Also, be aware that if this flag is disable, then it means the purge control is turned on in Global Setup -> System -> User Purge Control. Defaults to N. |
3. Starting Item | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting item for the range you want to print. Defaults to All items. |
4. Ending Item | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item for the range you want to print Defaults to the starting item. |
5. Transaction Type | 1 alphanumeric character. Enter one of the valid types or press RETURN to default to All types. The valid transaction types are: I = Issues R = Receipts T = Transfers |
6. Starting Date | A standard date format. Enter the starting date range for the transactions you want to print. Defaults to All dates. |
7. Ending Date | A standard date format. Enter the ending date of the range of transactions you want to print. Defaults to the starting date. |
On-Line Inventory Transaction Audit Trail Report
Select Inv Transaction Audit Trail Report from the pull down I/M Reports window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Batch Inventory Transaction Audit Trail Report Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Purge File | Y or N. Enter Y to purge the transactions or N to decline. Defaults to N. |
2. Starting Item | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting item for the range you want to print. Defaults to All items. |
3. Ending Item | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item for the range you want to print. Defaults to the starting item. |
4. Transaction Type | 1 alphanumeric character. Enter one of the valid types or press RETURN to default to All types. The valid transaction types are: I = Issues A = Adjustments R = Receipts T = Transfers C = Cost Adjustment L = Layer Adjustment B = Beginning Balance |
5. Starting Date | A standard date format. Enter the starting date range for the transactions you want to print. Entry is required unless the Set Transaction Audit File Beg. Balances application has been run. In that case the date defaults to the date defined in that application. |
6. Ending Date | A standard date format. Enter the ending date of the range of transactions you want to print. Defaults to the starting date. |
7. Location To Print | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the location for which the report will be printed. Defaults to All locations. |
8. Source | 2 alphanumeric characters Valid entries are: IM = Inventory Management CP = Customer Order Processing PO = Purchase Order & Receivings |