IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 6

IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 6

Manufacturing Data - Third Screen

This information will only be displayed if the I/M Setup manufacturing flag is set to Y.


Type and Description

70. Average Error

A standard quantity format.

This is the average deviation between the forecasted usage of the item and its actual usage. This figure is recalculated when the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run, and is then used to recalculate the new safety stock level.

Unless you have been keeping enough forecast data to enter this figure accurately, it is best to leave the field at zero.

71. Sum Of Errors

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This field is also used during the recalculation of reorder fields. It is equal to the sum of the deviations between the forecasted usage for the item and its actual usage. It is probably best not to make an entry for this figure and allow the computer to update the field when appropriate.

72. Master Sch Item ?

Y or N.

If you are using the Master Scheduling package, this field designates whether this item should be maintained in the master production schedule.

The default is to N.

73. End Item Code

1 alphanumeric character.

The value of this code is user‑defined with two exceptions.

F = Feature Item

K = Kit Item

Feature items may only be used if the BOMP package is installed. For more information on feature items, see the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance section of the BOMP manual.

End Item Code (continued)

If the item is a kit item, a K may be entered here. For more information on kit items, see the Kit File Maintenance section of this manual. Except for F and K, any character entered here will not be used by the package and may have any meaning the user desires.

The following are examples of possible uses:

E = End Item only

C = Component only

R = Replacement part (also used as a component).

B = Both end item or component.

Rollup Price?

Y or N.

This field will only be displayed if field #73 above contains a K for Kit Item. Enter Y to rollup a kit item's price from the prices of its components. Enter N to take the price of a kit item from the Price Code File Maintenance from field #16 Selling Price in Item File Maintenance.

Defaults to Y.

74. P And Ic Code

3 alphanumeric characters.

This code is used to group items for production and inventory control for management purposes.

75. Order Policy Code

1 alphanumeric character.

This field is used solely by the Material Requirements Planning [MRP] package to specify how you want to generate planned orders for the inventory item. The code designates the planning method to be used by Material Requirements Planning. It can have one of the following values:

L = Lot

P = Period Requirements

R = Reorder Point

Blank = Not Planned

Lot means that every time there is a requirement for the item, a planned order will be generated. For example, every time a customer order generates a requirement for the item, an MRP package will generate an order for that quantity of the item.

Order Policy Code (continued)

In the Period Requirements planning method, one planned order is created to cover all requirements within a period.

In the Reorder Point method, planned orders are created when the item's projected quantity on‑hand falls below its reorder point.

If this field is blank, MRP will not read this item during a regeneration.

76. MRP Time Fence Days

3 numeric digits (999).

This allows the planner to firmly set a short-term schedule for an item and prevent MRP from making recommendations for changes within the specified number of days from the date of the material plan regeneration. For more information, see the time fence section of the MRP manual.

77. Drawing Release No

6 alphanumeric characters.

This is the number which engineering assigned to the engi­neering drawing for the item.

78. Drawing Revision No

2 alphanumeric characters.

Each time a revision is made to the engineering drawing for the item, this field would be updated. A drawing is usually designated by a Drawing Number and a Drawing Revision Number.

79. Routing Release No

6 alphanumeric characters.

This is the routing number assigned by engineering to identify the routing for the item. This engineer routing might be very detailed, giving exact specifications for the tooling of every part, which goes to make up the item.

80. Routing Revision No

2 alphanumeric characters.

Each time the above routing is updated, this revision number would be updated.

81. Routing Number

5 alphanumeric characters.

This is the number of the routing for a Standard Product Routing File, which designates the primary routing of the item through the shop. This routing is not as detailed a routing as the engineering routing. It may show only which machines to which the item travels, with a brief description of the operation done at each machine.

82. Planning Period

3 numeric digits (999).

Refer to the above description of the Order Policy code. If the period requirements method of planning is used, this field designates the length (in days) of the planning periods.

83. Planning Lead Time

3 numeric digits (999).

This is the duration, in calendar days, between the ordering of the part, either from an outside vendor, or from the manufacturing facility and the actual receipt of the item into inventory. This field is used during any MRP requirements generation.

84. Planning Order Mult

4 numeric digits (9999).

Plan orders of the item in multiples of this. For example, there may only be a requirement for 25 gallons of liquid item, but you may order it in 50 gallon containers, so the item is ordered in multiples of 50 gallons.

Display Only Fields


Type and Description

Stock Status Code

1 alphanumeric character.

This is not an entered field.  It is updated when the Reordering Advice Report is printed to show that the item hit reorder level or out‑of‑stock status when the report was last printed.  The item will not then be printed on a subsequent Reordering Advice Report, until a receipts transaction for the item is processed.  The field will have one of three values, either 1) blank, meaning

Stock Status Code (continued)

that it has not appeared on a Reordering Advice Report since a quantity of the item was last received into stock, 2) R, meaning that the item had hit its reorder point when the report was last printed, or 3) O, meaning that the item was out‑of‑stock when the report was last printed.

Low Level Code

2 numeric digits (99).

This is not an entered field. It is updated by the Bill of Material Processor applications if that package is in use.

This field indicates the lowest level where this item appears in any Bill of Material.  For example, the item may appear at level 3 in one bill, and at level 4 in another.  In this case, the Low‑Level code would be 4.

Active Orders                

5 numeric digits (99999).

This is not an entered field.  It is updated by the Customer Order Processing applications if that package is in use.  This is the number of outstanding orders on which this item appears.  If this number is greater than zero, the item cannot be deleted.

MRP Multi‑Loc Qty Oh

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.

This is not an entered field.  It is used by MRP to sum the quantity on‑hand at those locations indicated by the MRP Setup as netting locations.


Numeric List



Type and Description

Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting item number for the range to print.

Press the F7 key to search by item number.  Press the F8 key to search by item description.

Defaults to All items.

Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending item number for the range to print 

Press the F7 key to search by item number.  Press the F8 key to search by item description.

Defaults to the starting item number.

Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting product category for the range to print.

Defaults to All product categories.

Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category for the range to print.

Defaults to the starting product category.

Print Base Item File Data ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to print the base item data from the first screen of the Item File.

Defaults to N.

Print Item Management Data ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to print the item management data from the second screen of the Item File.

Defaults to N.

Print Item Manufacturing Data?

Y or N.

Enter Y to print the item manufacturing data from the second screen of the Item File.

Defaults to N.

  Alpha List



Type and Description

Starting Desc

30 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the description of the starting item for the range to print.

Defaults to All items.

Ending Desc

30 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the description of the ending item for the range to print.

Defaults to the starting item.

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