IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 4

IM0101 Inventory Management Item File Maintenance 4

Entry Field Descriptions

Base Data - First Screen


Type and Description

1.      Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the item number, which will be used to identify the item.  This item number can contain alphanumeric characters, and/or numeric digits, depending on how you wish to utilize it.

Enter an item number of Default‑Item that can be used as a temporary default loading item.  If this item is a valid item on file, the system will prompt you to press a function key to default the rest of the fields of the new item being entered to those of the default item. Using this feature will substantially reduce initial item loading time for new items.  After the Item File has been loaded, the default item should be deleted.  

In change or delete mode, pressing the F7 key here will allow you to search by item number or pressing the F8 key here will allow you to search by item description.

2.      Description

Two lines of 30 alphanumeric characters each.

Enter the description of the item.

In many applications, the programs allow you to look up an item by way of entering some portion of its description, instead of the item number.  For this reason, you should enter the description with the most meaningful portion of the description first.  For example, it would be better to enter 50 gallons of white paint as paint, white, 50 gallons so that the operator could enter paint, white and have the program find every item whose description begins with those characters.  This will also cause similar items to print to­gether in the Alphabetical Inventory Item List.

3.      Prod Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the item's product category.  It is up to you to define the Product Category codes in Product Category File Maintenance application.

If the default item has been entered, press the F1 key to default the rest of the non‑entered fields of the item to those of the default item.

Prod Category  (continued)

If an entry is made here it will be validated against the Product Category File.

Press the F7 key to search for product category.

4.      User Def Code

2 alphanumeric characters.

You can utilize this code for any purpose you choose.  It is not used currently in any of the programs either in Inventory Management or in the other manufacturing packages.

5.      Def Or Mfg Loc

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the two‑character code, which designates the location where the item is manufactured, or the default stocking location.

In change mode, you will not be allowed to change this to a location, which is already on file for this item in the Inventory Location File.

Press the F7 key to search for location.

Defaults to location defined in I/M Setup.

6.      Activity Code

1 alphanumeric character.

This field can have one of these values:

A      =   Active

F      =   Forecasted

O      =   Obsolete

P      =   Planning

An active item is one currently in use, or being sold to customers.  A forecasted item is one, which is forecasted to be active in the near future.  An obsolete item is one, which is no longer a standard part, though there may still be a supply of the item on‑hand, which can be sold or used in manufacturing processes.  A planning item allows you to enter forecasted product lines for analysis purposes.  In the Inventory Management package, this is mainly an informational field, although it is used in other of the manufacturing packages.

The field defaults to A, or Active.

7.      Purch Or Mfg ?

1 alphanumeric character.

This field designates whether the item is purchased or manufactured.

P      =   Purchased

M      =   Manufactured

I       =   Spare Parts

An I entered here will only be used by Elliott's Operator 10 Maintenance Management software package.

The default is P, or Purchased.

8.      Stocked Flag

Y or N.

If an item is stocked, the user plans to keep it on the shelf, in ready‑to‑use form, either for sales to customers or for use in the manufacturing facility.

If an item is not stocked, it is never kept on the shelf, although its components may be stocked.  The item is manufactured or assembled to customer order, or when needed during the manufacturing process, and so is not kept on the shelf itself.

The default is Y.

9.      Controlled Flag

Y or N.

If an item is controlled, it is allocated when customer or shop orders are issued for it and deallocated when the order is shipped or the materials are issued to the shop.  This allocation and deallocation does not occur for a non‑controlled item.

The default is Y.

10.    Substitute Item

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the substitute item for the item. In Customer Order Processing, if substitute items are allowed then a function key can be pressed to use the substitute item.  If the substitute item is out of stock or not acceptable then the function key may be pressed again to use this item's substitute item.  Using this linked method, multiple substitute items may be looked up. 

Press the F7 key to search by item number, or the F8 key to search by item description.

11.    Stocking U Of M               

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the unit of measure when stocking the item.  Some examples of this might be each, gallon, case, etc.

Default is EA, or each.

12.    Purchased U Of M 

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the unit of measure in which the item is purchased from its vendor.  This may be different from the unit of measure in which you sell the item to your customers. This field defaults to the stocking unit of measure.

13.    Pur To Stk Ratio

7 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (9,999.999).

This is the ratio between the purchase unit of measure and the unit of measure you use for stocking the item.  For example, you may purchase the item by the case, and each case may contain 50 of the item.  But you may want to keep a record of how many units of the item are on‑hand, rather than how many cases are on‑hand.  In this case, the purchase to inventory ratio would be 50.  This field defaults to 1.000.

14.    Selling U Of M

2 alphanumeric characters.

This is the unit of measure when selling the item.  Some examples of this might be each, gallon, case, etc.  This field defaults to the stocking unit of measure.

15.    Sel To Stk Ratio

7 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (9,999.999).

This is the ratio between the stocking unit of measure and the selling unit of measure.  An example of this might be if the stocking UOM is each and the selling UOM is case then the sell to stock ratio would be 24 (assuming a case contains 24). This field defaults to 1.000.

16.    Selling Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999.9999‑).

This is the price charged for the item.  In the Customer Order Processing package, this price may be modified by price breaks, but this is the basic price of the item.

17.    Backorderable ?

Y or N.

This field designates whether or not the item can be backordered.

When a customer orders the item and there is none in inventory to fill the order, one of two conditions may be true.  Either 1) the item has been ordered and can be shipped to the customer when it arrives, or 2) no further supplies of the item on hold until the receipt of an additional supply is called backordering the item.  If more of the item can be ordered to meet an out of stock situation, the item is backorderable.  If no more can be obtained, the item is not backorderable.

If the default item has been entered, press the F1 key to default the rest of the non‑entered fields of the item to those of the default item.  The default answer to this question is Y.

18.    Taxable ?

Y or N.

Is the item taxable or not?  The default answer to this question is Y.

19.    Bin No/Pick Seq

8 alphanumeric characters.

This is the number of the warehouse bin where the item is stored.  When a list is prepared for the warehouse people to use in pulling items from stock, the list is printed in order by this picking sequence or Bin Location code.

20.    Qty On Hand

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This is the actual quantity of the item, which is currently in stock.

This quantity is increased by the recording of receivings transactions, and decreased by the filling of customer orders for the item or by issuing a quantity of the item to the company's manufacturing facility.

21.    Qty Allocated

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which has already been allocated to meet customer orders or to meet the projected needs of the manufacturing plant.  When the customer orders are actually shipped, or the plant requirements are satisfied by removing stock from inventory, this quantity decreases by the amount removed or shipped.

22.    Qty Backorder

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which has already been backordered to meet customer orders or to meet the projected needs of the manufacturing plant.  When the customer's backorder is actually filled, this quantity decreases by the amount filled.

23.    Qty On Order

A standard quantity format with optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which is currently on order.  This quantity is increased when purchase orders for the item are processed, and decreased when orders for the item are received into stock.

24.    Average Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

This is the average cost per unit of this item, which is currently in stock.  This is a moving average, which is recalculated whenever a new supply of the item is received.

25.    Last Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

This is the cost of the item the last time it was purchased.  This field is updated every time a new supply of the item is received into stock.

26.    Standard Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

This is the standard cost of the item. This field is not updated every time a new supply of the item is received into stock. This field must be updated manually by the user.

27.    Date Last Sold

A standard date format.

Defaults to the system date.  This is the last date that any of this item has been sold.

28.    Qty Last Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of this item sold on the last order.

29.    Ptd Qty Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which has been sold so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

30.    Ptd Sales Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).

This is the dollar amount of sales of this item so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

31.    Ptd Cost Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).

This is the dollar amount of the cost of the quantity of this item, which has been sold so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

32.    Ytd Qty Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which has been sold so far this period.  Refer to the above field, Qty Sold PTD.

33.    Ytd Sales Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).

This is the dollar amount of sales of this item so far this year.

34.    Ytd Cost Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99‑).

This is the dollar amount of the cost of the quantity of this item, which has been sold so far this year.

35.    Ytd Qty Ret'd

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.

This is the quantity of the item, which has been returned to stock this year.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

Several of the above fields cannot ordinarily be changed in change mode on Item File.  These fields are updated by the posting of transactions to the Inventory Item File either from the Inventory Management package or from one of the other manufacturing packages.

These fields are:

Qty On‑Hand            Qty Allocated

Qty Backordered       Average Cost

Price                        Usage PTD     

Usage YTD               Usage Last Year

Qty Sold PTD           Qty Sold YTD

Sales PTD                Sales YTD

Sales Last Year         Cost PTD

Cost YTD                 Qty Ret'd YTD

If there is really a need to change any of these fields due to some sort of posting error, press F6 when the Field Number ? question is displayed in change mode.  You will then be allowed to change these fields. This option is only valid if the Change Protected Fields question in I/M Setup is set to Y.

36.    Sales Last Yr

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).

This is the dollar amount of sales of this item last year.

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