Can I suggest an idea to add a time to start the Deferred Processing automatically? This is not 100% coverage, but if I know that the server is started every week at 10PM, I can schedule the start of the Deferred Processing accordingly. So on the Start in Ready mode, I would add a time.
As for your idea about creating an auto start Deferred Processing, the issue still gets back to whether Elliott can run as a service or not. If not, then someone must login as a user to host the Elliott session, which means it is not automated. If the Defer Processing is hosted on a client machine, then it seems that Deferred Processing needs the ability to reset the disconnected PSQL transaction engine session -- a capability that we don't have. Also, what if the client machine is rebooted (e.g., after a Windows services pack update)? So we still circle back to the same issue. The bottom line is if we want to solve this problem, then Deferred Processing needs to be a service. But for various reasons, that's not going to happen in the near future.