Q - In I/M -> Processing -> Serial/Lot Processing -> Processing -> Change Serial Lot History Record, you can use F5 key to modify the following fields:
A - The primary purpose of this function was developed to fix BATF bound book. To understand it, you should know that there are 4 keys in the IMLSHST (I/M Lot Serial History) table:
If you made changes in this screen, you can modify the following two columns in Alt-Key-3:
Trx-Date -> When you change Posted Date
Trx-Tme -> When you change Posted Time
Alt-Key-3 is the natural sequence for establishing requisition and disposition relationship, which is what BATF wants to see on the bound book. Under normal circumstances, your requisition date/time is before disposition date/time. But in some situations, you may mess up this natural sequence. As a result, the disposition date/time is before requisition date/time. When that happens, you can use this method to fix the post date/time so you can regen your BATF work file to establish the proper requisition and disposition relationship. What follows are more details about each field you can change in this window:
Even though your change to the Posted Date/Time will affect the Alt-Key-3, it will not affect the Primary Key value. Therefore, whatever value you change in this window will not impact how invoice history drills down to the Serial# window. But it does have an effect when you try to print the I/M Inventory Trx Audit Trail Report, which is based on the IMINVTRX table. If you choose to print Serial# detail and if the Post Date & Time is changed, then the system won’t be find the matching serial history record when print the Inventory Trx Audit Trail Report.