Version 8.6
Since Report Desk is a brand new feature of Elliott V8.5, you may encounter a problem with it. If you do, a Netcellent support representative may ask you to turn on the debugging of Report Desk so a log file can be written to your %temp% folder. You can then email the debug log file(s) to Netcellent for further analysis.
To turn on the debugging feature of Report Desk, you will use "Regedit" and go to the following path:
\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NETcellent\Elliott\8.0\Report Desk\Debug
See sample screen below:
Create a String "DebugLogLevel" with the value of either "Summary" or "Details." Then you will be ready to run Report Desk again. A new dubug log file is created for each running of Report Desk on your computer. Once you re-produce the error, browse to your %temp% folder. Bring up Windows Explorer and enter %temp% in the address line:
Then press Enter. You will see a screen like this:
In this example, a file with the name RDDebug-181211183503.log is created. If you open it, you can see data similar to the following:
----DEBUG: D----
12/11/2018 6:35 PM
Starting Report Desk
Starting Report Desk
Initializing components...
Checking Registry settings...
Company : 01
Verifying connections...
VerifyConnections 1:
VerifyConnections 2:
Possible Populations...
Getting Rights info...
Loading report data...
Ending _Load...
Email this debug file to Netcellent for further analysis.
You can turn off Report Desk debugging by going to registry and setting up the DebugLogLevel value to blank.