Release Date: 8/1/2017
Q - I am trying to run an inventory report by location as of 10/31/16. I know that the Stock Status is a live report generally, so I am not sure how I would do this. Is there a way?
A - Generally speaking, there are three possible solutions. Those are listed below from a less generic to a more generic solution. But the most generic solution is also the slowest one, so use your own discretion.
(1) Frozen Stock Status Report
You can run "Frozen Stock Status Report" by going to I/M -> Reports -> Frozen Stock Status Report. To use this report, you must have previously put a freeze the inventory by going to I/M -> Processing -> Freeze Inventory. Typically, you can freeze inventory before a physical count, at month end or year end. If your last freeze was done on 10/31/16, then this will work for you.
(2) Snapshot Stock Status Report
You can run a "Snapshot Stock Status Report" by going to I/M -> Reports -> Stock Status Report -> Snapshot Stock Status. To use this report, you must have previously run I/M -> Reports -> Stock Status Report -> Stock Status by Item/Product Category, and answered the "7. Print In Category Order" as "N" and "14. Create Inventory Snapshot" with a "Y." See sample screen below:
Unlike the "Frozen Stock Status Report," you can keep as many snapshots as you like. Typically, it is beneficial to have Snapshot Stock Status Report at month end or year end. You can automate the creation of Stock Status Report by using the Defer Processing function so that it re-occurs at month end.
Keep in mind that the snapshot only captures the items and locations of what's printed on the particular Stock Status Report. Therefore, it is less useful to capture a snapshot of a limited range of items or locations. To make sure all items and locations are included, you should choose "All" the range in fields 1- 6. You can print a sub range of Snapshot Report from a full range captured on a snapshot, but not vice versa. Please see the following Knowledge Base article for more details:
(3) Inventory Aging Report
if you did not perform "Freeze Inventory" or "Create Inventory Snapshot," then your only solution is to run an "Inventory Aging Report." The Inventory Aging Report was originally designed for "aging" purposes to help you to identify slow moving inventory. As a side benefit, it can also be used as an Inventory Stock Status Report.
Keep in mind that the Inventory Aging Report is based on the I/M Inventory Transaction Audit Trail, which is typically a large database, and the Inventory Aging Report tends to run slower than the previous two solutions. This is especially true if you try to run the Inventory Aging Report for a certain date in the past. But on the other hand, it is a very generic solution. You can get inventory as of any given date in the past as long as you did not purge the Inventory Transaction Audit Tail beyond the point of the date you want the report for. For this reason, we recommend you to keep at least 3 years worth of Inventory Transaction Audit Trails when you choose to purge.
You can run the "Inventory Aging Report" by going to I/M -> Reports -> Inventory Aging Report. See sample screen below:
At first field, "1. Use What Qty", enter "S"=Specific Date Qty. Keep in mind that this option will run a lot slower than using the default "C"=Current Qty.
Then, at the "Date Used" field, enter the date you want.
At field "13. Printing Sequence," you can specify the following options:
I = Item
C = Category
M = Material Type
B = Buyer
L = Location
The Print Inventory Aging by Location sequence can be potentially problematic. See the following Knowledge Base article on this matter: