Release Date: 03/29/2024
Version: 8.6 & Up
Q - During installation of Elliott 8.6, I run into the following error message:
Error 1306: Another application has excusive access to
the file C:\Company\Elliott7\SYRDTYPB.BTR. Please
shut down all other applications, then click Retry.
See sample screen below:
Retry won't work so I have to choose the "Cancel" option to end the installation.
I understand this is due to some of the Report Desk or PowerSearch files experiencing an open conflict in the Elliott root directory. But all Elliott users are logged out. This file is still open by the PSQL engine. See PSQL Monitor sample screen below:
I know I can restart the PSQL engine to close this file. However, we have website activities on 24x7 basis. Is there a way for me not to restart the PSQL engine and complete the installation?
A - You can use BUTIL -STARTBU and -ENDBU to allow the installation to override this file. Here are the details:
1. On the PSQL server, bring up a command prompt and go to the local path where Elliott is installed. In this case, it is C:\COMPANY\ELLIOTT7.
2. Bring up a command prompt. In this example, use
3. The above procedure puts this file into backup mode which will allow the installation utility to override.
4. Proceed with Elliott Installation again.
5. If you run into a similar error with different files, repeat steps 2 - 4.
6. Once Elliott is successfully installed, it may prompts you to restart the server. Ignore it by answering "No." See sample screen below:
7. Go back to your command prompt and end the file backup mode by using the following command:
8. Repeat step 7 for all files where you did the BUTIL -STARTBU.