How to Get a List of Items That Does Not Have GTIN Code Defined

How to Get a List of Items That Does Not Have GTIN Code Defined

Release Date: 04/27/2018

Q - How do I get a list of items that does not have the GTIN code defined?

A - You can do so by using PSQL relational engine.  If you have an application that can access the Elliott database through SQL statement, then you can use that application. Otherwise, you can use the PSQL Control Center provided as part of the PSQL client.

First, the table name for GTIN is IMGTINFI.  You can get a list of items that has GTIN defined with the following SQL statement:

    select DISTINCT gtin_item_no from IMGTINFI

But since each item can have multiple GTIN codes, you should suppress the duplication item number by using the following SQL statement:

    select DISTINCT gtin_item_no from IMGTINFI

The Item table is IMITMFIL.  To get a list of items that do not have GTIN codes, you can use a sub-query statement technique like the following:

     (select DISTINCT gtin_item_no from IMGTINFI);


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