A - Depending on your intention, there could be multiple solutions:
Based on your description, you can set up non-stock items as a solution. "Non-stock item" means it is a non-inventory item that is not kept on the shelf, so the Quantity On Hand is always zero. Even though a non-stock item will not have a Quantity On Hand, the system will still update to the I/M Distribution File (IMDISFIL). See the sample screen below to see how a non-stock item is set up:
If a non-stock item will not work for you, then you can consider using a "Phantom" invoice to resolve the issue. Go to Global Setup -> Cop-Func -> Order Header Screen, and answer "Y" to the following flag:
1. Use Phantom Invoices?
Then the following window will show up, asking you to further define "phantom":
If I understand you correctly, you will answer "Y" to everything except "Update I/M Item & Inv Location Files ?" See below:
Update A/R Open Item File ? Y
Update A/R Distribution File ? Y
Update A/R Customer File ? Y
Update A/R Commission Due File ? Y
Update A/R Salesman File ? Y
Update A/R Tax Files ? Y
Update I/M Distribution File ? Y
Update I/M Item & Inv Location Files ? N
Update COP Sales History Trx File ? Y
Update COP Invoice History Files ? Y
Update Job History File ? Y
Update COP Inv. Lot History File ? Y
Update I/M Serial/Lot Trx File ? Y
Then, during order entry, you will see the flag "Phantom." If you answer "Y," then that phantom order or invoice will post according to the Global Setup. See sample screen below :
Keep in mind that the definition of "Phantom" may be different based on your Global Setup. In the past, we have seen our users use "Phantom" invoices for the following scenarios: